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„ commercial possibilities of aardlapalu landfill gasses ”. OÜ Mõnus Minek. Table of contents. Terms Introduction Purpose of the study Methods Results Summary and recommendations. Terms.
„commercialpossibilitiesof aardlapalu landfillgasses” OÜ Mõnus Minek www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Table of contents www.balticbiogasbus.eu Terms Introduction Purpose of the study Methods Results Summary and recommendations
Terms • Biogas– gaseousfuel, derivedfromanaerobicfermentation, consists 50-70 percentofmethane (CH4), 30-40 percentofcarbondioxide (CO2) and othercomponents (N2, O2, NH4, H2S). • Biomethane – technicallypurifiedbiogas, comprisesmorethan97percentofmethane (CH4) www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Introduction • Thecurrentreport “Commercialpossibilitiesof Aardlapalu landfillgasses” hasbeencreatedwithinthe Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 project Baltic BiogasBus. Thereportincludesdifferentalternativescenariosforthecommercialusagepossibilitiesof Aardlapalu landfillgasses. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Purposesofthestudy 1) To obtain information about the possibilities of using Aardlapalu landfill gasses for motor fuel. 2) To determine the production cost of motor-fuel-fit biogas (cost price of 1m3 and 1 kg of product) 3) To seek alternative commercial usage possibilities of biogas 4) To evaluate the economical feasibility of different commercial usage possibilities of landfill gasses. 5) To study the technological solutions and costs for commercial usage of landfill gas (including transport of biogas to the city of Tartu). www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Priceinquiries sent toenterprises • 1. Biomethaneinputto(and constructionof) thegaspipelinefrom Aardlapalu landfilltothenearestnaturalgasgridconjunctionpointof Eesti Gaas AS (5 km away). • 2. Theconstruction and installationofbiomethanepipelinefrom Aardlapalu landfillupto Tartu Veevärk AS (Tähe 118) region, includingthebuildingof CNG station and theadditionofcompressors. • 3. The transport ofbiomethanewith CNG cylindersfrom Aardlapalu landfillto Tartu Veevärk AS (Tähe 118), and the transport ofbiomethanewith CNG cylinderstothenearestexitpointof Eesti Gaas AS naturalgasgrid (5 km). • 4. Thecostofequipment, neededtopurifythelandfillgastoconsistof 97-98 percentofmethane (prerequisiteofthegridmanager) • 5. Theconstructioncostofthe CNG fuellingstation and compressorsneartheregionof Tartu Veevärk AS (Tähe 118). • 6. Whatistheestimatedbuying-inpriceforbiomethane (appropriatebythenaturalgasstandards) tobechannelledintothe EG naturalgasgridwithinthenext 10 years, and on whichinputconditions? www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Methodsofthestudy • Table 1. List ofincorporatedenterprisesoftheEstonianGasAssociation, towhomthepriceinquirieswere sent • 1..6 – list ofinquiriescreatedbytheauthorsofthestudy • x – forwardedinquiry www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Moreinquirieswere sent to: • Gaasienergia AS (all thesame 6 inquiries) • AS Magma: • Theconstructionofbiomethanepipelinefrom Aardlapalu landfilluptothenearestexitpointof Eesti Gaas AS naturalgasgrid • Theconstructionoflandfillgaspipelineintotheareaof Tähe Street 135, Tartu. • 3. AS Filter ja CHP Solutions Sales (heat & powerproductionplant) • 4. Metener Oy (thiscompanyalsohadanofferforthe transport ofpurifiedlandfillgasby CNG cylinders and anofferfortheequipmentof CNG station) and Xebec Adsorption Inc (purificationoflandfillgasregardingbothcompanies) • 5. Kompressorikeskus OÜ, Swagelok/Helsinki Valve & Fitting Oy, Kaeser Kompressorid and Alas-Kuul AS (theprovisionofworkingpressureoflandfillgas) www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Theofferswerereceivedfromthefollowingenterprises: Regardingtheinquiries, sent to 15 (13+2) companies, relatedtothecostsoftheconstructionofthegaspipeline, transport and additionalequipment, only AS EG Võrguteenus repliedintimewhichhadbeenagreed on, beforehand. TheofferscomprisingthecostoflandfillgaspurificationtechnologyequipmentwerereceivedbyMetenerOy and XebecAdsorption Inc. MetenerOyalso made anofferaboutthecostofthepurifiedlandfillgas transport with CNG cylinders and theequipmentof CNG fuellingstation. Theoffersforthecostoftheheat and powerproductionplant, made by AS Filter and CHP SolutionsSales, arrivedalso on time. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Resultsaccordingtoscenarios Scenarios: I – Theusageof Aardlapalu landfillgasasmotorfuel II – Directingthepurifiedlandfillgasintothenaturalgasgrid III – Differentpossibilitiesforthecommercialusageof Aardlapalu landfillgas and economicfeasibility www.balticbiogasbus.eu
I - The usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas as motor fuel 1.1. Thelandfillgasispurifiedin Aardlapalu, transportedthroughpipelineto Tartu cityalongwithfuellingequipment and soldasmotorfuel at thegasstationfor 6,10 (withoutvalueaddedtax) EEK/m3 EXPENSES *Purificationupto 95-98 percentconsistencyofmethanegas (washingwithwater): 4 075 939 EEK *Constructionofgasutilityline (3-6 bar) totheregionof Tähe Street 135: 9 000 000 EEK *Fuellingdevice: 1 126 555 EEK *Compressionstation:1 500 000 EEK *30 litresofwatercostper 1 m3 purifiedlandfillgas 0,75 EEK/m3 *thecostofelectricityper m3 ofpurifiedlandfillgas 0,47 EEK/m3 *Labourcosts 450 000 EEK/year, dividedby 39 years 0,86 EEK/m3 Thecostof 1 Nm3 (normalcubicmetre) ofpurifiedlandfillgas (i.e. Biomethane) dividedby 39 yearsis 2,83 EEK/m3 or 4,10 EEK/kg PROFITABILITY Startingfrom 7th year www.balticbiogasbus.eu
I - The usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas as motor fuel 1.2. Thelandfillgasispurifiedin Aardlapalu, transportedthroughpipelineto Tartu cityalongwithfuellingequipment and soldasmotorfuel at thegasstationfor 6,10 (withoutvalueaddedtax) EEK/m3 withtwo-foldreplacementofthedevices EXPENSES *Purificationupto 95-98 percentconsistencyofmethanegas (washingwithwater): 4 075 939 EEK *Constructionofgasutilityline (3-6 bar) totheregionof Tähe Street 135: 9 000 000 EEK *Fuellingdevice: 1 126 555 EEK *Compressionstation:1 500 000 EEK Thecostof 1 Nm3 (normalcubicmetre) ofpurifiedlandfillgas (i.e. Biomethane) dividedby 39 yearsis 3,33 EEK/m3 or 4,83 EEK/kg PROFITABILITY Startingfrom 7th year www.balticbiogasbus.eu
I - The usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas as motor fuel 1.3. Landfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedvia CNG cylindersto Tartu city and soldasmotorfuel at thegasstationfor 6,10 EEK/m3 (withoutvalueaddedtax). EXPENSES *Purificationoflandfillgasupto 95-98 percentmethanecontent (washingwithwater): 4 075 939 EEK *Transport trailersof CNG cylinders: 5 163 378 EEK *Fuellingdevice: 1 126 555 EEK *thecostof 30 litersofwaterper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas, consideringthat 1 Nm3 oflandfillgasispurifiedtomeettheneedsofnaturalgas: 0,75 EEK/m3 *thecostof 0,5 kWh electricityper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas: 0,47 EEK/m3 *Labourexpenses 450 000 peryear, whichmakes 0,86 EEK/m3 (whendividedby 39 years) *Transport costsper 39 yearsis 0,13 EEK/m3 forbiomethane and thesemi-trailerisleased. *Thecostof 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgasper 39 yearswhentransportedwith CNG cylindersis 2,71 EEK/m3 and 3,92 EEK/kg PROFITABILITY *Sincethe 4th year www.balticbiogasbus.eu
I - The usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas as motor fuel • 1.4. Landfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedvia CNG cylindersto Tartu city and soldasmotorfuel at thegasstationfor 6,10 EEK/m3 (withoutvalueaddedtax). Theequipmentisreplaced 2 times • EXPENSES • *Purificationoflandfillgasupto 95-98 percentmethanecontent (washingwithwater): • 4 075 939 EEK • *Transport trailersof CNG cylinders: 5 163 378 EEK • *Fuellingdevice: 1 126 555 EEK • *Thecostof 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgasper 39 yearswhentransportedwith CNG cylinders and withthereplacementofequipmenttwotimesis 3,20 EEK/m3 and 4,64 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • Startingfromthe 4th year. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
I - The usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas as motor fuel • 1.5. Thelandfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedto Tartu City with CNG cylinders and sold at thegasstationasmotorfuelfor 6,10 EEK/m3 (withoutvalueaddedtax), at themaximumexpenseof 4,69 EEK/m3 per 1Nm3 oflandfillgas • EXPENSES • *Purificationoflandfillgasupto 95-98 percentmethanecontent (washingwithwater): • 4 075 939 EEK • *Transport trailersof CNG cylinders: 5 163 378 EEK • *Fuellingdevice: 1 126 555 EEK • Thecostof 1 Nm3 ofpurifiedlandfillgasper 39 years (at themaximumexpenseof 1 Nm3 landfillgaspurification 4,69 EEK) is 5,19 EEK/m3 and 7,52 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • No profitability, exceptforthecase, whenthemaximumexpencefor 1 Nm3 ofbiomethaneisconsidered (on whichcase, theventureisprofitablestartingfromtheyear 14) www.balticbiogasbus.eu
II – Directing the purified landfill gas into the natural gas grid • 2.1. Landfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedtothe Roiu c-categorynaturalgasgrid, withthesellingprice 6,10 EEK/m3 • EXPENSES • *Purificationoflandfillgasuptothemethanecontent 98 percent (washingwithwater): 4 075 939 EEK • *Theconstructionofgasutilityline and connectingwiththenaturalgasgrid: 4 300 000 EEK • *Compressionstation: 1 100 000 EEK • thecostof 30 litersofwaterper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas, consideringthat 1 Nm3 oflandfillgasispurifiedtomeettheneedsofnaturalgas: 0,75 EEK/m3 • thecostof 0,5 kWh electricityper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas: 0,47 EEK/m3 • *Labourexpenses 450 000 peryear, whichmakes 0,86 EEK/m3 (whendividedby 39 years) • * Thecostof 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgaswithintroductiontothenaturalgasgriddividedby 39 years, is 2,53 EEK/m3 and 3,67 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • Startingfromthe 3rd year www.balticbiogasbus.eu
II - Directing the purified landfill gas into the natural gas grid • 2.1.1 Thelandfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedto Roiu c-categorynaturalgasgrid (withthenetwork fee 0,8 EEK/m3, establishedbythenaturalgasutilitylinemanager ), sellingprice 6,10 EEK/m3 • EXPENSES • Purificationofthelandfillgasuptomethanecontent 98 percent (waterwashing): 4 075 939 EEK • Constructionofthegasutilityline and connectingwiththenaturalgasgrid: 4 300 000 EEK • *Compressionstation: 1 100 000 EEK • *thecostof 30 litersofwaterper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas, consideringthat 1 Nm3 oflandfillgasispurifiedtomeettheneedsofnaturalgas: 0,75 EEK/m3 • *thecostof 0,5 kWh electricityper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas: 0,47 EEK/m3 • * Labourexpenses 450 000 peryear, whichmakes 0,86 EEK/m3 (whendividedby 39 years) • *Network fee ofthenaturalgasutilityline – 0,8 EEK/m3 • Thecostof 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgaswithintroductiontothenaturalgasgriddividedby 39 years, is 3,33 EEK/m3 and 4,83 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • Startingfromthe 5th year www.balticbiogasbus.eu
II - Directing the purified landfill gas into the natural gas grid • 2.2. Thelandfillgasispurified at Aardlapalu, transportedviapipelinetothe Roiu c-categorynaturalgasgrid, withthesellingprice 3,4 EEK/m3 • EXPENSES • *Purificationofthelandfillgasuptomethanecontent 98 percent (waterwashing): 4 075 939 EEK • Constructionofthegasutilityline and connectingwiththenaturalgasgrid: 4 300 000 EEK • *Compressionstation: 1 100 000 EEK • *thecostof 30 litersofwaterper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas, consideringthat 1 Nm3 of *landfillgasispurifiedtomeettheneedsofnaturalgas: 0,75 EEK/m3 • *thecostof 0,5 kWh electricityper 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgas: 0,47 EEK/m3 • * Labourexpenses 450 000 peryear, whichmakes 0,86 EEK/m3 (whendividedby 39 years) • Thecostof 1 Nm3 purifiedlandfillgaswithintroductiontothenaturalgasgriddividedby 39 years, is 2,53 EEK/m3 and 3,67 EEK/kg • FEASIBILITY • No profitability, becausethecosts are biggerthanincomethroughoutthewholeperiod. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility 3.1. Heat and powerproducedin Tartu from Aardlapalu landfillgas, whichheat and power are soldtothepower and heatnetworks (accordingtothe AS Filter offer) EXPENSES *Heat and powerproductionplant AS GE JENBACHER gasengine JMS 208: 5 976 000 EEK *PE gasutilitylinetotheregionof Tähe Street 135: 9 000 000 EEK *Kompressorjaam: 1 500 000 EEK *Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplant 5 976 000 every 8 years), whichcomesdownto 2,0 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. Thecostof 1 Nm3 unpurifiedlandfillgasdividedby 39 years2,79 EEK/m3 ja 2,13 EEK/kg FEASIBILITY Startingfromthe 5th year REVENUE: *duringtheperiodof 39 years, incomefromelectricity sale 39 195 621 EEK, heat sale 20 904 331 EEK www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility 3.2 Electricity and heatisproducedfrom Aardlapalu landfillgas (on thesite), butonlyelectricitycanbesoldtothenetwork (accordingtotheofferof AS Filter) EXPENSES *Heat and powerproductionplant AS GE JENBACHER gasengine JMS 208: 5 976 000 EEK *Compressionstation: 300 000 EEK *Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplant 5 976 000 every 8 years), whichcomesdownto 2,0 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. Thecostof 1Nm3 ofunpurifiedlandfillgas, dividedby 39 yearsis2,30 EEK/m3and 1,76 EEK/kg FEASIBILITY Startingfromthe 3rd year REVENUE: *39 195 621 EEK resultingfrom 39 yearsofelectricity sale www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility • 3.3.Electricity and heatisproducedin Tartu from Aardlapalu landfillgas and onlyelectricityissoldtothenetwork (accordingtotheoffer made by AS Filter) • EXPENSES • *Heat and powerproductionplant AS GE JENBACHER gasengine JMS 208: 5 976 000 EEK • Theconstructionof PE gasutilitylinenearthe Tähe Street 135 region: 9 000 000 EEK • Compressionstation: 1 500 000 EEK • Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplantevery 8 years 5 976 000), whichcomesdownto 2,0 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. • Thecostof 1Nm3 unpurifiedlandfillgasdividedby 39 yearsis2,79 EEK/m3 and 2,13 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • No profitability, becausethecostssurpasstheincomeduring all period. • REVENUE: • *39 195 621 EEK incomefrom 39 yearsofelectricity sale. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility • 3.4.Heat and electricityisproducedfrom Aardlapalu landfillgasin Tartu, whichissoldtopower and heatnetworks (accordingtothe AS Baltic MarineGroupoffer) • EXPENSES • Heat and powerproductionplant GC 192 G5: 5 714 138, 32 EEK • PE gasutilitylineconstructionnearthe Tähe Street 135 area: 9 000 000 EEK • Compressionstation: 1 500 000 EEK • Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplantevery 8 years 5 714 138,32 EEK), whichcomesdownto 1,95 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. • Thecostof 1 Nm3 unpurifiedlandfillgasdividedby 39 yearsis 2,73 EEK/m3 and 2,08 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • Startingfromthe 5th year. • REVENUE • *during 39 years, incomefromelectricity sale 39 195 621 EEK and fromheat sale 20 904 331 EEK www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility • 3.5.Electricity and heatisproducedfrom Aardlapalu landfillgas (at Aardlapalu), butonlyelectricitycanbesoldtothenetwork (accordingtotheofferof AS Baltic MarineGroup) • EXPENSES • *Heat and powerproductionplant GC 192 G5: 5 714 138, 32 EEK • Compressionstation: 300 000 EEK • Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplantevery 8 years 5 714 138,32 EEK), whichcomesdownto 1,95 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. • *Thecostofunpurified 1Nm3 landfillgasdividedby 39 yearsis 2,24 EEK/m3 and 1,71 EEK/kg • REVENUE • Startingfromthe 3rd year • INCOME: • * Duringthe 39 yearsofsellingelectricity 39 195 621 EEK. www.balticbiogasbus.eu
III – Different possibilities for the commercial usage of Aardlapalu landfill gas and economic feasibility • 3.6. Heat and electricityisproducedfromthelandfillgasof Aardlapalu in Tartu, and onlytheelectricityismanagedtobesoldtothenetwork (accordingtotheofferof AS Baltic MarineGroup) • EXPENSES • *Heat and powerproductionplant GC 192 G5: 5 714 138, 32 EEK • Theconstructionof PE gasutilitylineneartheareaof Tähe Street 135: 9 000 000 EEK • Compressionstation: 1 500 000 EEK • *Labour and runningcosts 450 000 EEK peryear (additionally, thecostof a newheat and powerplantevery 8 years 5 714 138,32 EEK), whichcomesdownto 1,95 EEK per m3, whendividedby 39 years. • *Thecostofunpurified 1Nm3 landfillgasdividedby 39 yearsis 2,73 EEK/m3 and 2,08 EEK/kg • PROFITABILITY • No profitability, becausecostssurpasstheincomethroughouttheperiodofconcern. • INCOME: • *39 yearsofelectricity sale – 39 195 621 EEK www.balticbiogasbus.eu
Summary and recommendations • Thereis a need forclarificationofthelandfillgasamounttobeproducedin Aardlapalu landfilland/orfortheharmonisationofthedifferentestimationmethods. • Toobtainthecalculatedamountsoflandfillgas, requirestheconstructionof a modern purificationsystem. • All costs are withoutpossiblereparationstotheprivatelandowners. • Inthefuture, itshouldbeconsidered, whetheritwouldbeusefultoattachthebiogasproductionsystemtothe Tartu Veevärk sewagemudfermentationsystem. • Commercially, themostfeasibleventurewouldbetheheat and powerproductionplantscenario, wheretheelectricitywouldbesoldtothenetworkand heatwouldbelost. Theleastprofitableenterpriseistousebiogasasmotorfuel. • Asanalternative, theconstructionof a gasstationnear Aardlapalu landfillshouldbeconsidered. • Usingbiogasasmotorfuelshouldbeconsideredbecauseofsocial (publichealth), environmental and ofimagologicalbenefitsforthecity. www.balticbiogasbus.eu