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Enterprise-wide Social Media Strategy with two Fortune 500 case studies and Edelman Social Business Methodology.
Deep Dive Into Operationalizing Social Media OPERATIONALIZING SOCIAL MEDIACASE STUDIES & METHODOLOGYZena WeistVice President, Strategy | Edelman Digital | @zenaweist #explore
EMBARQ CASE STUDY WITHOUT A SOCIAL MEDIA CHAMPION Servicing 3.5M HHs across 18 states • Home Phone, Local and Long Distance • High-Speed Internet • Satellite TV from DISH Network • Home Computer & Technical Support3 EMBARQ CASE STUDY WITHOUT A SOCIAL MEDIA CHAMPION Servicing 3.5M HHs across 18 states • Home Phone, Local and Long Distance • High-Speed Internet • Satellite TV from DISH Network • Home Computer & Technical Support3
LISTENINGIn the beginning… Google Alerts (Yahoo) Google Blog searches BlogPulse DSLReports.com TechnoratiAdded… Collective Intellect All of the above AddictomaticLanded on… Radian6 All of the above LISTENINGIn the beginning… Google Alerts (Yahoo) Google Blog searches BlogPulse DSLReports.com TechnoratiAdded… Collective Intellect All of the above AddictomaticLanded on… Radian6 All of the above
SOCIAL MEDIA ROADMAP Corporate Social Media Mission: Develop, implement and cultivate social media strategies with an evolving tool kit to enhance communications and brand perceptions among employees, customers, prospects, shareholders and the media – aka: “stakeholders”. November 17, 20075 SOCIAL MEDIA ROADMAP Corporate Social Media Mission: Develop, implement and cultivate social media strategies with an evolving tool kit to enhance communications and brand perceptions among employees, customers, prospects, shareholders and the media – aka: “stakeholders”. November 17, 20075
Delivering on our Practical Ingenuity brand promise, we will leverage social media with the following strategic pillars:1) EDUCATE: Train to create breadth and depth in our employee base to give them the tools and opportunity to actively engage in social and emerging media.2) SEEK & CULTIVATE: New employee talent and corporate resources to better position EQ as a “thought-leader” in this emerging space while tapping external influencers.3) INTEGRATE: Listen to and become part of conversations that are media agnostic and evergreen; ensure all marketing and communication strategies are interwoven to create consistent messaging.4) RESEARCH: Invest in socmed-specific research to identify emerging trends, shifting EQ from followers to leaders; monitor brand perceptions to identify opportunities and gaps.5) MEASURE: Use media appropriate metrics to evaluate performance against best-in-class examples.6) INNOVATE & EXPERIENTAL: Utilize the socmed opportunity to evolve the brand into one that is dynamic, interactive and relevant; leverage opportunities via conversations to position the brand for future growth. 66 Delivering on our Practical Ingenuity brand promise, we will leverage social media with the following strategic pillars:1) EDUCATE: Train to create breadth and depth in our employee base to give them the tools and opportunity to actively engage in social and emerging media.2) SEEK & CULTIVATE: New employee talent and corporate resources to better position EQ as a “thought-leader” in this emerging space while tapping external influencers.3) INTEGRATE: Listen to and become part of conversations that are media agnostic and evergreen; ensure all marketing and communication strategies are interwoven to create consistent messaging.4) RESEARCH: Invest in socmed-specific research to identify emerging trends, shifting EQ from followers to leaders; monitor brand perceptions to identify opportunities and gaps.5) MEASURE: Use media appropriate metrics to evaluate performance against best-in-class examples.6) INNOVATE & EXPERIENTAL: Utilize the socmed opportunity to evolve the brand into one that is dynamic, interactive and relevant; leverage opportunities via conversations to position the brand for future growth. 66
TYING SOCIAL INTO BUSINESS METRICS Still Have Customers Who Won’t Recommend Embarq Engaging in online 4Q07 conversations to Executives and employees increasingly concerned with negative Customer posts and no Embarq response. improve: Passion for Customer care drives initiative to ignite with a grass-roots Customer care effort: – Update/publish the Online Communication policy Customer Experience, – Pool resources from front-line to get in on ground floor to develop a sustainable, no-cost process. Brand Perception & • Discovery • Assessment Employee Morale • Recommendations • Implementation Integrate Strategy redefined to focus on a Customer care concern. Customers Likely to Recommend Customers Definitely Recommend 1Q08 2-3Q087 TYING SOCIAL INTO BUSINESS METRICS Still Have Customers Who Won’t Recommend Embarq Engaging in online 4Q07 conversations to Executives and employees increasingly concerned with negative Customer posts and no Embarq response. improve: Passion for Customer care drives initiative to ignite with a grass-roots Customer care effort: – Update/publish the Online Communication policy Customer Experience, – Pool resources from front-line to get in on ground floor to develop a sustainable, no-cost process. Brand Perception & • Discovery • Assessment Employee Morale • Recommendations • Implementation Integrate Strategy redefined to focus on a Customer care concern. Customers Likely to Recommend Customers Definitely Recommend 1Q08 2-3Q087
BRAND MARKETING OBJECTIVES 1. Build brand awareness 2. Create a presence in an online community where customers & prospects are already engaged • Go where our target is - bring our brand to them • Promote customer and prospect engagement and interactivity • Expand positive sentiment built through online customer outreach8 BRAND MARKETING OBJECTIVES 1. Build brand awareness 2. Create a presence in an online community where customers & prospects are already engaged • Go where our target is - bring our brand to them • Promote customer and prospect engagement and interactivity • Expand positive sentiment built through online customer outreach8
TECHNOLOGY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE PROMPT ACTION 67% Have taken action as result of seeing technology or electronics-related content on YouTube. 47% Gathered more information about a product or service 34% Considered buying a technology product or service 27% Thought more favorably toward a product, brand or service 21% Told someone about a product or service 1) Remember patience: Over 25 internal 13% Bought a technology or electronics-related presentations on what, why, who, how and “from-tos” product or service to get to final GO! 2) Third party stats - CEO said this was the “money 2008 YouTube Engagement Study Base: Past 6 Month YouTube Visitors Who Watch Technology or Electronics-Related Videos. slide” Q: Which of these actions, if any, have you taken as a result of seeing a video about technology or electronics content (e.g., videos, user comments or reviews) on YouTube?9 TECHNOLOGY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE PROMPT ACTION 67% Have taken action as result of seeing technology or electronics-related content on YouTube. 47% Gathered more information about a product or service 34% Considered buying a technology product or service 27% Thought more favorably toward a product, brand or service 21% Told someone about a product or service 1) Remember patience: Over 25 internal 13% Bought a technology or electronics-related presentations on what, why, who, how and “from-tos” product or service to get to final GO! 2) Third party stats - CEO said this was the “money 2008 YouTube Engagement Study Base: Past 6 Month YouTube Visitors Who Watch Technology or Electronics-Related Videos. slide” Q: Which of these actions, if any, have you taken as a result of seeing a video about technology or electronics content (e.g., videos, user comments or reviews) on YouTube?9
. OBJECTIVES SYNC WITH BRAND PROMISE Social Media Channel Objectives Contest Objectives – Build brand awareness through engagement – Drive traffic to the channel – Increase EMBARQ core services awareness – Engage customers and prospects with the brand – Leverage and support EQ online initiatives – Build EQ HSI awareness and preference10
. COMMITMENT TO ENGAGEMENT WITH CONTENT STRATEGY Program Spike | Constant Contact“This is not a campaign, this • Short-term: Contest (HSI focus)initiative is a strong extension of • Long-term: How-to Videosour brand promise – practicalingenuity. It’s a practical • Top 10 Customer Service issues (Call Centers, Online Listening)communication’s vehicle helpingus build relationships, continue • Continue to listen, interact,conversations, and form deeper resolveties in an innovative format.”
. EIGHT WEEK BRAND METRICS – OVERALL WEB AdIndex Score: Normative Benchmarking of Brand Metric Deltas* Below Average Average Above Average Excellent Avg DeltaAided Brand Awareness 4.1 20.0 Online Ad Awareness 4.5 11.8 Message Association 3.1 0.8 Brand Favorability 7.4 2.3Sign-Up/Switch Intent^ 4.6 0.6 Recommend Intent^ 7.4 0.6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentile Ranking of Delta () ^ NOTE: Metrics benchmarked against Purchase Intent norms * MarketNorms Q3/08 (Category: Telecommunications - Other, Last 3 years Baseline Unadjusted, N=43 campaigns)12
. EIGHT WEEK METRICS - CHANNELChannel – Total video views: >500,000 – Subscribers: 648 – Comments: 148 – Orders: ~3000Contest – Contest Videos Submitted: 281 – Votes: 15,500 – Contest: 4200 hrs spent with brand – More video contest submissions than Kmart national campaign (w/ a higher media spend)How-to Videos – Hours spent with brand ~11,900hrs – Average rating 3.87 stars – HSI reduction in call volume/time
. WITHOUT A CHAMPION SHORT LIST • Patience, Proactive, Parallel • What’s It is For Me? • Test & Learn • Create A Champion14 14
. H&R BLOCKWITH A CHAMPION Prepare 1 in 7 US Tax Returns • Prepared more than 24 million tax returns worldwide in 2010 • 11,000 Offices – within 5 miles of most Americans • Over 100,000 Employees • Have prepared more than 50 million digital tax returns since ‘94
. REVOLVING HUB & SPOKE MODEL CS Legal HR Product IT Social Media Team Field R&D Com Marketing
. CUSTOMER SERVICE, CONTENT & 100,000 ADVOCATESOur business and our job isabout helping people• Listening audit• 2:1• 2 Big ears, 1 brand voice• Listen, Respond, Resolve, Share
. SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM’S FOCUS1:1 Conversation with Focus on Expertise • GIR Community (Pilot Management) • Influencer Engagement (Blogger outreach, social site conversation)Brand Reputation Management • Monitoring Online Conversation • Crisis Management Lead for Social Media • Partnering with CSO Online Response team for online CIR • Social Media team leads online brand response • Weekly reports in season • Ad hoc reporting as deemed necessary24/7 365 Content Strategy • Lead HRB online content strategy Expert tax content, Marketing messaging, Brand communicationsSocial Subject Matter Experts (Assist with Strategy/Tactics) • Online Communication Policy (FTC Compliant) • Marketing (National & Field) • HR, Legal, Compliance, Ethics • Product & Client Experience, Innovation
. SIT AT THE BIG KIDS’ TABLE – KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORSClient Resolution Metrics • Saves • Resolved Issues (Service Level Agreement) • Customer Service Survey (measured as a channel)Cost Avoidance • Call deflection through Listening (script for Call Centers) • First Contact Resolution, Reduction in Call TimeRevenue • Retail Office: Appointments Made/online • H&R Block At Home Digital Software: Units Sold/onlineSocial Media Metrics • Followers, Mentions, RTs, Sentiment, Reach, Likes, Community members
. H&R BLOCK’S ONLINE RESPONSE PROCESS David Armano, Edelman 2010. Repurposed with permission by H&R Block.slidesha.re/blockresponse
. LISTEN, RESPOND, RESOLVE• 1:1• Client Issue Resolution• Listen, Respond, Resolve, Share• Call Center Scripting Goes 140-friendly• Early Warning System• Shout-outs & Shares
. ENGAGE THROUGH EXPERT ADVICE1:1Get It Right Community with afocus on expert-to-peer Q&AMore than 4.6 million peoplevisited the community, viewing13.1 million pages and askingover 157,000 unique tax-relatedquestions.
. ENGAGE THROUGH SHARING, BUILD TRUST1:Many Get It Right Community Blog Facebook Twitter YouTube1:3 Content
. WITH A CHAMPION SHORT LIST • Ecosystem Audit • We Come In Peace • Align with Business Goals/Metrics • Partner & Help – We Come In Peace • Are You REALLY Listening (let’s not call it monitoring) and Changing Course (Action Listening)? • Find THE One • Own Up & Come Armed26 26
. A SOCIAL BRAND REQUIRES BECOMING A SOCIAL BUSINESS Programs Community Management Customer Service Communications Crowdsourcing Marketing Campaigns Advocacy Crisis SOCIAL BRAND SOCIAL BUSINESS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE (External) (Internal) Training Process Collaboration Organization Models Source: David Armano, Research & Development Edelman 2011, edelmandigital.com Policies & Guidelines Knowledge Sharing Culture Infrastructure28
. SOCIAL BUSINESS PLANNING Social business planning is the blueprint for the transformation of an organization—bridging the external with internal, resulting in a more connected way of doing business which creates shared value for all stakeholders29
. SOCIAL BUSINESS PLANNING DRIVES STRATEGY & EXECUTION INTERNAL + EXTERNAL INITIATIVES SOCIAL BUSINESS PLANNING (people, process, platforms) SOCIAL/DIGITAL STRATEGY & PROGRAMS (engagement, content, communication, collaboration, programs) Source: David Armano, Edelman 2011, edelmandigital.com IMPLEMENTATION & EXECUTION (deployment, maintenance, measurement, refinement, integration)30
. EXTEND SOCIAL MEDIA BEYOND MARKETINGCORPORATE USAGE %* SOCIAL MEDIA USE DEPARTMENT NOT JUST A MARKETING 96% Advertising/Promotions MARKETING FUNCTION. 88% Public Relations SALES Social media impacts the 75% Customer Service FINANCE entire organization. 56% Market Research COMMUNICATIONS Embrace social media internally and externally 48% Sales/Commerce HUMAN RESOURCES and watch your 40% Product Development INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY organization grow fromUNREALIZEDPOTENTIAL 24% Internal Communications OPERATIONS the inside out and outside in. <10% Recruiting PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT *Source: Booz & Co. and Buddy Media, “Campaigns to Capabilities: Social Media & Marketing”, 2011
. A CONTINUOUS EVOLUTION ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT EVALUATIONSource: Edelman Consulting 2011Develop an approach to Define a social business Align the Enact the social media Take a continuousundertake your social strategy that outlines core organization to fully strategy and engage each “measure andbusiness endeavor. objectives, roadmap, harness the power major stakeholder group respond” approachDecide where to start, measurement, process of social permeating through social media. around social mediawhat the finish line and technology integration. the internal and investments,looks like and what the external enterprise. optimizing the Identify, evaluate andorganization is willing to execution model prioritize stakeholdercommit to get from based on continuouspoint A to point B. needs and wants into an stakeholder overall stakeholder feedback. engagement plan.
. STEP 1: ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT EVALUATIONSource: Edelman Consulting 2011 Often two approaches: 1. Wait until you’ve mastered current social media implementations (popular) 2. Galvanize leaders around social needs and begin to add layers of social engagement now (recommended)
. STEP 2: STRATEGY ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT EVALUATIONSource: Edelman Consulting 2011 Utilize pre-built frameworks to organize a clear, actionable plan Source: Forrester. “Social Business Strategy for CIOs” ,February 2011
. STEP 3: ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT EVALUATIONSource: Edelman Consulting 2011 Break down functional silos around social media with aligned and coordinated organizational structures
. STEP 5: EVALUATION ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT EVALUATIONSource: Edelman Consulting 2011 Evaluate data, analyze for meaning and adapt with change adapt gather disseminate synthesize evaluate
. 3 P’s: THE SOCIAL BUSINESS TRIUMVERATE People Process Platforms40
. A FOUR PRONGED FRAMEWORK STRATEGY Vision Business Objectives Roadmap ORG & GOVERNANCE MEASUREMENT Organizational Design PEOPLE Key Performance Indicators Governance & Control PROCESS PLATFORMS Analytics & Methodology Culture & Leadership Source: Edelman Consulting 2011 ECOSYSTEM Audience Engagement Risk41
. ALIGN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES WITH BUSINESS STRATEGY STRATEGY • Learning and listening Business Intelligence • Visibility • Knowledge sharing Business Objectives • Demand generation Sales • Lead generation • Conversion • Brand awareness Awareness • Engagement data • Word of mouth • Brand engagement Retention • Customer loyalty Source: Edelman Consulting 201142
. CONSTRUCT THE ROADMAP: FROM CRAWLING TO FLYING STRATEGYI • Steering Committee Identified • Social Enterprise Architecture • Partners Coordinated & Connected • Systems Integrated on BackN • Governance models in place Constructed To Internal Lead EndT • Internal network deployed • Rules Of Engagement • Social CMS Tools & Internal Staffing • Employees, Partners, & Circulated FormalizedE • Listening tools & process in place Customers Connected • KPI/Measurement Framework • Early Adopter Training Initiated • Regional Additions to Steering • Culture of Organization MoreR Established • Monitoring/Analytics inform policy, Committee AdaptableN process and content • Policy established • Training Rolled Out In Across • People, Processes & PlatformA • Community Management Plan Entire OrganizationL • Center of Excellence Identified Maturity Well Established Activated CRAWL WALK RUN FLY POLICY, PROCESS, PROCEDURE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ECOSYSTEM ENGAGEMENT SOCIAL INNOVATION &E INTEGRATIONX • Public Facing Moderation Policy • Social properties enhanced • Influencer Partnerships formedT • Community Coordination • Voice and tone established • Platform Partnerships solidified • Ambassador Programs operatingE globally • Content Development • Influencers identified • Engagement at scale establishedR • Employees engaged systematically • Controlled Paid Media in Social • Test & learn pilots launched • Coordination Exists BetweenN Social, Owned, Mainstream & • Systems integrated on front end • Content Published AcrossA Multiple Properties Hybrid Properties • All business function integrate • Measurement, KPI’s Formalized & social layerL Source: Edelman 2011, edelmandigital.com Standardized Across Organization • Product /service innovations result AD HOC SOCIAL MEDIA TACTICS THE BUSINESS ITSELF IS SOCIAL 43
. MAP STAKEHOLDERS AND IDENTIFY CONNECTIVE TISSUE ECOSYSTEM • People who do business with the organization Customers or Prospects • Can be split into high-value and new customers Employees • Identifiable people on the payroll • PR and corporate communication departments as well as Corporate company executives Business Partners • Suppliers, vendors, contractors, alumni Social Web • Additional individuals who interact on the social web Source: Edelman Consulting 201144
. IDENTIFY LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT ECOSYSTEM AND ALIGN WITH OBJECTIVES • Actively involve the audience (e.g., feedback on branding, new Co-create product development) Participate • Listen and respond to the audience Share • Share company perspective (e.g., CEO blog) Discover • Analyze conversations to gain insight and discover patterns Monitor • Listen to conversations happening around the organization Source: Edelman Consulting 201145
. DEFINE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES GOVERNANCE ORG & • Oversees all digital integration initiatives between traditional, digital and social. Leadership • Sample Title: Chief Digital Officer • Focuses on social strategy and integration across designated activities (marketing, Strategy customer service, crisis etc.) • Sample Title: Social Strategist • Determines content plans, strategies and deployment of all content through social Content systems • Sample Title: Content Strategist • Monitors, and reports stakeholder activity and engages in a variety of social systems Community • Sample Title: Community Manager • Analyze key metrics to draw intelligence from social media efforts and report Measurement effectiveness (ROI) • Sample Title: Measurement & Data Analyst Source: Edelman Consulting 201146
. REVISE REPORTING STRUCTURES GOVERNANCE ORG & A multi-departmental social business committee accelerates integration and helps bridge organizational silos47
. ORGANIZATION MODEL: ANTHILL (ORGANIC COORDINATION) GOVERNANCE Source: Edelman Consulting 2011 ORG & Each employee is empowered within an organized framework50