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Louisville IABC - Operationalizing Social Business

Two social business implementation case studies in Fortune 500 enterprise companies with Edelman social media methods and trends.

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Louisville IABC - Operationalizing Social Business

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  1. Louisville IABC - Operationalizing Social Business Operationalizing Social Business<br />September 13, 2011<br />Zena Weist | @zenaweist<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  2. CASE STUDIES, METHODS <br />& TRENDS<br />2<br />#iabc-lda<br /> CASE STUDIES, METHODS <br />& TRENDS<br />2<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  3. EMBARQ – Test and Learn, Parallel Pathing<br />Servicing 3.5M HHs across 18 states <br /><ul><li>Home Phone, Local and Long Distance EMBARQ – Test and Learn, Parallel Pathing<br />Servicing 3.5M HHs across 18 states <br /><ul><li>Home Phone, Local and Long Distance

  4. High-Speed Internet

  5. Satellite TV from DISH Network

  6. Home Computer & Technical Support</li></ul>3<br />#iabc-lda<br /> Home Computer & Technical Support</li></ul>3<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  7. LISTENING<br />In the beginning…<br />Google Alerts (Yahoo)<br />Google Blog searches<br />BlogPulse<br />DSLReports.com<br />Technorati<br />Added…<br />Collective Intellect<br />All of the above<br />Addictomatic<br />Landed on…<br />Radian6<br />All of the above<br />#iabc-lda<br /> LISTENING<br />In the beginning…<br />Google Alerts (Yahoo)<br />Google Blog searches<br />BlogPulse<br />DSLReports.com<br />Technorati<br />Added…<br />Collective Intellect<br />All of the above<br />Addictomatic<br />Landed on…<br />Radian6<br />All of the above<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  8. Social Media RoadMap<br />Corporate Social Media Mission:<br />Develop, implement and cultivate social media strategies with an evolving tool kit to enhance communications and brand perceptions among employees, customers, prospects, shareholders and the media – aka: “stakeholders”.<br />November 17, 2007<br />5<br />#iabc-lda<br /> Social Media RoadMap<br />Corporate Social Media Mission:<br />Develop, implement and cultivate social media strategies with an evolving tool kit to enhance communications and brand perceptions among employees, customers, prospects, shareholders and the media – aka: “stakeholders”.<br />November 17, 2007<br />5<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  9. Delivering on our Practical Ingenuity brand promise, we will leverage social media <br />with the following strategies:<br />EDUCATE: Train to create breadth and depth in our employee base to give them the tools and opportunity to actively engage in social and emerging media.<br />SEEK & CULTIVATE: New employee talent and corporate resources to better position EQ as a “thought-leader” in this emerging space while tapping external influencers.<br />3) INTEGRATE: Listen to and become part of conversations that are media agnostic and evergreen; ensure all marketing and communication strategies are interwoven to create consistent messaging.<br />4) RESEARCH: Invest in socmed-specific research to identify emerging trends, shifting EQ from followers to leaders; monitor brand perceptions to identify opportunities and gaps.<br />5) MEASURE: Use media appropriate metrics to evaluate performance against best-in-class examples. <br />6) INNOVATE & EXPERIENTAL: Utilize the socmed opportunity to evolve the brand into one that is dynamic, interactive and relevant; leverage opportunities via conversations to position the brand for future growth.<br />6<br />#iabc-lda<br /> Delivering on our Practical Ingenuity brand promise, we will leverage social media <br />with the following strategies:<br />EDUCATE: Train to create breadth and depth in our employee base to give them the tools and opportunity to actively engage in social and emerging media.<br />SEEK & CULTIVATE: New employee talent and corporate resources to better position EQ as a “thought-leader” in this emerging space while tapping external influencers.<br />3) INTEGRATE: Listen to and become part of conversations that are media agnostic and evergreen; ensure all marketing and communication strategies are interwoven to create consistent messaging.<br />4) RESEARCH: Invest in socmed-specific research to identify emerging trends, shifting EQ from followers to leaders; monitor brand perceptions to identify opportunities and gaps.<br />5) MEASURE: Use media appropriate metrics to evaluate performance against best-in-class examples. <br />6) INNOVATE & EXPERIENTAL: Utilize the socmed opportunity to evolve the brand into one that is dynamic, interactive and relevant; leverage opportunities via conversations to position the brand for future growth.<br />6<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  10. . “If you wish to persuade me, <br />you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, <br />and speak my words.”<br />7<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  11. . TyING SOCIAL INTO BUSINESS METRICS <br />Engaging in online conversations to improve: <br />Customer Experience, <br />Brand Perception & <br />Employee Morale<br />4Q07<br />1Q08<br />2-3Q08<br />8<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  12. . BRAND MARKETING OBJECTIVES<br />Build brand awareness<br />Create a presence in an online community where customers & prospects are already engaged <br /><ul><li> Go where our target is - bring our brand to them

  13. . Promote customer and prospect engagement and interactivity

  14. . Expand positive sentiment built through online customer outreach</li></ul>9<br />

  15. . TECHNOLOGY VIDEOS ON youtube prompt action<br />67%Have taken action as result of seeing technology or electronics-related content on YouTube.<br />47% Gathered more information about a product or service<br />34% Considered buying a technology product or service<br />27% Thought more favorably toward a product, brand or service<br />21% Told someone about a product or service<br />13% Bought a technology or electronics-related product or service<br />2008 YouTube Engagement StudyBase: Past 6 Month YouTube Visitors Who Watch Technology or Electronics-Related Videos.Q: Which of these actions, if any, have you taken as a result of seeing a video about technology or electronics content (e.g., videos, user comments or reviews) on YouTube?<br />10<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  16. . Commitment to ENGAGEMENT with CONTENT STRATEGY<br />Program Spike | Constant Contact <br /><ul><li>Short-term: Contest (HSI focus)

  17. . Long-term: How-to Videos

  18. . Top 10 Customer Service issues (Call Centers, Online Listening)

  19. . Continue to listen, interact, resolve</li></ul>This is not a campaign, this channel is a strong extension of our brand promise – practical ingenuity. It’s a practical communication’s vehicle helping us build relationships, continue conversations, and form deeper ties in an innovative format.<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  20. . PAGE 12<br />OBJECTIVES SYNC WITH brand promise<br />Channel Objectives<br /><ul><li>Build brand awareness through engagement

  21. . Increase EMBARQ core services awareness

  22. . Leverage and support EQ online initiatives</li></ul>Contest Objectives<br /><ul><li>Drive traffic to the channel

  23. . Engage customers and prospects with the brand

  24. . Build EQ HSI awareness and preference</li></li></ul><li>Buzz – Integrated Online Media Campaign/Comm Plan<br />

  25. . PAGE 14<br />Positive Sentiment<br />#iabc-lda<br />PAGE 14<br />

  26. . Below Average<br />Average<br />Above Average<br />Excellent<br />Aided Brand Awareness<br />Online Ad Awareness<br />Message Association<br />Brand Favorability<br />Sign-Up/Switch Intent^<br />Recommend Intent^<br />Compared to other online programs, we kicked it!<br />AdIndex Score: Normative Benchmarking of Brand Metric Deltas* <br />Avg Delta<br />4.1<br />4.5<br />3.1<br />2.3<br />0.6<br />0.6<br />Percentile Ranking of Delta ()<br />^ NOTE: Metrics benchmarked against Purchase Intent norms<br />* MarketNorms Q3/08 (Category: Telecommunications - Other, Last 3 years Baseline Unadjusted, <br />N=43 campaigns)<br />#iabc-lda<br />

  27. . Eight Week Metrics<br />Channel <br /><ul><li>Total video views: >500,000

  28. . Subscribers: 648

  29. . Comments: 148

  30. . Orders: ~3000</li></ul>Contest <br /><ul><li>Contest Videos Submitted: 281

  31. . Votes: 15,500

  32. . Contest: 4200 hrs spent with brand

  33. . More video contest submissions than Kmart national campaign (w/ a higher media spend)</li></ul>How-to Videos<br /><ul><li>Hours spent with brand ~11,900hrs

  34. . Average rating 3.87 stars

  35. . HSI reduction in call volume/time</li></ul>#iabc-lda<br />

  36. . H&R Block – Established online Brand, Back-to-the-basics <br />Prepare 1 in 7 US Tax Returns <br /><ul><li>Prepared more than 24 million tax returns worldwide in 2010

  37. . 11,000 Offices – within 5 miles of most Americans

  38. . Over 100,000 Employees

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