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What is islam ?. Islam is a legal, political, economic, social, and military IDEOLOGY wrapped in a thin skin of religion . Calling Islam a religion is like calling Nazism a religion. They both have elements of religious behaviour, but they are definitely not religions. What is Islam ?
What is islam? Islam is a legal, political, economic, social, and military IDEOLOGY wrapped in a thin skin of religion. Calling Islam a religion is like calling Nazism a religion. They both have elements of religious behaviour, but they are definitely not religions.
What is Islam ? Islam is a religious, economic, political, legal, social, and military ideology wrapped in a thin skin of religion. It is unlike any other religion in the world. Do We Need to be Afraid of Islam ?
What is the difference between moderate and radical Islam? There is no difference in ideological belief. They all read the same Qur’an, follow the same Prophet Muhammed, and believe in the same God, Allah. The only difference is in the degree of action.
Why should you be afraid? In February 2014 Islam was responsible for: Source: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ The number of atrocities is increasing daily
What are the aims of Islam ? Islam intends to impose a worldwide Caliphate State ruled by Islamic sharia law – Hizbut-Tahrir has already published an islamic constitution http://islam4infidels.com/islamic-constitution-for-australia/
An Islamic Caliphate? • The Caliphate is an Islamic state led by a supreme leader who rules according to Sharialaw -- also known as a Caliph; meaning literally a successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. • Moslems have already attempted to set up a Caliphate in Lakemba, NSW • ISIS has already declared a Caliphate in Northern Iraq.
The three 3 books of Islam • Qur’an-moslemsbelieve that the Quran was verbally revealed from God to the Angel Gabriel and then dictated to Mohammad. Therfore, the Qur’an is seen as the unadulterated word of Allah, the Islamic God – Allah is not an Abrahamic god. • Suras - The life of Mohammad • Hadiths -The traditions of Mohammad
Moderate moslems Not all moslemsare terrorists. However: • The Qur’an contains at least 109 verses that command moslemsto war with non-believers • 61% of the Qur’an tells moslemsto kill all Jews, and either convert or kill ‘infidels’ • Moslems, be they moderate or extreme, all follow the Qur'an. • Every Moslem’s alliance is to the Nation of Islam; NOT to any country.
The Qur'an states 91 times that Mohammed is the “perfect man”; the example for all moslemsto follow
Meet Mohammed The Prophet Warlord - a pioneer in mass murder, lecherous incest and mind-numbing torture. He led his followers in battle until he established himself by conquest over other Arabs.
Robber & Murderer - Through his brigandage, he became very rich and influential. He instigated 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of them
Pedophile - Mohammed's youngest wife Ayisha was only 6 years old when he married her, and 9 years old when he consummated their ‘marriage’!
Slave owner & trader - Young strong slaves made good money for Mohammed. He sold young girls for sexual exploitation in Harems, or took them for himself.
Destroyer of civilization - Mohammed's Koran is the only book allowed. Museums, libraries and universities of learning are haram – forbidden – unless they can be used to support islam
Terrorist– Mohammed terrorized the vanquished and beheaded thousands of captives, enslaving their children – a practice carried on by moslems throughout history.
Jihad "Verse of the Sword.” Quar’an chapter 9, verse 5: Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the jizya (a tax for non-moslems), then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. {Jizya tax rate 50%, being extorted from non moslemsin Egypt, Syria today.}
Why won’t moslemsIntegrate? "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)"
Issues Islam has bought to Australia • Religious based gang rape (Skaf gang Sydney) • Female genital mutilation FMG • Honour Killings • Sectarian violence Shi’ites Vs. Sunni
Taqqiya Islamic doctrine of lying to further Islam
Sharia Law Dictates… • Every waking minute of a moslem’sday • How to use the toilet • How to drink a glass of water • How to walk down a street • How to brush your teeth….and much more
Sharia Law Continued Punishable by Death: • Killing a moslem • Questioning Islam • Homosexuality • Apostasy {leaving Islam } • Adultery • Intentional murder • Fasadfil-ardh ("spreading mischief in the land")
Rape under Sharia law ADMISSABLE EVIDENCE • 4 moslemmen have to witness the rape. • OR • 8 moslemWomen (a woman’s testimony is ½ that of a moslemman) INADMISSABLE EVIDENCE: • DNA, photos, video footage, witness statements from non-moslems • PUNISHMENT FOR GETTING RAPED • Victim usually jailed & caned for having “sex” outside marriage. In some countries they are stoned to death.
Slavery Islam has never given up its links to slavery: • All infidels and non-moslemsare fair game for conquest or enslavement • Mohammed personally abused, castrated, flogged and killed rebellious slaves • Slavery persists today in the Middle East In 1815, US naval victories by Commodores William Bainbridge and Stephen Decatur led to treaties ending all tribute payments by the United States, thus ending Islamic pirate acts against the west.
Moslem population • Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Analysis says that Islam is growing faster than the world population. A quarter of the world’s population is moslem. • Moslems have increased by over 235 % in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6-2 billion. 87% are Sunni and 12% Shia. The other 1% are other shades of Islam . But the fact is, more people are leaving Islam than are joining
Why Moslem? A Muslim in Arabic means "one who gives himself to God" and is by definition someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means "one who is evil and unjust" when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a ‘z’. We use ‘moslem’ and ‘Mohammedan’ because we do not respect islam or the people who follow the false prophet Mohammed. And we do not capitalise ‘islam’ for the same reason.
Fatwa A fatwah is the technical term for the legal judgment or learned interpretation that a qualified moslemjurist or mufti can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law
Stupid Fatwa's Issued Lately • Driving damages women’s ovaries – Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan • Sabin {Polio vaccine} makes moslemssterile.- MuttahidaMajlis-e-Amal (MMA) • The earth is flat - Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibnAbd Allah ibnBaaz, the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Medina (1970-1975)
Halal Certification Halal certification in Australia started in the 80’s. Food producers pay approx 2.5% of their income to have the food certified ‘Halal’. Major food producers like Kraft, Kellogg’s, Bega Cheese, Sanitarium (I know!), and others all pay the halal fee. Dick Smith will Never certify Halal.
Proof Halal Supports Terrorism • 80% of the 100 Aussie abattoirs pay up to $27,000 a month to the halal scammers. We consumers pay in the end. • Moslem slaughtermen are imported because of their halal “skills”, Australians lose jobs. • Most products remain without a certification stamp, leaving the consumer with little choice.
It is estimated that the total income generated by halal certification could be as high as $2.8 TRILLION a year! To put that into perspective, let’s see what that amount of money looks like…. This is 100 x $100 = $10,000
Stack 7 x 16 = 112 packets per layer 112 x $10,000 = $1,120,000 in one layer:
90 layers (38.7″ tall, plus 4″ for the pallet) is a little over $100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars) Keep an eye on the man in relation to the stacks of money!
100 rows of pallets = ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. Now almost TRIPLE that! Halal is BIG business! NOW ALMOST TRIPLE THIS STACK FOR 2.8 TRILLION! Note the size of the man
Where do the halal fees go? Many moslemorganizations are involved, among them: • Hamas – Known terrorist organization at war with Israel • The Moslem World League – Saudi Arabian front for halal scam raking in billions of $$$ • Moslem Brotherhood – Known terrorist organization • Hizbut-Tahrir– remember the Aussie Islamic Constitution?...and others Flow of halal funds to terrorists from Canada
Why Stop Islamization? Islam has waged a war (jihad) on western civilization for 1,400 years. The war continues today, but in many different ways: • Population jihad – outbreeding us • Terror jihad – killing us wherever and whenever they can • Legal jihad – using our laws against us. S. 116 in Aust. Constitution protects them
S. 116 Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. We are urging the government to classify islam as a terrorist organization so that we can Ban Islam in Australia
Why stop Islamization? • Financial jihad – sharia finance and banking is interest free to moslems, state stamp duty can be avoided. • Food jihad – halal certification, halal slaughter • Mosque jihad – mosques become the centre of an Islamic enclave, forcing locals out.
Suggestions To Stop Islamization • Only Constitutional law is allowed in Australia – No Sharia law allowed • The Oath of Allegiance to Australia needs to be a contract. Breach the contract, lose citizenship, forfeit assets to Commonwealth Government. Deport to previous nation of citizenship, or nearest Islamic nation
How To Stop Islamization • End moslemimmigration • Anyone demanding sharia law forfeits citizenship. • Any moslemcommitting a terror act in Australia forfeits citizenship and the right to live here • Redefine Islam as an ideology and declare it a criminal organization. • Ban it!
Stopping Moslem Rorting • Only one ‘wife’ gets welfare. • No segregation of the sexes anywhere • No separate facilities such as prayer rooms or swimming curtains in any public building • No Islamic schools allowed • Free women from wearing the burqa. May not be worn in public.
The Solution • Amend Section 128 of the Constitution to give all voters the right to initiate Constitutional referendums • Get involved. Register to join a Unity Congress • Read our Constitution and compare it to the Draft Constitution • Spread the word and ask everyone you know to get involved: RestoreAustralia
Why do so many moslemslike going to Hungry Jacks? y Because the burqas are better at Hungry Jacks!