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Miguel F ERREIRA Department of Computer Science Miguel C ASQUILHO CPQ “ Centre for Chemical Processes” Department of Chemical Engineering IST Instituto Superior Técnico UTL Technical University of Lisbon http://web.ist.utl.pt/mcasquilho /. A web application for distributed computing.
Miguel FERREIRA Department of Computer Science Miguel CASQUILHO CPQ“Centre for Chemical Processes” Department of Chemical Engineering ISTInstituto Superior Técnico UTL Technical University of Lisbon http://web.ist.utl.pt/mcasquilho/ A web application for distributed computing Lisboa (Portugal), 19–22 June 2013 A web appl. for distributed computing
A web application for distributed computing Abstract A web application of scientific computing is presented, using MPI parallel programming, for a typical problem in packaging. As no analytical solution seems viable, a Monte Carlo approach was used. The following points are addressed, starting with the original (serial) solution: Packaging problem and local serial computing Remote parallel computing Conclusions From the authors’ experience, the web environment is clearly recommended for scientific computing*, for academic and industrial purposes. * Scientific computing on the Internet: in a site, the user inserts his data, executes a program, and receives his results (no installations). A web appl. for distributed computing
Packaging problem and local serial computing Remote parallel computing Conclusions A web application for distributed computing Alfredo Keil (1850–1907) “Caminho da floresta” A web appl. for distributed computing
1.2. 3. Packaging problem and local serial computing • Packaging problem • A container to be filled with objects of random size (weight, thickness, etc.) • Content: constrained by lower, L, and upper, U, specification limits • How to get 2 kg of oranges ? • Minimize the fractions out of spec (below L and above U) • Random behaviour considered: • Truncated Gaussian • Truncation from calibration (fruits), moulding (biscuits) A pack of biscuits Schematically A web appl. for distributed computing
1.2. 3. Packaging problem and local serial computing • Local solution using serial computing • Web interface to receive user input • Local call of the computing application • Native Fortran program that runs the Monte Carlo simulation • Treatment of output and graphic • Formatting and presentation of results on the Web • Original Fortran 90 program was previously developed for stand-alone local use. • The new, parallel MPI version of the program was ported to C. A web appl. for distributed computing
1.2. 3. Packaging problem and local serial computing • The packaging problem was studied with • (a) Simple, sequential filling (usual) • (b)Tube-like (FIFO) filling • Strategy “(b)”, as expected, revealed better results A web appl. for distributed computing
Packaging problem and local serial computing Remote parallel computing Conclusions A web application for distributed computing Carlos Botelho (1899-1982) “Lisboa”, tapeçaria de Portalegre A web appl. for distributed computing
1. 2. 3. Remote parallel computing • Remote solution using parallel computing • The original Fortran program was ported to C, and extended with MPI • The number of Monte Carlo trials (e.g., 109) was evenly distributed by the available nodes • Web interface unchanged from the serial version • A new communication layer developed between the web interface and the MPI program: • Remote call of the computing application • Transfer of input and output end-to-end • The remote side to call the MPI programa locally (As imagens são hyperlinks) A web appl. for distributed computing
1. 2. 3. Remote parallel computing • System topology A web appl. for distributed computing
1. 2. 3. Remote parallel computing • Results of an MPI run, 109 trials, finer (better) than serial 106 A web appl. for distributed computing
Packaging problem and local serial computing Remote parallel computing Conclusions A web application for distributed computing Henrique Medina (1901–1988)“Tomando chá” A web appl. for distributed computing
A packaging problem frequently found in Industry was addressed. The problem was previously solved with a Fortran serial application, executable on the Web. The original problem was ported to C and then parallelized with MPI, also accessible through the Web. Making applications accessible over the Internet avoids platform incompatibilities (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.), and surpasses the limitations of the user’s computer. The use of the Internet for scientific computing dispenses with any required software installation. It is, thus, recommended for academic or industrial purposes. 1. 2. 3. Conclusions A web appl. for distributed computing
DEI: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) CPQ: “Centro de Processos Químicos” (Centre for Chemical Processes), IST, UTL DEQ: Department of Chemical Engineering, IST, UTL CIIST: “Centro de Informática do IST” (Centre for Informatics), IST, UTL, Dr. Jorge Amador Milipeia, Lab. de Computação Avançada (Lab. of Advanced Computing), University of Coimbra Prof.ª Fátima C. Rosa (DEQ, IST, UTL) Keywords Scientific computing, Internet, parallel computing, MPI Acknowledgements A web appl. for distributed computing
Casquilho, M. [2012] “Scientific computing on the Internet, a little-trodden field”, Universidade Aberta, Porto Salvo. Casquilho, M. [2013] “Computação científica, Internet, Indústria” (Scientific computing, Internet, Industry), 1.st Portuguese Meeting on Mathematics for Industry, FCUP, Universidade do Porto, Porto, 06–08 June. Ferreira, M., M. Casquilho [2013] “Scientific computing over the Internet: an example in Geometry”, WorldCIST'13, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, Olhão (Portugal) Franco, B., M. Casquilho [2011] “A Web application for scientific computing: combining several tools and languages to solve a statistical problem”, CISTI'2011, 6.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Chaves (Portugal) Hughes, Alan [2006] “University-industry linkages and UK science and innovation policy”, Working Paper No. 326, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK) Bibliography A web appl. for distributed computing
Miguel FERREIRA Department of Computer Science Miguel CASQUILHO CPQ“Centre for Chemical Processes” Department of Chemical Engineering ISTInstituto Superior Técnico UTL Technical University of Lisbon http://web.ist.utl.pt/mcasquilho/ A web application for distributed computing Lisboa (Portugal), 19–22 June 2013 A web appl. for distributed computing