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How to Manage Club Accounts & Tax

How to Manage Club Accounts & Tax. Dary Mc Govern Managing Director, Sensatus Member of the Sensatus Investment Club timetotrade Professional portfolio and tax management products for private investors and investment clubs. Agenda. Investment club tax returns Individual tax returns

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How to Manage Club Accounts & Tax

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  1. How to Manage Club Accounts & Tax Dary Mc Govern Managing Director, Sensatus Member of the Sensatus Investment Club timetotrade Professional portfolio and tax management products for private investors and investment clubs INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  2. Agenda • Investment club tax returns • Individual tax returns • Share Identification rules • Indexation & Taper relief • Share Reorganisations • Allocating Losses • Implication of the proposed changes to Capital Gains Tax legislation • Questions INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  3. Introduction The primary reasons for the accurate management of investment club accounts are: • Ensuring the correct distribution of ownership between club members based on the timing of member subscriptions and withdrawals • The apportionment of gains and losses, to enable the accurate generation of tax returns INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  4. Good Book Keeping Practice When dealing with club member’s money, it is essential that full accountability and transparency is maintained at all times. To enable this, it is important that each month, accounts are prepared in the following order: • Investment transactions are fully updated • Investment assets are correctly valued • Income & Expenditure transactions are fully updated • Member subscriptions and withdrawals are accurately recorded • Broker and Bank accounts cash amounts are balanced INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  5. Auditing your Accounts • Keep a full record of all paper or email bank and broker account statements to facilitate audits. • At your year end select at least two club members, and this should not include the club treasurer, to independently audit club accounts. • Compare broker and bank statements transactions with club account records. • Ideally rotate roles on a yearly basis; easier said than done! INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  6. Tax Return Requirements - Clubs • It is important to note the Investment Clubs are not constituted as companies and are therefore not subject to Corporation Tax • The only costs that you are allowed to offset against gains are broker commissions, stamp duty and the cost associated with apportioning gains • All gains and losses are directly attributable to the club members INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  7. Tax Return Requirements – Clubs It is required that you register your investment club with your local Inland Revenue office. Upon registration, the Revenue should offer you the choice to adopt: • Standard Form of Agreement • Form 185(new) for reporting gains and income If a club decides not to adopt the Standard Form of Agreement, it should be pointed out to the club officers that: • each member will have to show on his or her annual tax return, their share of any gains arising on the disposal of the club’s investments, an or any income derived from the investments • the person(s) in whose name(s) the club’s investments are held may be required to make a return under TMA70/S24 • the treasurer of other officer who handles the club’s money may be required to make a return under TMA70S13 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  8. Form 185(new) - overview INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  9. Form 185(new); club member details INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  10. Form 185(new); apportioning gain There are three methods of apportioning gain based on member unit holdings: • “End of Year” - based on units owned at the end of the tax year • “Year Average” – weighted value of units owned each month, averaged at the year end • “Time Based Allocation” – apportion gains and losses each month based on units owned INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  11. Form 185(new); apportionment of income INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  12. SA100 – Q10 The information from the ‘income’ section of Form185(new) is used to populate section ‘Q10’ of SA100. For further information on how to complete the various field, please reference Page 11 on the related “Tax Return Guide” INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  13. Form 185(new); declaration INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  14. Form 185(new); gains & losses INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  15. Tax Return Requirements - Individuals For the year ending 5th April 2007, investment club members (and private investors) must return Capital Gains form SA108 along with SA100 if: • You disposed of chargeable assets (e.g. shares, non-residential properties) worth more than £35,200 • You have allowable losses which must be deducted from your chargeable gains, and your gains before applying the losses and taper relief is more than £8,800 • Your gain after applying taper relief is more than £8,800 • You want to claim an allowable capital loss, or make any other Capital Gains claims or election for the year * The above figures are based on the combined personal and club apportioned chargeable assets, gains and losses INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  16. SA108 – overview (CG1) Complete CG1 if disposing of quoted shares or securities and: • Not claiming taper relief • Acquisition was after 31 March 1982 • Not claiming relief such as EIS • Not offsetting carried forward losses against gains (post & pre 1996) CG1 can be used to claim indexation allowance. Complete CG1 or CG2 & 3. INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  17. SA 108 – overview (CG2 & CG3) Complete CG2 & CG3 if you are: • Claiming taper relief • Acquisitions were before 31 March 1982 • Claiming relief such as EIS • Offsetting gains against carried forward losses against gains (post & pre 1996) INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  18. SA 108 – overview (CG8) After completing either pages CG1 or CG2 and CG3, you have to complete CG8. CG8 provides a summary of: • Type of transactions • Number of transactions • Total Chargeable Gains • Allowable Losses • Capital Losses for: • Current year • Post 1996 • Pre 1996 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  19. Tax Return time line • Tax year end is on the 5th April • The treasurer should submit Form 185(new) to their local tax office on or before the 6th of June • If required, each club member (or private investor) should submit SA100 & SA108 by the 30th of September, if you want the Revenue to calculate your tax liability, or • If you want to calculate your own tax liability, you must submit SA100 & SA108 by the 31st of January. You will be subject to fines if you miss this submission deadline. 5 Apr 6 Jun 30 Sep 31 Jan INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  20. Share Identification Rules (98 - 07) For the year ending 5th April 2007, shares must be disposed of the in the following order: • Same day disposals • Acquisitions within the following 30 days on a First In First Out Basis (FIFO); aka the Bed & Breakfasting rule • Previous acquisitions on or after 6 April 1998 on a Last In First Out Basis (LIFO) • Any shares acquired after 5 April 1982 and held in a Section 104 holding INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  21. Share Identification Rules (98 - 07) For the year ending 5th April 2007, shares must be disposed of the in the following order (continued): 5. Any shares acquired after 6 April 1965 and held as a ‘1982 holding’ 6. Any shares held on 6 April 1965 (using a LIFO Basis) 7. Any other shares acquired subsequent to the disposal Further reading – IR284 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  22. Indexation Allowance • Indexation allowance is available on shares held from before 6th April 1998 i.e. in a Section 104 holding • The ‘actual cost’ of shares acquired before 6th of April 1998 are indexed to compensate for inflation • To determine gain you have to apportion actual cost and indexed cost, based on the number of shares disposed of and the total number of shares in the Section 104 share pool • Further reading – IR284 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  23. Taper Relief • Taper relief applies to disposals from the 6th of April 1998 • The Rate of Taper depends on whether the asset is defined as a business asset or a non-business asset. Most AIM stocks qualify as business assets – but not all • Taper relief is applied to the ‘taxable gain after losses’ times the taper rate based on the Qualifying Holding period e.g. £20,000 x 50% = £10,000 (taxable gain after taper relief) • Qualifying Holding period is defined as “the period between 6 April 1998, or, if later, the date you first acquired the asset in question and the date that you disposed of it”. A whole year is any continuous 12 month period and fractions of a year or ignored. • For non-business assets acquired before 17 March 1998 and disposed of during the 2007 tax year and additional one year is added to the qualifying holding period. • Further reading – IR279 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  24. Taper Relief Tables The percentage gain that remains chargeable for business and non-business assets disposed of during the 2007 tax year, depends on the number of whole years in the qualifying holding period, as set out in the following tables: Gains on Business Assets Gains on Non-Business Assets INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  25. Share Reorganisations • Share Reorganisations is a general term used to describe certain transactions in which: • New shares are issued to the share holder • The rights attached to shares are altered • A company’s share capital is reduced • Most common share reorganisations are bonus issues, rights issues, splits and consolidations • Basic Capital Gains Tax rules applied to share reorganisations are: • The issue of any new shares is not treated as an acquisition • The loss or alteration of any old shares is not treated as a disposal • Share reorganisations where you receive a different class of share from the shares already owned, require cost to be apportioned between the two classes of shares based on the value of the different classes of shares on the first day of trading after the share reorganisation (quoted shares only). For unquoted shares, wait until the disposal of the shares before apportioning cost. • Further reading – IR285 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  26. Share Reorganisation – cash received • Cash received as part of a share reorganisation is classified as ‘small’ if the cash amount is either less than £3,000 or not more than 5% of the value of the shares in the original company, immediately before the share reorganisation. • If the cash received is classified as ‘Small’, there is no immediate tax liability, however you have to reduce your allowable cost for the associated shares by the amount of cash received. As a result you will pay tax on the ‘small’ cash amount when you dispose of the underlying shares. • If cash received is classified as ‘Large’, (i.e. greater than £3,000 or 5% of the value of the shares), there is an immediate tax liability. • For calculating the gain on large cash amounts you have to apportion cost based on the ratio of the value of the cash received and the value of the shares • Further reading – IR285 INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  27. Allocating Losses • The deduction of losses takes place before the application of taper relief • Any ‘allowable losses’ from the current tax year must be used to reduce the chargeable gain for the current tax year to zero • Any remaining ‘allowable losses’, after off-setting chargeable gain, are added to the post 1996 pool of losses and carried forward to the next tax year • If the chargeable gain is greater than the annual exemption after off-setting the current year ‘allowable losses’, you then allocate losses from previous years to reduce the chargeable gain before taper relief to the level of the annual exemption amount • You must differentiate between the allocation of pre and post 1996 pools of losses when completing SA 108. Losses from the post 1996 pool of losses must be allocated first. • Losses made from the 6th of April 1996 have to be ‘claimed’ by notifying the revenue, before they can be used as allowable losses; you do not have to claim losses for earlier years • Losses should be allocated against the chargeable gains with the lowest taper relief INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  28. Worked Example DRAFT – Work In Progress INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  29. Proposed changes to Capital Gains Tax For the tax year commencing 6th of April 2008, the following measures are being proposed. All of the following is subject to change and no formal guidelines have been issued. It should be noted that the changes, if fully adopted, will not become law until July 2008 and is therefore subject to change until that date: • The main head line is that Taper Relief on business and non-business assets will be abolished • Indexation Allowance is being abolished, therefore when combined with the removal of Taper Relief there will no longer be any method for offsetting inflation against investment costs • The removal off Taper Relief and Indexation Allowance will be replaced with a flat rate Capital Gains charge of 18% on all asset types • The Revenue are proposing that the LIFO share identification rules are replaced with a share pooling approach, were the purchase of individual blocks of shares lose their identity in the pool and the costs are averaged. INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  30. Proposed changes to Capital Gains Tax (cont’d) • Same Day and Bed & Breakfasting rules will continue to apply, where the cost of the related transactions will be used to determine gain, and not the share pool average cost. • For 1982 holdings (pre 1982 investments), you will be forced to elect the value of the shares on the 31 March 1982 as your cost basis. It is being debated if a valuation will be required for unquoted securities as of the 31 March 1982. • No changes proposed to wrappers such as EIS, VCT, ISAs, PIPPs, SIPPs • There are no changes to the main principles associated with share reorganisations, however methods for apportioning costs will have to be adopted. • The treatment of share options will remain as is, however the cost basis associated with the shares acquired by exercising an option will change. • Spread betting was reviewed during the summer months, and no further action is planned for now. INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  31. Proposed changes to Capital Gains Tax (cont’d) • It was stated that there will be no change in the methodologies for allocating loss. It should be noted that on the draft 2008 SA108 form, there is now a single entry for carried forward losses whereas currently you have to identify losses that occur in pre and post 96 pools. • The submission of SA108 will require accompanying calculations that detail how the submitted figures were calculated. • It is being proposed that SA108 can be electronically submitted for 2008 returns, however something that was not clear was how supporting calculations have to be submitted. Clarification is required. • Substitute SA108 and Form 185(new) submissions are being phased out. INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

  32. Questions For further information contact: dary@sensatus.com INVESTMENT CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

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