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Communication across the Boundaries Evidencing collaborative practice in schools Together towards improvement. Sharon Woolf RCSLT Director of Professional Development. AAC users autistic spectrum disorder acquired brain injury cerebral palsy cleft palate craniofacial conditions
Communication across the Boundaries Evidencing collaborative practice in schoolsTogether towards improvement Sharon Woolf RCSLT Director of Professional Development
AAC usersautistic spectrum disorder acquired brain injurycerebral palsy cleft palatecraniofacial conditions deafnessdevelopmental delay dyslexia dysphagia emotional-behavioural disordermental illness mild-moderate learning disability neo-natal intensive care physical disabilityselective mutism severe learning disability specific language impairment dyspraxiaphonological impairment Stammeringvisual impairmentvoice
Quality Assurance • Do we know what’s we’re doing? • Do we do what we say? • Can we prove that it works? RCSLT Q-SET Quality Self-Evaluation Tool
RCSLT Q-SET Potential to support organisations buying SLT services • Support SLT services to evaluate quality relating to • Service structure and • management • Staffing • User experience • Clinical services • Training others Based on RCSLT Professional Standards and UK-wide policy initiatives • Onlineresource enabling SLT services to: • reflect on their services • identify areas of strength • generate action plans relating • to areas of development • Identify • how SLT • services can • Reduce • health inequalities • Improve service-user • experience • Build continuous • improvement into services • Improve accountability Q-SET is only as good as the reflection and critical evaluation of the practitioners completing it
What’s the impact? From the Q-SET charts … • What leaps out at you? • What would you want to promote? _____________________________________________________________________ • What would you want to keep quiet about? • What would you hope to have changed the next time a Q-SET analysis is done? ____________________________________________________________________ • What do you want to share with service users? What does this mean for them? _____________________________________________________________________ • What might you want to tell the people who fund your SLT service about Q-SET and yourQ-SET results?
SLT services for children in NI …. Is there any thing surprising? If we look at this in 12 – 18 months time what changes would you hope to see?
SLT services for children in NI …. Why aren’t these 2 responses at 100%
SLT services for children in NI …. Can education and SLT services work more effectively together to make these yellow bars increase …? …and these decrease?
SLT services for children in NI …. What are the challenges to always involving service users and their carers in service development plans and service evaluations? Could education be more involved in these?
SLT services for children in NI …. What does this data indicate to SLTs and do teachers or ELBs interpret it differently?
SLT services for children in NI …. Is this detail import for teachers and ELBs to know? Are there other aspects relating to the quality assurance of training that SLTs need to promote?
Final thoughts Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. (Henry Ford) Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.(Aaron Levenstein) Lies, damned lies, and statistics (Benjamin Disraeli) Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable. (Mark Twain)