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jaithusuree mehulaa 5 vaar sulokaa naali

jYqsrI mhlw 5 vwr slokw nwil. jaithusuree mehulaa 5 vaar sulokaa naali. Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Vaar With Shaloks:. <> siqgur pRswid ]. ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh . One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:. slok ]. sulok . Shalok:. Awid pUrn miD pUrn AMiq pUrn prmysurh ].

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  1. jYqsrI mhlw 5 vwr slokw nwil jaithusuree mehulaa 5 vaar sulokaa naali Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Vaar With Shaloks:

  2. <> siqgur pRswid ] ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

  3. slok ] sulok Shalok:

  4. Awid pUrn miD pUrn AMiq pUrn prmysurh ] aadh poorun madh poorun anth poorun purumaesureh In the beginning, He was pervading; in the middle, He is pervading; in the end, He will be pervading. He is the Transcendent Lord.

  5. ismrMiq sMq srbqR rmxM nwnk AGnwsn jgdIsurh ]1] simurunth sunth surubuthr rumunun naanuk aghunaasun jugudheesureh The Saints remember in meditation the all-pervading Lord God. O Nanak, He is the Destroyer of sins, the Lord of the universe. ||1||

  6. pyKn sunn sunwvno mn mih idRVIAY swcu ] paekhun sunun sunaavuno mun mehi dhrirreeai saach See, hear, speak and implant the True Lord within your mind.

  7. pUir rihE srbqR mY nwnk hir rMig rwcu ]2] poor rehiou surubuthr mai naanuk har rung raach He is all-pervading, permeating everywhere; O Nanak, be absorbed in the Lord's Love. ||2||

  8. pauVI ] pourree Pauree:

  9. hir eyku inrMjnu gweIAY sB AMqir soeI ] har eaek nirunjun gaaeeai subh anthar soee Sing the Praise of the One, the Immaculate Lord; He is contained within all.

  10. krx kwrx smrQ pRBu jo kry su hoeI ] kurun kaarun sumuruth prubh jo kurae s hoee The Cause of causes, the Almighty Lord God; whatever He wills, comes to pass.

  11. iKn mih Qwip auQwpdw iqsu ibnu nhI koeI ] khin mehi thaap outhaapudhaa this bin nehee koee In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; without Him, there is no other.

  12. KMf bRhmMf pwqwl dIp rivAw sB loeI ] khundd brehumundd paathaal dheep raviaa subh loee He pervades the continents, solar systems, nether worlds, islands and all worlds.

  13. ijsu Awip buJwey so buJsI inrml jnu soeI ]1] jis aap bujhaaeae so bujhusee nirumul jun soee He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself instructs; he alone is a pure and unstained being. ||1||

  14. slok ] sulok Shalok:

  15. rcMiq jIA rcnw mwq grB AsQwpnµ ] ruchunth jeea ruchunaa maath gurubh asuthaapunun Creating the soul, the Lord places this creation in the womb of the mother.

  16. swis swis ismrMiq nwnk mhw Agin n ibnwsnµ ]1] saas saas simurunth naanuk mehaa agan n binaasunun With each and every breath, it meditates in remembrance on the Lord, O Nanak; it is not consumed by the great fire. ||1||

  17. muKu qlY pYr aupry vsMdo kuhQVY Qwie ] mukh thulai pair oupurae vusundho kuhuthurrai thaae With its head down, and feet up, it dwells in that slimy place.

  18. nwnk so DxI ikau ivswirE auDrih ijs dY nwie ]2] naanuk so dhunee kio visaariou oudhurehi jis dhai naae O Nanak, how could we forget the Master? Through His Name, we are saved. ||2||

  19. pauVI ] pourree Pauree:

  20. rkqu ibMdu kir inMimAw Agin audr mJwir ] rukuth bindh kar ninmiaa agan oudhur mujhaar From egg and sperm, you were conceived, and placed in the fire of the womb.

  21. aurD muKu kucIl ibklu nrik Goir gubwir ] ourudh mukh kucheel bikul nurak ghor gubaar Head downwards, you abided restlessly in that dark, dismal, terrible hell.

  22. hir ismrq qU nw jlih min qin aur Dwir ] har simuruth thoo naa julehi man than our dhaar Remembering the Lord in meditation, you were not burnt; enshrine Him in your heart, mind and body.

  23. ibKm Qwnhu ijin riKAw iqsu iqlu n ivswir ] bikhum thaanuhu jin rakhiaa this thil n visaar In that treacherous place, He protected and preserved you; do not forget Him, even for an instant.

  24. pRB ibsrq suKu kdy nwih jwsih jnmu hwir ]2] prubh bisuruth sukh kudhae naahi jaasehi junum haar Forgetting God, you shall never find peace; you shall forfeit your life, and depart. ||2||

  25. slok ] sulok Shalok:

  26. mn ieCw dwn krxM srbqR Awsw pUrnh ] mun eishaa dhaan kurunun surubuthr aasaa pooruneh He grants our hearts' desires, and fulfills all our hopes.

  27. KMfxM kil klysh pRB ismir nwnk nh dUrxh ]1] khunddunun kal kulaeseh prubh simar naanuk neh dhooruneh He destroys pain and suffering; remember God in meditation, O Nanak - He is not far away. ||1||

  28. hiB rMg mwxih ijsu sMig qY isau lweIAY nyhu ] habh rung maanehi jis sung thai sio laaeeai naehu Love Him, with whom you enjoy all pleasures.

  29. so shu ibMd n ivsrau nwnk ijin suMdru ricAw dyhu ]2] so suhu bindh n visuro naanuk jin sundhur rachiaa dhaehu Do not forget that Lord, even for an instant; O Nanak, He fashioned this beautiful body. ||2||

  30. pauVI ] pourree Pauree:

  31. jIau pRwn qnu Dnu dIAw dIny rs Bog ] jeeo praan thun dhun dheeaa dheenae rus bhog He gave you your soul, breath of life, body and wealth; He gave you pleasures to enjoy.

  32. igRh mMdr rQ Asu dIey ric Bly sMjog ] grih mundhur ruth as dheeeae rach bhulae sunjog He gave you households, mansions, chariots and horses; He ordained your good destiny.

  33. suq binqw swjn syvk dIey pRB dyvn jog ] suth banithaa saajun saevuk dheeeae prubh dhaevun jog He gave you your children, spouse, friends and servants; God is the all-powerful Great Giver.

  34. hir ismrq qnu mnu hirAw lih jwih ivjog ] har simuruth thun mun hariaa lehi jaahi vijog Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the body and mind are rejuvenated, and sorrow departs.

  35. swDsMig hir gux rmhu ibnsy siB rog ]3] saadhusung har gun rumuhu binusae sabh rog In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chant the Praises of the Lord, and all your sickness shall vanish. ||3||

  36. slok ] sulok Shalok:

  37. kutMb jqn krxM mwieAw Anyk audmh ] kuttunb juthun kurunun maaeiaa anaek oudhumeh For his family, he works very hard; for the sake of Maya, he makes countless efforts.

  38. hir Bgiq Bwv hIxM nwnk pRB ibsrq qy pRyqqh ]1] har bhugath bhaav heenun naanuk prubh bisuruth thae praethutheh But without loving devotional worship of the Lord, O Nanak, he forgets God, and then, he is a mere ghost. ||1||

  39. qutVIAw sw pRIiq jo lweI ibAMn isau ] thutturreeaa saa preeth jo laaee biann sio That love shall break, which is established with any other than the Lord.

  40. nwnk scI rIiq sWeI syqI riqAw ]2] naanuk suchee reeth saaee saethee rathiaa O Nanak, that way of life is true, which inspires love of the Lord. ||2||

  41. pauVI ] pourree Pauree:

  42. ijsu ibsrq qnu Bsm hoie khqy siB pRyqu ] jis bisuruth thun bhusum hoe kehuthae sabh praeth Forgetting Him, one's body turns to dust, and everyone calls him a ghost.

  43. iKnu igRh mih bsn n dyvhI ijn isau soeI hyqu ] khin grih mehi busun n dhaevehee jin sio soee haeth And those, with whom he was so much in love - they do not let him stay in their home, even for an instant.

  44. kir AnrQ drbu sMicAw so kwrij kyqu ] kar anuruth dhurub sunchiaa so kaaraj kaeth Practicing exploitation, he gathers wealth, but what use will it be in the end?

  45. jYsw bIjY so luxY krm iehu Kyqu ] jaisaa beejai so lunai kurum eihu khaeth As one plants, so does he harvest; the body is the field of actions.

  46. AikrqGxw hir ivsirAw jonI Brmyqu ]4] akiruthughunaa har visariaa jonee bhurumaeth The ungrateful wretches forget the Lord, and wander in reincarnation. ||4||

  47. slok ] sulok Shalok:

  48. koit dwn iesnwnµ Aink soDn pivqRqh ] kott dhaan eisunaanun anik sodhun pavithrutheh The benefits of millions of charitable donations and cleansing baths, and countless ceremonies of purification and piety,

  49. aucrMiq nwnk hir hir rsnw srb pwp ibmucqy ]1] ouchurunth naanuk har har rusunaa surub paap bimuchuthae O Nanak, are obtained by chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har with one's tongue; all sins are washed away. ||1||

  50. eIDxu kIqomU Gxw BorI idqImu Bwih ] eedhun keethomoo ghunaa bhoree dhitheem bhaahi I gathered together a great stack of firewood, and applied a tiny flame to light it.

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