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5th Grade Meridian Lions. Ms. Cameron r.cameron@mwschool.org. Ms. Trusler l.trusler@mwschool.org. Ms. Powell k.powell@mwschool.org. Ms. Turner j.turner@mwschool.org. Mr. Zollner j.zollner@mwschool.org. IB Units of Inquiry.
5th Grade Meridian Lions Ms. Cameron r.cameron@mwschool.org Ms. Trusler l.trusler@mwschool.org Ms. Powell k.powell@mwschool.org Ms. Turner j.turner@mwschool.org Mr. Zollner j.zollner@mwschool.org
IB Units of Inquiry We will engage in six units of inquiry throughout the year. These units, or planners, will fall under the six transdisciplinary themes that will be addressed at all grade levels. Each unit will have a central idea and lines of inquiry. The central idea is a statement that explains the concepts being addressed. The lines of inquiry help to clarify the direction the unit will go.
Transdisciplinary Themes • Who We Are • Where We are in Place and Time • How We Express Ourselves • How the World Works • How We Organize Ourselves • Sharing the Planet
IB Units of Inquiry Provocation & Building Background Knowledge: We want to engage students in our inquiry, so we will begin each unit by ensuring that the students are hooked into the content and have enough knowledge to truly wonder at a deeper level. Student Questions: We will spend some time in each unit for students to ask questions about our content. We will look at various types of questions and work to ask provoking questions that will help us understand the concept at a deeper level.
IB Units of Inquiry Inquiry: During each unit, there will be a time of inquiry where students are building their understanding. The structure of this time will vary from unit to unit. There will be opportunities for teacher-guided inquiry as well as student-directed inquiry. During this time we will be formatively assessing the students’ understanding of the lines of inquiry. Summative Assessment & Reflection: Students will be asked to show their understanding of the central idea and to reflect on the unit.
Math Fifth grade students practice math daily through problem solving and Everyday Math lessons. This is a spiraling math program that reviews familiar concepts while introducing new concepts and provides real-life opportunities to develop and refine a variety of skills. It is a very fast paced math program. Your student will succeed and do well if you work with them on knowing their multiplication and addition math facts. We will cover topics from two digit by two digit multiplication to multiplying fractions. We will use the Everyday Math program in conjunction with the Everyday Math games and math manipulatives (unifix cubes, pattern blocks, dice, coins, and dominos).
Some concepts we cover in 5th grade Math include: • Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning • Fractions • Multiplication and Division • Patterns and algebraic reasoning • Prime and composite numbers • Geometry and Spatial Reasoning • Measurement • Probability and statistics
Problem-Solving Strategies Each Wednesday, we spend time working on problem-solving strategies. As we teach each strategy, the students will work collaboratively to solve problems with a small group. We will be focusing on learning and practicing the strategies, and then students will work independently, using the strategies that they learned from the beginning of the year. Strategies explored: Guess & check, Draw a picture, Look for a pattern, Table or chart, Work backwards, Act it out
Math Differentiation • Prior to each new unit, we will administer a pre-test. • Students who show that they have already mastered the concept will be working on advanced projects and/or menus. The students in this group will be expected to: • complete their project/menu activities during class time • work independently while I teach the rest of the class • create a high quality product that demonstrates hard work and understanding of the concept • complete the product on time • present their work to class in a clear manner • Small group instruction will be provided for students who need additional support.
Science/Social Studies In Science and Social Studies, students will make many new discoveries and connections.All science and social studies topics will be covered in IB planners, and will include a lot of hands on investigations. At Meridian, we believe in a student focused environment where students learn through inquiry. Students are encouraged to ask questions, predict, observe, experiment and wonder. Throughout the year, we may request additional consumable science materials.
Some topics that we cover in 5th grade science include: • Scientific investigation & reasoning • Matter and Energy • Force and Motion • Earth and Space • Organisms and Environments • Adaptations • Ecosystems
Some topics that we cover in 5th grade social studies include: • Colonization • American independence • Social changes during the 19th century • Civil War • 20th century issues and events • Economics • Government • Culture • Current events
Writing Throughout the year, students will use the strategies for Writer’s Workshop. They will go through the stages of producing a rough draft, editing, and creating a final draft. Published pieces will be related to the planners. We will focus on expository rather than narrative writing, so students will be expected to use and apply concepts and academic vocabulary in a meaningful way to convey their understanding. Research projects will include note-taking, the development and organization of ideas and information, and appropriate use of conventions. In addition to Writer’s Workshop, students will have time to journal. This portion of writing will be student directed, where they are able to reflect and express their feeling and emotions.
Reading We will evaluate student reading levels using the Fountas and Pinnell system. Once your student’s personal reading level is found, they will work with other students in small groups or literature circles to discuss connections to planners. Students will also select books for independent reading and will be expected to use text evidence to support their thinking, analyze story elements, and understand connections. Literacy projects will be a component of most IB planners. Some units may require students to select and provide their own books.
Word Work At Meridian, we use the spelling program Words Their Way, which focuses on the patterns of spelling. In this program students take a pre-test to see what level they spell on. Spelling groups and lists are then created based on the needs shown. Students will not memorize and take home their lists. Students will work on sorting their words according to the patterns, as well as know the meanings of each of their words. Word study menus will provide opportunities for practice, and students should ensure that they are engaged and using time management skills to complete these. In addition to Words Their Way, students will study vocabulary to learn the meaning of Greek & Latin prefixes and suffixes.
Resources & strategies that we use in 5th grade are: • Words Their Way • Mentor Texts • Literature Circles / Book Groups • Independent Reading • Writing Workshop
Differentiated Instruction Differentiated instruction provides students multiple options for acquiring information and making sense of ideas. Students are challenged at all levels and are provided deep and complex learning experiences. Instruction is a blend of whole group, small group, and individual instruction. Differentiation recognizes student background knowledge, readiness, language, and preferences in learning and interests.
Morning Tutorials Each morning from 7:30-8:00, 5th grade teachers will offer morning tutorials for math. Math tutoring will focus on EveryDay Math lessons, either as a pre-teach of concepts or practice with concepts and skills. Teachers will offer tutorials to students that show a need for reteach and reinforcement. Tutorials are most effective if students arrive on time.
Homework • The purpose of homework at Meridian is to give you a window into our academic day. Please remember that homework is both assigned and due on Tuesdays. • There will be math homework each week. The assignments will support or reflect the math concepts we are covering in class. If your student does not understand a concept, please consult the Student Reference Book which is on the Homework tab of the Meridian 5thGrade webpage. Homework will also include fact practice on xtramath.organd additional practice and extension activities. There is also a link to the EveryDay Math website which offers videos and additional information. • Homework will also include writing assignments that connect to our planner and skills that we are practicing in class. This homework piece also gives your child an opportunity to work on grammar and editing skills. • Students are expected to read 150 minutes at home each week, which is recorded in the Daily Agenda. In addition, students will have opportunities to respond to their reading in a variety of ways. • As we progress though the planners, additional homework may be assigned as needed.
What’s New in 5th Grade? • French as a second language – will be taught through immersion • Approaches to Learning – focused on study and research skills, as well as other transdisciplinary skills • Internationalism – looking at global perspectives • Mini-courses on Wednesdays – student chosen courses related to a planner concept (past examples have included revolution in art and music, Radicals and Rebels, etc. related to conflict) 2014-2015: Diversity enhances creativity. • Number grades – report cards will also include narrative comments
5th Grade Expectations 5th grade brings many challenges and opportunities for growth, as well as many engaging and cooperative learning and inquiry activities. Students will be receiving number grades, and will be doing many independent and group research projects, which will require hard work and commitment to their learning. We have high expectations for your children, both academically and socially, and know that we will have a terrific year together!
5th Grade Expectations We will expect students to: • Participate appropriately in class discussions and activities • Use time management and other self management skills • Work cooperatively and independently • Use given rubrics or checklists to ensure completion of tasks • Be accountable for their words, actions, and assignments • Conduct themselves as role models for other Primary students • Communicate their learning to you • Prepare for 6th grade and Secondary!
Encouraging Positive Behavior The PYP of IB uses Essential Agreements which are classroom rules developed by the students as a result of classroom discussions. The Learner Profile attributes and IB attitudes are often the basis of these expectations for behavior. Each 5th grade class took some time to discuss expectations for behavior and then developed a unique list of Essential Agreements. Each student signed the Essential Agreements, thereby agreeing to abide by these rules. You can see them posted in your child's classroom. We will also have school-wide EA for the halls, cafeteria, and restrooms.
If a child breaks one of the Essential Agreements, we ask them to reflect on their choices. The hope is that by asking the child to reflect on his/her behavior, he/she will become more keenly aware of the class expectation, and how he/she can fulfill the expectation. In Fifth Grade we always assume positive intent, and help children gain self control and self discipline in a positive manner.
Dismissal Students are dismissed from class at 2:50 every day and 12:50 on Wednesdays. After 3:15 on regular days or 1:15 on Wednesdays, students will wait in the front office for pick up. Please let us know in writing of any changes to your child’s dismissal. For safety reasons, we will not change dismissal routines without your permission. Please email the teacher or contact the office in a timely manner for any changes. We will not be checking email after 2:15 due to recess.
How to know what’s going on in the classroom: • Communication with your child is one of the best ways to find out what’s going on in the classroom. • 5th Grade Newsletters – a weekly email which will also be found in the “This week in 5th grade” section of our website • 5th Grade Website and Student Information Page • Homework • Daily Agenda/Binder • Primary Pride from Ms. McBride
Parent-Teacher Communication • We will check our email every day, in the morning, and at the end of the school day, after dismissal. If you need to get in touch with any of us right away, please leave a message in the office. • We will respond to your email within 48 hours on week days. • Our 5th Grade newsletters will be sent via email every week on Tuesday evening. • If you need to change your child’s dismissal, please call the office or email to ensure we receive the update. If you email the teacher, make sure you get a response, or contact the office, please.
Communication with Meridian • To foster communication, Meridian School will communicate in the following ways: • Post current events and other important School related information on the website at www.mwschool.org • Weekly Primary Pride newsletters • Periodic Constant Contact emails • Parent education events & orientations • “Coffee with Administrators” events
Room Parents The 5th grade room parents will be responsible for planning the Winter, Valentine, and End-of-Year parties. The parties will be combined for the entire grade level. Room parents are also responsible for recruiting volunteers, coordinating supply donation, and the set-up/clean-upof each classroom. All parties will begin at 1:45 and end at 2:45. Room parents and volunteers will be allowed to enter the building 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the party to set up.
Use of Cell Phones • Students are allowed to have cell phones at Meridian School with the following restrictions: • Primary students must keep cell phones in their backpacks unless they have the approval of their teacher to have in the classroom. Cell phones are not to be taken to other areas of the building unless approved by an administrator. Cell phones may not be used as a camera or to videotape. • Accessing the internet from the cell phone or any other electronic device is prohibited, as these devices do not access the school’s filter allowing us to monitor appropriate content. • Students may not use cell phones as cameras at Meridian. Due to the concern for inappropriate use of photographs on social media sites, this is strictly prohibited. Violations will be considered a disciplinary infraction as discussed in the Meridian Code of Conduct.
Uniform/Dress Code The Meridian uniform/dress code policy for primary (grades K-6) requires the colors white, red, or gray for tops; red, white, gray or navy for sweaters/jackets; and navy, gray, or tan khaki bottoms/jumpers. Jeans may be worn on Fridays only. A more detailed Uniform Guide was sent to current parents in June and is available on the Meridian website. Meridian students are encouraged to wear their Meridian t-shirts (spirit wear) on Fridays! Clothing must fit appropriately (not too loose, not too tight). Girls should wear shorts under skirts/jumpers on P. E. days. We will contact you with any dress code violations. Two violations will result in office contact.
Attendance and Tardies Attendance at school is very important. 8:00 is the official time for tardies. After three tardies, the student will receive an internal absence. We will take attendance officially at 9:30 each morning. Please work to schedule medical and dental appointments for outside the school day. Early release Wednesdays will be ideal for these appointments. The 5th grade teachers would appreciate a call or e-mail at the beginning of the day if a child is sick. Also, if you know in advance that your child will be absent for any reason, please make us aware of this ahead of time. If not, please make sure to send a note stating the reason for the absence. When a student reaches five unexcused absences, a letter will be sent home to the parents. Upon nine unexcused absences, there will be a consideration of removal from Meridian.
Wonder Wall/Wish List Please take the next few minutes to write any questions you have on a Post-It and add it to our 5th Grade Wonder Wall in the hallway. Feel free to grab a sticky off the wish list! We appreciate your help and support! Thank you for coming!!