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Word Within the Word Lesson 3. Word Within the Word – Lesson 3. - archy means government. mon- archy. (alone) (government ). Queen Elizabeth, the monarch of England, celebrated the prince’s wedding with great joy and optimism. p atriarch, hierarchy, anarchy.
-archymeans government mon-archy (alone) (government) Queen Elizabeth, the monarch of England, celebrated the prince’s wedding with great joy and optimism. patriarch, hierarchy, anarchy
-ardmeans always coward (always afraid) Rather than roaring like a king, the cowardly lion behaved like a frightened kitten in the presence of the mildly terrible witch. braggart, dullard
-cidemeans kill herbi-cide (plant) (kill) “I’m just as beautiful as the flowers!”, the weed shouted to the gardener pointing the deadly herbicide. homicide, genocide
-icianmeans specialist mus-ician (music) (specialist) The most memorable musicians build their success on practice and authentic sound rather than auto-tune. physician, technician, beautician
-itismeansinflammation sinus-itis (bend;curve) (inflammation) By bob says I tawkfuddywhend I have sinusitis, but by inflamed nostrils are dot amused. appendicitis, tonsillitis, arthritis
super- means over super-vise (over) (to see) Margaret quietly supervised as the boys slowly progressed toward their goal of completing the task without reading the instructions. superior, supernatural, superfluous
syn- means together syn-chronize (together) (time) Flash mobs appear to be spontaneous, but that level of synchronization probably requires many hours of practice. synthetic, synonym
sym- means together sym-metry (together) (measure) One side was so beautiful that it needed to be reflected in perfect symmetry on the other side. sympathy, symbol, symphony
tri- means three tri-angle (three) (corner) Triangles in math class are usually safer than triangles in social studies class. tricycle, triceps, triceratops
un- means not un-limited (not) (boundary) A diet of unlimited candy seems fabulous in the beginning, but always ends with regret. unequal, unearned, unconventional
Advanced Word sym-biotic symbiotic-the living together of two dissimilar organisms, for the benefit of both (together) (life)