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Today’s Schedule: 11/26/12. How was your break? Essays: By the end of the week/early next week Notes about a strong analysis paper… Vocab #4. Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood. We will be annotating these books heavily- you’ll want your own copy (unless you love sticky notes) Amazon, B&N, etc.
Today’s Schedule: 11/26/12 How was your break? Essays: By the end of the week/early next week Notes about a strong analysis paper… Vocab #4
Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood • We will be annotating these books heavily- you’ll want your own copy (unless you love sticky notes) • Amazon, B&N, etc.
Notes to remember about a strong analysis paper: • Indicative of a mature writer: • No first person • Assertive language (no “maybe”, “tries”, etc.) • Clear understanding of the author’s intended effect on the reader • How this applies to a larger context (conclusion) • Appropriate and interesting insights (conclusion) • Strong topic adherence- do you stick to your focus? • Strong textual integration with rhetorical strategies.
Quote Integration • Poorly integrated: The phrase, “the gloom hovering over them,” shows the ominous feeling of the scene. • Better: The scene with “the gloom hovering over them” was an eerie and dismal picture.
How could you strengthen this integration? Goodman states, “He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night”, however, the obituary states that Phil died on a Sunday…
“He was of course overweight by 20 or 25 pounds. He thought that was okay, though, because he didn’t smoke”. Even though smoking is very unhealthy, Phil’s weight was also unhealthy.
Vocabulary #4 • Quiz next Tuesday (12/4/12) • 22 words total • Spelling • Sentence Completion • Use the provided handout to copy down the definitions.
Abnegation denial; to refuse or deny oneself.
Salutary favorable to or promoting health; healthful; conducive to a beneficial purpose.
Sublimation to divert energy from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social or moral use (ex. Someone experiencing extreme anger will take up kickboxing); the change from solid to gas without entering the liquid phase.
Avuncular regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance.
Etiolate To cause to appear pale and sickly; to make weak by stunting the growth or development of.
Mimesis imitation; imitation of the words of another, as in order to represent his or her character.
Nemesis something that a person cannot conquer or achieve; an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.
Baleful full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious; wretched; miserable.
Imperative Sentence • sentence that gives a command or makes a request. • Examples: Hand it in now! Stop!
Interrogative Sentence • An interrogative sentence asks a question. • Example: Do you know the man?
Declarative sentence • A declarative sentence makes a statement. • Example: The assignment is due tomorrow.
Antecedent • a word or phrase that is replaced by a pronoun or other substitute. • Example: In Jane lost a glove and she can't find it, Jane is the antecedent of she and glove is the antecedent of it.
Oxymoron • a figure of speech in which there is an incongruous or seemingly self-contradictory effect. • Example: “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
Antithesis opposition; contrast; the direct opposite; the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas, as in “Give me liberty or give me death.”
Substantive belonging to the real nature or essential part of a thing; essential; real or actual.
Avarice insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.
Pragmatism - character or conduct that emphasizes practicality; utilitarian.
Indulgence a catering to someone's mood or whim; humoring.
Papist a Roman Catholic
Indifferent without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic
Grotesque odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
Cynicism • an attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others; a scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act. • Example: …the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals.
AP Art Day! Vocabulary Comics • Must use color • Must be school appropriate • You must use 8-10 words from your vocabulary list! • Turn in by the end of class. • Be creative!