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SAT Vocabulary Chapter 5

SAT Vocabulary Chapter 5. HOW TO TALK ABOUT VARIOUS PRACTITIONERS. QOD 03/04/14. Think of words that could possibly go in the blank. The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually being ------- by the dancers. QOD 03/04/14.

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SAT Vocabulary Chapter 5

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  2. QOD 03/04/14 • Think of words that could possibly go in the blank. • The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually being ------- by the dancers.

  3. QOD 03/04/14 • Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.  • The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually being ------- by the dancers. • (A) prolonged • (B) reapportioned • (C) unbalanced • (D) reflected • (E) defied

  4. QOD 03/04/14 • Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.  • The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually being ------- by the dancers. • (A) prolonged • (B) reapportioned • (C) unbalanced • (D) reflected • (E) defied Explanation The dancers seem to oppose, or defy, gravity when they look weightless.

  5. 1. psychologist (noun) • Definition: A scientist who studies the mind and behavior of humans and animals.

  6. 2. psychoanalyst (noun) • Definition: A psychologist who studies how unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior

  7. 3. orthodontist (noun) • Definition: A specialist who corrects irregularly positioned teeth

  8. 4. optometrist (noun) • Definition: a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses

  9. 5. optician (noun) • Definition: a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision

  10. 6. osteopath (noun) • Definition: one whotreats bones and blood vessels

  11. 7. chiropractor (noun) • Definition: one who treats the spine using his/her hands

  12. 8. podiatrist (noun) • Definition: a specialist in care for the feet

  13. 9. graphologist (noun) • Definition: a handwriting analyst

  14. 10. gerontologist (noun) • Definition: A social/biological scientist who specializes in the study of aging.

  15. Root 1: psyche • Meaning: mind • example: psychiatry

  16. Root 2: iatreia • Meaning: medical healing • example: podiatry

  17. Root 3: soma • Meaning: body • example: psychosomatic

  18. Root 4: pathos • Meaning: disease • example: osteopath

  19. Root 5: orthos • Meaning: straight, correct • example: orthodontia

  20. Root 6: paidos (ped-) • Meaning: child • ex: pedodontist

  21. Root 7: odontos • Meaning: tooth • example: exodontist

  22. Root 8: pous, podos • Meaning: foot • example: platypus

  23. Root 9: cheir (chiro-) • Meaning: hand • example:chiropodist

  24. Root 10: okto • Meaning: eight • example:octopus

  25. Root 11: graphein • Meaning: to write • example:graphology

  26. Root 12: kallos • Meaning: beauty • example: calligraphy

  27. Root 13: pyge • Meaning: buttocks • example: callipygian

  28. Root 14: kakos • Meaning: bad, ugly • example: cacography

  29. Root 15: photos • Meaning: light • example:photography

  30. Root 16: tele- • Meaning: distance • example: telegraph

  31. Root 17: bios • Meaning: life • example: biography

  32. Root 18: geras • Meaning: old age • example:geriatrics

  33. Root 19: geron • Meaning: old man • example: gerontology

  34. Root 20: senex • Meaning: old • example: senate

  35. QOD 03/05/14 • Create a list of words that could possibly go in the blank. • A dictatorship ------- its citizens to be docile and finds it expedient to make outcasts of those who do not ------- .

  36. QOD 03/05/14 • Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.  • A dictatorship ------- its citizens to be docile and finds it expedient to make outcasts of those who do not ------- . • (A) forces . . rebel • (B) expects . . disobey • (C) requires . . conform • (D) allows . . withdraw • (E) forbids . . agree

  37. QOD 03/05/14 • Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.  • A dictatorship ------- its citizens to be docile and finds it expedient to make outcasts of those who do not ------- . • (A) forces . . rebel • (B) expects . . disobey • (C) requires . . conform • (D) allows . . withdraw • (E) forbids . . agree Explanation Answering this question depends in part on your knowledge of vocabulary. You have to know what the words “dictatorship,” “docile,” and “expedient” mean. You also have to watch out for key words such as not. If you leave out the word not then answer choices like (A) and (B) make sense. But only choice (C) makes sense. A dictatorship would probably require its citizens to be docile & make outcasts of those who do not conform to its rules.

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