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Crisis:. A time of great danger or trouble whose outcome decides whether possible bad consequences will follow. Other professions like ours:. Aviation Spaceflight Nuclear power and chemical manufacturing Military Command – Fighter Pilots in combat Fire fighting. Complex and Dynamic.
Crisis: A time of great danger or trouble whose outcome decides whether possible bad consequences will follow.
Other professions like ours: • Aviation • Spaceflight • Nuclear power and chemical manufacturing • Military Command – Fighter Pilots in combat • Fire fighting
Complex and Dynamic • Event driven and dynamic • Complex and tightly coupled • Uncertain • Risky
Dynamism Time pressure Intensity Complexity Uncertainty Risk What makes Anesthesia different from other specialties?
Anesthesiology, by its nature, involves crises The combination of complexity and dynamism makes crises much more likely to occur and more difficult to deal with.
Up to our elbows… • Anesthesia involves direct physical involvement in the tasks of patient care including: - performance of invasive procedures - administration of rapidly acting, potentially lethal medications - operation of increasingly complex devices
During crises, knowledge is not enough.. • Management of the environment, the equipment and the patient care team • This involves aspects of cognitive and social psychology, sociology and anthropology
Old View • Adequate Training + Qualified Trainee = Ability to handle Crisis Situations
New View • Each individual is affected by multiple factors…. • Individual strengths and vulnerabilities • Distractions, biases, errors • Environment, Equipment • Physiologic factors such as fatigue, emotional stress, illness
It happened all of a sudden… • Crisis perceived as sudden in onset and rapid in development • In retrospect one can usually identify an evolution from underlying triggering events
Gaba DM, Fish KJ, Howard SK: Crisis Management in Anesthesia 1994
Triggering events may initiate a problem. A problem is an abnormal situation that requires attention but is unlikely by itself to cause harm. Problems can evolve and if not detected or corrected can lead to adverse outcomes.
The events that trigger problems do not occur at random • They emerge from three sets of underlying conditions: • Latent errors • Predisposing factors • Psychological precursors
1. Latent Errors: …errors whose adverse consequences may lie dormant within the system for a long time, only becoming evident when they combine with other factors to breach the system’s defenses, most likely spawned by those whose activities are removed in space and time from direct control: designers, adminstrators, managers.
2. Predisposing Factors: • The external environment constitutes predisposing factors. • In aviation this is weather. In anesthesia these are the patient’s underlying diseases and the nature of the surgery
3. Psychological Precursors • Can predispose the surgeon or anesthesia provider to commit unsafe acts that may trigger a problem • “Performance Shaping Factors” including fatigue, boredom, illness, drugs, environment (noise, illumination)
Eliminating the Latent Factors • Most of the latent factors affecting anesthesia are too complex to analyze and find a single cause • Most effective strategy is targeted at individual cases including 1) the patient 2) the surgeon and anesthesia provider 3) the equipment
Complex Dynamic Worlds • Ill-structured problems • Uncertain dynamic environment • Time Stress • Shifting, ill-defined or competing goals • Action/feedback loops • High stakes • Multiple Players • Organizational goals and norms • Orasanu J, Conolly T: The reinvention of decision making, 1993, pp 3-20
Ambiguous Command Structure OR “team” is actually several “crews” Surgery, Anesthesiology, Nursing, Secretarial, Housekeeping Each Crew has its own command hierarchy and structure Sociology of the OR
“Expertise” in Anesthesia (or who would I choose to do MY anesthesia) • Intelligence + Motivation + anesthesia training = Expertise in anesthesia (?) • CME’s, Refresher Courses, M & M conferences – maintains “expertise” (?) • Is every “expert” then a good crisis manager?
Human Performance • The concept of “performance” is difficult to define • No “Gold Standard” • Difficult to measure • Data tends to be subjective
Elements of Core Mental Process • Observation • Verification • Problem Recognition • Prediction of future states • Decision-making • Action implementation • Reevaluation • Start again with observation
Problem Recognition • Matching sets of environmental cues to patterns that are known to represent specific types of problems • “Heuristics” – approximation strategies to handle ambiguous situations • Categorize into several “generic” problems, each with a differential • Frequency Gambling
Tasks • Primary tasks • Completion is dependent on Task Load • Secondary tasks • Completion is dependent on the priority of the Primary Task
Prospective Memory • One’s ability to remember in the future to perform an action (i.e. restart the ventilator, administer medications, eye check) • Interruptions and “break-in-tasks” frequently delay or prevent • During a 3 hour period in the ED there were more than 30 interruptions and more than 20 breaks-in-task* Chisholm CD, Collison EK, Nelson DR, Cordell WH: Emergency department workplace interruptions:Are emergency physicians “interrupt-drive” and “multitasking”? Acad Emerg Med 7:1239-1243, 2000
Fixation Errors • The persistent failure to revise a diagnosis or plan in the face of readily available evidence that suggest a revision is necessary
3 types of Fixation Errors • “This and only this!” • “Everything but this!” • “Everything is OK!”
“Perhaps the most insidious hazard of anesthesia is its relative safety. The individual anesthetist is rarely responsible for serious complications. It is our impressions that most seemingly minor errors are not taken seriously and risk management depends almost solely on the anesthetists ability to react instinctively and flawlessly Cooper JB, Newbower RS, Kitz RJ: An analysis of major errors and equipment failures in anesthesia management: Considerations for prevention and detection. Anesthesiology 60:34-42, 1984
Production Pressure • 49% witnessed an event where patient safety was comprised due to pressure • 32% experienced strong pressure from surgeons to proceed with a case they wished to cancel • 20% responded, “sometimes I have altered my practices to hasten the start of a case”
Other complex worlds like ours • Military aviation – the desire to optimize human performance stems from the desire of the pilot to stay alive • Nuclear Power – Three Mile Island and Chernobyl • Chemical – Union Carbide plant, Bhopal India • Spaceflight – Space Shuttles Challenger and Columbia • Commerical aviation – learning from the lessons of military aviation, CRM training (based on the workshop, Management on the Flightdeck, sponsored by NASA 1979)
Vigilance… • Both Aviation and Anesthesia are describe as…”99% boredom and 1% Sheer Terror….”
Interesting Parallels • Preop Evaluation • Machine/Equipment check • Induction • Deepening Anesthesia • Intraop • Lightening Anesthesia • Emergence • Preflight • Aircraft and preflight checklist • Take Off • Gaining Altitude • Cruise Altitude • Descent • Landing