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IN2P3 33 years. CNRS. 14 000 Researchers 12 000 Engineers, Technicians, Administrative in 1300 lab. ST2I. MPPU. IN2P3. INSU. SPM. STIC. SPI. SC. SDV. SHS. Universe. Nuclear Particle. Physics Maths. Bio. Computing. Engineer. Chemistry. Humanities. Personnel:
IN2P3 33 years
CNRS 14 000 Researchers12 000 Engineers, Technicians, Administrative in 1300 lab ST2I MPPU IN2P3 INSU SPM STIC SPI SC SDV SHS Universe Nuclear Particle Physics Maths Bio. Computing Engineer Chemistry Humanities Personnel: 1931 2671 2833 1317 1409 3496 5748 3969 Budget: 2,2 G€
CNRS CNRS Priorities • Life Sciences • Computer sciences • Nanotechnologies • Environment • Interdisciplinarity A new strategic plan in preparation • But also new environment for research in France (as in UK, Italy,…) • New agencies: ANR, A2I • New campus-like structures: RTRA, PRES • New status for universities • New network like structures: Carnot Institutes
18 laboratories 800 recherchers (CNRS + Universities) 1600 ITA/IATOS 60 projects IN2P3 conducts pp and np for the entire french academic world (except CEA) Basic Rechearch Nuclear Physics Particle Physics Astroparticle Physics Interdisciplinary applications Nuclear Energy Biomedical Condensed matter ... Instrumentation Detectors, Accelerators, Computing Theory
IN2P3 Particle Physics Computing Nuclear Physics Astroparticle Physics Nuclear Energy Applications Accelerators
IN2P3/CNRS: 20 labs Uni. CNRS CNRS Uni.
International Collaborations Bilateral agreements with: Spain, Tchec. Republic, Poland, Romania, GSI, Dubna Nikhef, US, Japan, China, Corea Regular meetings with: DOE, KEK, INFN, PPARC, EPSRC, BMBF, NIKHEF Collaborations with many other countries… NuPECC, APPEC
Particle Physics at IN2P3200 Physicists/10 Laboratories Ongoing Experiments BaBar (30/4) D0 (30/7) H1 (15/3) Near Future Experiments ATLAS (60/6) CMS (30/4) LHCb (20/4) LCG Far Future Experiments ILC (15/5) CLIC (4/2) Date of completion ≤ 2009 ≤ 2008 ≤ 2007 Date of readiness 2008 2008 2008 ≤ 2009 2025 ?
Research Aims Ongoing Experiments BaBar SLAC US D0 FNAL US H1 DESY D Near Future Experiments LHC CERN ATLAS CERN CMS CERN LHCb CERN LCG ccin2p3 Far Future Experiments ILC, CLIC WHERE? Preparation to LHC Physics Higgs and new Physics CP Violation Proton Structure Tier 1 and 2 for LHC R&D for ILC and CLIC
NUCLEAR PHYSICS 290 permanent scientists 221 physicists (experimentalists), 46 theorists, 23 radiochemists, 10 laboratories ALICE, RHIC TJLAB (G0, DVCS) GSI (HADES) GANIL, Orsay (ALTO), GSI,LEGNARO, JYVASKYLA, ISOLDE, DUBNA
TOF TRD HMPID TPC PMD PHOS ITS Muon arm Nature of the confinement of quarks and gluons ALICE (CERN) IN2P3 5 laboratories - Dimuon arm - Internal tracking system (ITS) Investment: 6.6 M€ Hadronic physics HADES Understand the structure of nucleons and light nuclei Confinement of quarks et gluons in hadrons Strong interaction (QCD) Structure modifications of hadrons in nuclear matter TJNAF, GSI
Structure and the dynamics of nuclei. Nature of the nucleonic matter Some key facts: New limits of stability (37Ne) Discovery of 48Ni 2p radioactivity New deformations, New magicity Nuclear molecules New detectors (EXOGAM, VAMOS) GANIL - Origin of nuclear binding - Limits of nuclear stability - Heavy and super-heavy elements - Formation of elements in the universe (nucléosynthesis) SPIRAL CAEN R&D for SPIRAL2: ALTO (agreementDUBNA-IPNO) R&D future detectors: AGATA • KEEP THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVITY OF GANIL • SPIRAL2 project • - 2002-2008 experiments with SPIRAL I • SPIRAL II , a priority stated by NuPECC 118M€ (full cost) - cofinanced by Region (33%) • Decision expected end-2004- into operation: 2009 • Complementarity with GSI - Future with EURISOL…
SPIRAL II project Driver SC Linac: 40MeV, 5mA d et 14.5 AMeV, 1pmA heavy-ions >1013 fissions/sec. d->n 12C converter + 238UCx target • Multi-beams (up to 5) • Into operation: 2009 Post-acceleration in CIME Energy < 6 AMeV
Pluridisciplinary Program PACE Back-end of electronuclear cycle IN2P3 focused on transmutation of nuclear wastes and innovative systems for the future of nuclear Energy - Experimental validation of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) R&D European programs (MEGAPIE, n-TOF, MUSE, PDS-XADS, EUROTRANS) - High intensity accelerator developments (IPHI) Innovative systems for Nuclear Energy based on the Th cycle Scenarios, focused on the concept of a molten salt reactor
Current IN2P3 program On Astroparticle, Cosmology and Neutrino
ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS & NEUTRINO 200 researchers, 154 engineers, 70 non permanent staff Space programs 25 %
A « cosmic ray » program HESS, Namibia, 2004 AUGER, Argentina, 2005 VIRGO, Pisa, 2006 ANTARES, Toulon, 2006 High energy gamma, ultra high energy cosmic rays, gravitational waves, neutrinos
In the near futureCosmic rays and cosmology in space High energy gamma rays, antimatter, CMB, Dark Energy GLAST, 2007 PLANCK, 2008 AMS 2009 SNAP/JDEM 2015 LISA 2015 SNIFS, SNLS
Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France LSM in Fréjus • NEMO3, double beta decay (2003-) • EDELWEISS II, dark matter (2006) • Low radioactivity studies (ILIAS) • Search for SHE in nature
65m 80m MEMPHYS Neutrino roadmap • OPERA(2006) • In the next few years: • DOUBLECHOOZ (2008-2009) • T2K (2009-2013) • R&D for SuperNEMO, double beta decay (>2010) • At the horizon of 2015-18 • Megatonne detector in Fréjus in relation to super and beta beam from CERN?
Sources: • AP • TGE HESS • Prgm Astrop
Astroparticle missions See talk by AM Ferrer and L. Mallet for Human Ressources
Conclusions • The research environment in France is changing fast. • It abandons the model of « unique desk » agencies providing autonomously all resources, hiring people, and managing their careers to « grant providing » agencies • The IN2P3 concentrating on a project by project management structure hopes to keep its potential of large project funding, the concomitant pluri-annual character of engagements and the autonomy of its strategic thinking (in coordination with the other agencies in France, Europe and the world) .