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Servizio Sismico Nazionale. NERIES JRA4 Meeting Rome 4 and 5 December 2006 TASK A: SITE SELECTION Monography of the station CATANIA Station code CAT_ _. General Site Information. Location of the site. Geographical Data. Location of the station. Site Description – Housing Table.
Servizio Sismico Nazionale NERIESJRA4 MeetingRome 4 and 5 December 2006TASK A: SITE SELECTIONMonography of the stationCATANIAStation codeCAT__
General Site Information Location of the site
Geographical Data Location of the station
Site Description – Housing Table Location of the station
Morphological Data View of the area
The Catania Project E. Faccioli and V. Pessina All the results produced in mapform, or referred to a specificmap location, are now available indifferent GIS layers that can beaccessed throughthe GNDT Web sitehttp://emidius.itim.mi.cnr.it/GNDT/home.html (ProgettoEsecutivo 1998, under 6B.1). The creation of a database of about 860 boreholes provided the basis for ageotechnical zonation of the Catania municipal area; based on existing in situ tests(SPT, CPT, cross-hole and down-hole measurements) the mapping of the shear wavevelocity for earthquake engineering purposes was carried out. All the borehole and insitu test data were stored in the database and the investigation sites located via GISsystem (see 2.2). To integrate the previous data, investigations were carried out for measuringthe shear wave velocity by surface wave methods (see 2.3), in particular SASWinvestigations have been performed at beach sites south of the city (La Plaja), wheresaturated sand deposits exhibit a marked susceptibility to liquefaction.Laboratory cyclic tests were performed to characterise the non linear soilbehaviour, which may occur during strong earthquakes, such as the 1693 scenarioearthquake (see 1). Two boreholes were made, in which down-hole velocitymeasurements have been executed, and undisturbed samples were retrieved.Resonant column tests and cyclic loading torsional shear tests were performed toinvestigate the initial shear modulus Go and shear modulus degradation with shearstrain, as well as damping ratio degradation (2.4).
Vs30 Map DH – CH - SASW E. Faccioli and V. Pessina “The Catania Project”