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Category Plots

Category Plots. Table Of Contents. All Events Mass Plots 4 Category Mass Plots + Table 8 Category Mass Plots + Table 8 Category Diphoton p T Plots Extra 12 Category Mass Plots + Table. No Categories. All Events Mass Plots Signal Stacked Signal Out Front. All Selected Events.

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Category Plots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Category Plots

  2. Table Of Contents • All Events Mass Plots • 4 Category Mass Plots + Table • 8 Category Mass Plots + Table • 8 Category DiphotonpT Plots • Extra • 12 Category Mass Plots + Table

  3. No Categories • All Events Mass Plots • Signal Stacked • Signal Out Front

  4. All Selected Events SIGNAL x 10

  5. All Selected Events SIGNAL x 100

  6. 4 Categories • 4 Categories Mass Plots • Signal Stacked • Signal Out Front • Fine Binning (Signal Out Front) • Category Table

  7. 2 R9 x 2 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  8. 2 R9 x 2 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  9. 2 R9 x 2 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  10. Signal In Categories2R9 x 2 Eta

  11. 8 Categories • 8 Categories Mass Plots • Signal Stacked • Signal Out Front • Fine Binning (Signal Out Front) • Category Table

  12. 2 R9 x 2 Eta x 2 pTgg SIGNAL x 10

  13. 2 R9 x 2 Eta x 2 pTgg SIGNAL x 10

  14. 2 R9 x 2 Eta x 2 pTgg SIGNAL x 10

  15. Signal In Categories2R9 x 2 Eta x2 pTgg Hi pTgg LopTgg Hi R9 Lo R9 Hi R9 Lo R9 Hi R9 Lo R9 Hi R9 Lo R9 EB EE EB EE

  16. 8 Categories • 8 Categories DiPhoton PT Plots • Signal Stacked and Scaled by 10 • Signal Out Front and Scaled by 50

  17. 2 R9 x 2 Eta x 2 pTgg SIGNAL x 10

  18. 2 R9 x 2 Eta x 2 pTgg SIGNAL x 50

  19. EXTRA • 12 Categories Mass Plots • Signal Stacked • Signal Out Front • Fine Binning (Signal Out Front) • category table

  20. 3 R9 x 4 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  21. 3 R9 x 4 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  22. 3 R9 x 4 Eta SIGNAL x 10

  23. Signal In Categories3R9 x 4 Eta

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