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FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD. An integrated plan for teaching Foundation VCAL Learning Outcomes. Influencing Learning Outcomes. While presenting you with an integrated plan to achieve a variety of VCAL Outcomes, I have included John Hattie’s Big 4 ways for teachers to influence learning outcomes;
FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD An integrated plan for teaching Foundation VCAL Learning Outcomes
Influencing Learning Outcomes While presenting you with an integrated plan to achieve a variety of VCAL Outcomes, I have included John Hattie’s Big 4 ways for teachers to influence learning outcomes; • Learning Intention • Success Criteria • Quality Tasks • Feedback
LEARNING INTENTION To demonstrate a way to plan and implement a thematic approach so students achieve a variety of Learning Outcomes across the following subject areas in ; • Literacy • PDS • Numeracy • WRS • VCE Food Technology Unit 1
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will know we have been successful when we have demonstrated ways to implement an integrated program that enable students to achieve outcomes across a variety of subject areas.
SNAPSHOT OF QUALITY TASKS • This unit of work is made up of multiple tasks that demonstrate an exploration and understanding of knowledge learned in a variety of VCAL subjects, such as; • Debating the issue of junk food in school canteens • Reviewing restaurants through personal experience (excursion to a restaurant) • Creating a fictions restaurant including design, advertising, menu etc • Writing for a variety of audiences eg: advertising, menu, food reviews • Researching and creating a food theme/menu • Floor design and build a model of restaurant • Budgeting and costing food items • Demonstrating food preparation of recipes for an audience and for fund raising activities.
Literacy Learning Outcome 1: Writingfor self expressionLiteracy Learning Outcome 3: Writing for KnowledgeOral Literacy Learning Outcome 1: Oracy for Self Expression Quality Task – Advertising your Restaurant Students write a brief description (an advertorial) of a fictitious restaurant they have chosen to create and include an explanation of the menu, price range, target market of clientele, theme, X factor. Evidence of successful completion of task: • Completed print advertisement • Completed 30 sec Radio Advertisement • Presentation of advertisement to an audience TERM 1\Restaurants\Check List of Tasks.docx • Word Bank of cooking terms and their meaning..\..\Mandy Laptop\2012 VCAL\LITERACY\Restaurant work\Matching terms and their meanings.docx
Numeracy Outcomes1. Numeracy for practical purposes – design2. Numeracy for practical purposes – measuring3. Numeracy for personal organisation – money and time QUALITY TASKS: Creating Blue Prints and Making Models Students draw using pencil & ruler, a draft of their restaurants paying attention to the criteria. When blue print is completed, students will create their scaled model following their blue print design. ..\..\2013 YEAR 11\NUMERACY\CRITERIA FOR YOUR RESTAURANT DESIGN.docx Restaurant Menu Cooking Students plan, budget and deliver a recipe of their choice from their fictitious restaurant menu items.
Numeracy Learning Outcome 3, 4, Literacy Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3 Quality Task Prior Learning: • Timetables of Public Transport routes to and from restaurant • Costing of day’s excursion • Accessing Reviews of Restaurant: TERM 1\Little Creatures Brewery Reviews.docx • Fact and Opinion – which is which? ..\..\Mandy Laptop\2012 VCAL\LITERACY\Restaurant work\Fri 19 Aug - Rest Reviews - Fact or Opinion Chart.docx Excursion • Using public transport and timetables to get there. • Make observations of the practical operation of a restaurant TERM 1\LITTLE CREATURES CANTEEN AND BREWERY.docx • Success Criteria including Evidence • Worksheet of activities • Restaurant Review upload to www.tripadvisor.com.au
Personal Development Skills (PDS) Learning Outcome 1: Plan A Simple Activity QualityTask Students will work in a group to plan a fundraising activity to raise money for a chosen charity; Biggest Morning Tea. They will advertise the event (morning tea) to peers and parents, purchase ingredients and cook a recipe for the morning tea. Evidence of successful completion of task • Posters advertising the event • Catering for the event – achieved through skills developed in VCE Food Tech Unit 1. (see next slide) • Money handling skills eg: receiving money & giving change • Food Handlers Certificate
VCE Food Tech Unit 1 –Industry Specific Subject Quality Task • Food Handlers Certificate – 2hrs x 4 sessions delivered by Karingal Training • Recipe demonstrations
Feedback & Reflection Strategies • Peer feedback on recipe demonstrations ..\FEEDBACK\Cooking presentation feedback.docx • Restaurant Presentations – Peer to Peer Oral Feedback FEEDBACK\Restaurant Advertisements.xlsx • Teacher Rubric FEEDBACK\Restaurant Rubric.doc • Student Self Reflection.. \FEEDBACK\ASSESSMENT OF MY CLASS WORK.docx