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Animal-like Protists : The Protozoa

Animal-like Protists : The Protozoa. Chapter 8. Protists. The taxonomic kingdom Protista is a collection of single-celled organisms that do not fit into any other category. Protists are a group made up of protozoa, unicellular algae, and slime molds. Maintaining Homeostasis.

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Animal-like Protists : The Protozoa

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  1. Animal-like Protists: The Protozoa Chapter 8

  2. Protists • The taxonomic kingdom Protista is a collection of single-celled organisms that do not fit into any other category. Protists are a group made up of protozoa, unicellular algae, and slime molds.

  3. Maintaining Homeostasis • Protists use microtubulues to maintain their shape. This arrangement of microtubulues is called the pellicle. • Protists use contractile vacuoles to expel water as needed. • Food is ingested through the cytopharynx (some protists) and digestion takes place in vacuoles. • Watch it!

  4. Reproduction • The most common form of reproduction for protists is binary fission. • Other types of reproduction include budding and schizogony (multiple fission). • Reproduction can be either sexual or asexual. Which type is which?

  5. Classification • Originally, protists were classed by locomotion type. • Now, cladistics is used to classify protists based on evolutionary relationships. • There are four Super Groups of protists.

  6. The Super Groups • Excavata – flagellated with cytosome (ex. Giardia) • Amoebozoa – locomotion using pseudopodia; tubular cristae in mitochondria (ex. Amoeba) • Rhizaria – locomotion by thin pseudopodia (ex. Difflugia) • Chromalveolata – contains plastids (ex. Toxoplasma, Cryptosporida, Plasmodium)

  7. Giardia Amoeba Cryptosporidium Difflugia Toxoplasmosis Plasmodium

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