“In the nineteen eighties heyday of psychometric testing and behaviourist theory, it was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited; and that human beings - initially a blank slate - could be trained to learn anything, provided that it was presented in an appropriate way.” Intelligence
“Nowadays an increasing number of researchers believe quite the opposite; that there exists a multitude of intelligences, quite independent of each other; that each intelligence has its own strengths and constraints.” Gardner 1993 Intelligence
People have a unique blend of intelligences • - but how best to take advantage of the uniqueness?
Skills and knowledge enhanced include: Team working Interview skills Understanding of how businesses make decisions Knowledge of interactions within employment situations Awareness of how innovative thinking can be used to best effect
Intelligence types • Linguistic words and language • Logical/Mathematical numbers and logic • Musical music, sounds, rhythm • Bodily/Kinaesthetic physical experience, movement, touch, feel • Spatial/Visual pictures, shapes, images, 3D space
Emotional intelligence types • Interpersonal empathy, human contact/ communication, cooperation, teamwork • Intrapersonal self-reflection, self-discovery
Leadership • Leadership is not the same as management • …so what are the qualities of a good leader?
Leadership • Qualities of a leader: (some ideas) • be able to take action • know where you’re going • understand business issues • have confidence and personal control • the ability to influence others • make your projects a success
Task: Take the Johari window home with you and ask a good friend to complete it with you – how does theirs compare to yours? How does this make you feel? Questions: What have you learned about how groups operate during these discussions? What skills would you like to enhance next time you are involved in group work? What have you learned about criteria based decision making? What skills could you develop as an innovative leader? “The only test of leadership is that somebody follows.” Robert K. Greenleaf Reflections