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Параметры установки: 1. Выходное напряжение 5÷10 кВ 2. Частота следования импульсов 1 100 Гц 3. Энергия импульса 1 10 Дж 4. Амплитуда импульса тока 0.5 5 кА 5. Длина фронта импульса тока 1÷10 мкс 6. Производительность реактора 4 л/ч.
Параметры установки: 1. Выходное напряжение 5÷10 кВ 2. Частота следования импульсов 1100 Гц 3. Энергия импульса 110 Дж 4. Амплитуда импульса тока 0.55 кА 5. Длина фронта импульса тока 1÷10 мкс 6. Производительность реактора 4 л/ч “MATИ” РГТУ им. К.Э. Циолковского“FRAKTAL – M” Ltd "Silver Shield"Bioactive compounds based on nanosilver
Silver is known to mankind over 5000 years as a powerful natural antibacterial agent. All known civilizations used silver for the treatment and prevention of disease. Modern scientists proved that silver stimulates the immune system, stabilize the body's metabolism and eliminates more than a few hundred species of harmful bacteria and viruses (for comparison: the spectrum of any chemical antibiotics - only 5-10 species). - Deeply cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation;- Stimulates metabolism and cell regeneration;- Maintains the water-fat balance; - Tones, refreshes and moisturizes the skin; - Prevents allergic reactions; - Stimulates the immune system, creates a protective barrier; - Quickly heals wounds, prevents scarring; - Carries acne prevention of diseases Application:In selected cream / mask / shampoo / conditioner / gel add Colloidal Silver at a ratio of 1:3 (One part of the drug on the basis of 3 parts). Stir until smooth. Use in the conventional mode. The drug can be used in initial concentration (no dilution basis) for applications on the affected skin
"Silver Shield" Features of production and applicationPatent-pending process and «KNOW-HOW»high-frequency microarcnano droplets of metallic silver The process is unique:-Unique power supply-High performance-Applicable to any conducting materialsProcess controls the proportion and number of Nanoparticles Microdrop application allows you to:get a uniform coatingdoes not alter the composition of the materialnot to change the size of the processed itemscan handle any exterior and interior surfacesProcessing of biocompatible and safe for humans and animals CoverNot toxic, not irritating, does not feelHave a soothing and regenerating effect
Company Logo The technology for obtaining nanoparticlesby a pulsed electric discharge in liguid Apparatus diagram. The mechanism of dispersion using the method of electric discharge 1,2 – electrodes, 3 – molten metal of electrodes, 4 – vapours ofliquidand metal, 5 – direction of propagation of the shock wave, 6 – metal nanoparticles, 7 – metal microparticles.
Installation for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles in a liquid medium
Characteristics of the colloidal silver solutionConcentration of the solution (stable): 80 mg / lDispersity: 5-10 nm.Solution has biocidal properties Colloidal solutions obtained on the equipment The materials of which were successfully obtained colloidal solutions Ag, Ni, Co, Cu, Zr, Ti, W, Fe, Pt, ZnO, C A snapshot from the TEM, the typical size of nanoparticles in colloidal soluti Environment in which the prepared colloidal solutions:- Distilled water- Alcohol- Dodecane- A solution of gelatin in water- Petroleum ether 70-100- PET-1500 solution in water- A solution of PVA in water- A solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate in water - The distribution of particles in solution was obtained by measuring complex Malvern Zetasizer nano ZS Change the color of the colloidal solution of impurities . Various colloidal solution
Potential areas of application • Conduct disinfection treatments in public places, including: public transport (rail, subway), in health care and penititsiarnyh institutionsat the sites of communal services, catering, sports complexes and other places of mass attendance • Creation of sanitary facilities of the new generation used: for surface disinfection in premises, furniture, sanitary equipment, medical products, linens, rugs and furs, agricultural premises and products, water and other liquids • Modification of traditional materials to make them active biocidal properties: different kinds of packaging materials and packaging, textiles and textile products, paints and other building materials, paper and paperboard, bandages, plastics and film, ceramics and glass, other materials and coatings .
UsingThe drug is used as a functional additive in the process of further soaking clothes in the final stage wash (after rinsing), and treatment of clothing and its problem areas method of irrigation products using domestic cooking spray. The drug does not contain any chemical components, does not affect the color of the fabric and can be used for all types of fabrics. Soaking garments in water with the addition of the drug can give the product : - Anti-microbial;- Anti-virus;- Anti odor;- Allergenic;- Antioxidant; - Immunostimuliyuschimi properties of silverwith preservation of the effect of two weeks to several months. Silver Clothing Until recently, clothing with miraculous properties of silver was considered the most modern in terms of bactericidal protection and was available only to the richest and most influential people of our planet. Today, thanks to the unique products based on silver nanoparticles, everyone has an opportunity to make their clothes SILVER and provide a powerful barrier to:bacteria and viruses, odors and pathogens;allergies;stimuli;free radicals (antioxidant).
Bactericidal effect of the solution has a prolonged action and stored for up to 2-3 months. The most common applications are:• medical institutions, hospitals, motels and hotels;• kindergartens, schools, sports facilities;• residential buildings (bathrooms, kitchens, nurseries);• offices, industrial premises;• Places with high humidity (sauna dome, swimming pools, basements, boiler);• food establishments (warehouses, cold rooms, workshops);• agricultural enterprises (Stall, incubators, storage);• crowded places (airports, train stations, subway, subways);• military barracks, etc.
Effect nanosilver on cell structure E. Coli a – клетка E.Coli b – клетка E.Coli, подвергнутая воздействию наночастиц серебра
Control populations of Listeria Bactericidal activity of the drug "Silver Shield" (VNIIVSGE RAAS) Biocidal properties The impact of the solution of silver population of Listeria 1,5 hours Before treatment Biological activity of silver nanoparticles(Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry) *- Reduction in the intensity of the culture growth**- Significant reduction in the intensity of the culture growth 1. Determination of antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles by the suspension method, found that the concentration of nanoparticles Ag (120 mg / L) inhibited the growth of staphylococci is noted by 2 days of exposure mikrorganizmov. Complete bactericidal effect was observed for 10 days ekspnirovaniya staphylococci. Indicated concentrations of silver nanoparticles do not have a bactericidal effect against spore-forming bacteria B.cereus ATCC 10702 The drug "Silver Shield" (concentration 40mg / l) for Staphylococcus aureus renders bacteriostatic action of silver at a concentration of 40 mg / L and 20 mg / liter.The drug has bactericidal activity against Esherichia colli if it contains a cluster of silver 40 mg / L and 20 mg / l and bacteriostatic activity at 10 mg / liter. Biological activity of silver nanoparticles was also confirmed for growth inhibition of vegetative and spore-forming bacteria, increase seed germination and others, as there are appropriate protocols
Bioactive properties Influence of silver nanoparticles and cobalt on the formation of sprouts of wheat seeds after soaking the seeds 1 soaking seeds in water2 water with nanosilver3 water with nanokobalt
Antibacterial treatment of items of general use Treatment of subjects of public transport, contact with human skin (Japan)
Company Logo The growth of the crystal structure in solution. The growth of the crystal structure in solution. From the analysis of the photo flat crystal structures that they could be formed from particles of atomic size (Ag). Not visible texture on the flat faces. Clusters have a size distribution. So there must be visible to the texture of the crystal. Possibility of controlled growth of nanostructures and nanobektov, is the most promising direction in this paper and the new technology will have a strong demand from the groans of many branches of electronics, medicine, food, etc
Materials suitable for coating with silver nanoparticles • PPQPolyurethaneStainless steelTitanium alloysAluminium alloysPolypropylenePolyethylene • Polycarbonate Teflon Cotton Nylon Tree Leather Glass