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Autos- self

Autos- self. Greek Automatic- a machine that seems to think for itself; self-acting; self-regulating Autocrat- power in one person. Thermos- heat. Greek Thermometer- device for measuring heat Thermos bottle- insulated bottle which keeps the contents hot or cold. Curro, cursum- run. Latin

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Autos- self

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Autos- self • Greek • Automatic- a machine that seems to think for itself; self-acting; self-regulating • Autocrat- power in one person

  2. Thermos- heat • Greek • Thermometer- device for measuring heat • Thermos bottle- insulated bottle which keeps the contents hot or cold

  3. Curro, cursum- run • Latin • Current- running, ongoing • Excursion- running out; a trip

  4. Zoon- animal • Greek • Proterozoic- earlier animal period (few fossils; worms) • Zodiac- constellations running in a belt around the heavens (originally all animals)

  5. Verto, versum- turn • Latin • Reverse- turn back • Diversity- turning to separate ways; unlikeness

  6. Facio, factum- do, make • Latin • Manufacture- make by hand • Magnify- to make large

  7. Scribo, scriptum- write • Latin • Script- writing (e.g. the words of a play) • Prescription- something written ahead (doctor’s directions to a pharmacist)

  8. Plico, plicatum- fold • Latin • Replica- a bending or folding again; a reproduction or copy • Implicate- to fold into

  9. Dico, dictum- speak, say • Latin • Predict- to say beforehand what will happen • Verdict- a true saying

  10. Biblos- book • Greek • Biblioklept- one who steals books • Bible- the Book of Christian religion

  11. Liber, libri- book • Latin • Library- place where books are kept • Libretto- words to which opera music has been written

  12. Scio, scitum- know • Latin • Science-knowledge which results from study • Conscious- sharing knowledge; mentally awake or active

  13. Discipulus- student • Latin • Disciple- a student • Disciplinary- pertaining to correction, ordered control or teaching

  14. Sauros- lizard • Greek • Stegosaurus- lizard with a shell on his back • Dinosaur- terrible lizard

  15. Amo, amatum- love • Latin • Enemy- hostile, unfriendly person • Amateur- lover; one who enjoys an activity without doing it professionally

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