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The Dark Energy Survey Middleware LSST Workflow Workshop 09/2010

The Dark Energy Survey Middleware LSST Workflow Workshop 09/2010. Michelle Gower NCSA o n behalf of the DES Data Management Team and DES Collaboration. DES Data Management. Observing from 2011-2016: 200 TB raw data, 4 PB of products 100 TB object catalog

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The Dark Energy Survey Middleware LSST Workflow Workshop 09/2010

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  1. The Dark Energy Survey MiddlewareLSST Workflow Workshop 09/2010 Michelle Gower NCSA on behalf of the DES Data Management Team and DES Collaboration

  2. DES Data Management • Observing from 2011-2016: • 200 TB raw data, 4 PB of products • 100 TB object catalog • 120+ CPU years/year of processing • Processing includes: • Removing the instrument signature • Removing artifacts (e.g. planes) • Calibrating/registering • Feature detection • Feature analysis • Monitoring/quality assessment

  3. Requirements • Level of parallelism changes through processing • Easily modified by scientists • Local and remote clusters • Work with project’s Archive system • Monitoring of jobs while they’re running • Less research/More production

  4. Processing Framework Overview Archive Nodes Target (HPC)‏ Machines Pipelines of AppModules Database Archive Portal Event Monitor DAF Notification Service Orchestration 4

  5. Middleware • Workflow • Condor DAGman • Job submission • Condor-G to pre-WS GRAM for TeraGrid resources • Condor (vanilla jobs) for local machines • File transfer • GridFTP using clients uberftp and globus-url-copy • Runtime Monitoring • Elf/Ogrescript

  6. Workflow Crosstalk CreateCor ImCorrect Make Bkgd Masking AstroRefine Remap PSFModel WeakLensing

  7. Job Generation • Run queries to get master input file lists • Stage input images to target machine • Generate Jobs: input lists, job descriptions, DAG • Setup target machine • Stage generated lists and files to target machine • Make timestamp on target machine • Target jobs run • Ingestion of new or modified files

  8. Upcoming Orchestration Work • Skipping modules • Repeatedly using set of blocks (Campaign processing) • Let condor manage vanilla jobs per machine • threaded vs serial • Finer grain restarts

  9. Notification Events System Portal Monitor Event Store AppModule (Elf/OgreScript) ActiveMQ Message Bus Science Code

  10. DES Monitor Portal • Current Technology • Drupal CMS / PHP, Javascript/Ajax • Tools for Viewing Active Processing Status • High level Alert Monitoring • Quick navigation to event logs • Quality Assurance Profiles • Histograms of QA metrics, outlier detection • Processing Timing Summary Report • Middleware level timing profile

  11. Acknowledgements • DESDM Team: • Jim Myers, Terry McLaren • Joe Mohr • Bob Armstrong, Dora Cai, Ankit Chandra, Greg Daues, Shantanu Desai, Michelle Gower, Wayne Hoyenga, Chit Khin, Kailash Kotwani • Past DESDM Team Members, DES Project Team and Collaboration Members • National Science Foundation • http://cosmology.illinois.edu/DES/

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