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Theory Summary H. Stöcker, FIAS

Theory Summary H. Stöcker, FIAS. Astrophysics Lattice Colored Glass Fluctuations & DCCs J/Psi & EM Probes Strangeness Transport Theory Hydro & Jets Apologies. Astrophysics. Ellis Antimatter- Matter asymmetry: BB Bombaci Strange Quarkstars & GRB

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Theory Summary H. Stöcker, FIAS

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  1. Theory Summary H. Stöcker, FIAS • Astrophysics • Lattice • Colored Glass • Fluctuations & DCCs • J/Psi & EM Probes • Strangeness • Transport Theory • Hydro & Jets • Apologies

  2. Astrophysics • Ellis Antimatter- Matter asymmetry: BB • Bombaci Strange Quarkstars & GRB • Banyopadhyay Massive SQS possible • Bhattacharyya Transition NS- SQS • Mishra CSC-> SQS-Cooling curves!

  3. QGP Hot and Dense Hadronic Matter in Big Bang J.Ellis Recreate the first 10-6 seconds … … and probe the quark-hadron phase transition LHC LHC pbm&Stachel

  4. “Neutron Stars” Bombaci “traditional” Neutron Stars Hadronic Stars Hyperon Stars Hybrid Stars Quark Stars Strange Stars

  5. Supernova-GRB connection: the Quark-Deconfinement Nova model Progenitor star Supernova explosion Quark Star Mass accretion on metastable NS Gamma Ray Burst

  6. Bombaci

  7. Double Delight in PSR J0737-3039 • First ever observed Double Pulsar System, Burgay et al., Nature 426 (2003) 531 • Keplerian parameters Porb=2.45 h, ap , e = 0.088,and To measured from the pulsar timing data. • Pulsar A has a spin period 22.7 ms and M=1.337 M; those of Pulsar B are 2.8 s and M= 1.25 M , • Accurate measurements of relativistic corrections to the Keplerian description, • Enormous bursts of gravitational waves. Bandyopadhyay: will allow to pin down R: spin-orbit cp

  8. D.Bandyo-padhyay Best EXO- fit values: R =11.5 km, but M=1.8M = SQS!? • Allowed EOS : M max theo> M highest obs Hulse-Taylor pulsar , Mobs= 1.44 M Radio Binary pulsar systems , M obs= 1.56 M • Softer EOS ruled out by EXO 0748-676!

  9. Lattice QCD • Gavai • Laermann • Order of Phasetransition? • Speed of sound?

  10. QCD phase diagram Taylor series: order 8 Large lattices required: L > 6/m_pi, to avoid large finite size effects Small quark masses: M_pi/m_rho=0.31 Critical endpoint! Gavai, Gupta hep-lat/0412035

  11. Cv and Cs^2 Noninteracting? Continuum limit taken New method for E, P, S Use anomaly measure for Cv and Cs Gavai, Gupta, Mukherjee, hep-lat/0412036 and in preparation

  12. Laermann‘s Talk

  13. Colored Glass • Venugopalan • Kovchegov • McLerran

  14. The demise of the Structure function: R. Venugopalan • Dipoles (and multipole) operators may be more relevant observables at high energies • Are universal-process independent. • RG running of these operators - detailed tests of high energy QCD. Jalilian-Marian, Gelis; Kovner, Wiedemann Blaizot, Gelis, Venugopalan

  15. Our Model RdAu pT RCP pT from D. Kharzeev, Yu. Kovchegov., K. Tuchin, hep-ph/0405045, where we construct a model based on above physics + add valence quark contribution

  16. Peeking through the Colored Looking Glass A perspective on Future Directions? Color Glass Condensate as Medium: Pomerons, Odderons, Reggeons as Quasiparticle excitations of the CGC -> ODD Couplerons develop: Larry, marrying with Klaus Werner?? Ploops: (Pomeron loops) How a little fluctuation becomes a big problem The CGC and the QGP: Is the sQGP really the CGC? Is rapid “thermalization” due to the CGC? Does flow arise largely from the CGC? Comments about the LHC: The CGC Machine 1

  17. Fluctuations and DCCs • Koch • Csörgö • Chandrasekar • Randrup

  18. Fluctuation studies KOCH‘s • K/p fluctuations increase towards lower beam energy • Significant enhancement over hadronic cascade model • p/p fluctuations are negative • indicates a strong contribution from resonance decays Taken from Christoph Roland NA49 Preliminary NA49 Preliminary

  19. Koch‘s DCC predict. seen in CERES data?

  20. Dileptons, J/Psi, Photons • Lee • Mustafa • Koch

  21. Summary of Lee’s Talk • Reported on the QCD NLO Quarkonium- Gluon/hadron dissociation cross section.  Large correction even for upsilon system, especially near threshold 2. The corrections becomes smaller with thermal quark and gluon mass of larger than 200 MeV  Thermal width of J/y : 1 GeV at T=600 MeV@ 1mb 3. The dissociation cross section due to quarks are less than 10 % of that due to the gluons.  The quenched lattice calculation of the mass and width of J/y at finite temperature should be reliable.

  22. Corrected NA50 data 2002 UrQMD 1999 NA50 2002

  23. Strangeness • Rafelski • Cleymans • Braun Munzinger • Bleicher

  24. Where do we expect interesting effects? • 1st Order phase transition at high mueB • No P.T. at low mueB: Xing • Search for irregularities around E beam = 10-40 GeV: • Flow, strangeness, E-by-E Plot from L. Bravina and E. Bratkovskaya shown in Bleicher’s talk

  25. Cleyman‘s & PBM‘s Talk Rafelski‘s Powerful new method

  26. Transport theory: AA Strangeness Excitation functions Bleicher’s & Rafelski’s talk • 4 pi and mid-y abundancies: OK But not K+/pi! • Energy dependence: OK • Hadron-string models work well BUT MULTI-STRANGE BARYONs???? Alt: Four parameter T, Mue, Gamma-mue, Gamma-s model ok? Rafelski

  27. 3-4 GeV heavy resonances ??vs. Colored Cluster BS-Plasma???->Talks by Shuryak & W. Greiner

  28. Deeply bound P-bar and K- states : Gateway to cold and dense matter: W. Greiner • Bound P and K - nuclear systems: strong interaction pbars suppress vector fields • Discrete bound states with binding energies ~ 100th MeV and 20 fm/c widths, Y. Akaishi and T. Yamazaki , Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 044005 I. Mishustin et al • Formation of cold and highly dense nuclear system ~ 3-5 n0, • ‘Study of dense p - nuclear systems’ at FAIR and K-Nucleus at J-PARC.

  29. Hydro • Shuryak • Heinz • Chauduri

  30. proton pion hydro describes both radial and elliptic flows(from Jacak’s talk) nucl-ex/0410003 Hydro models: Hirano (3d) Teaney (w/ & w/o RQMD) Kolb Huovinen (w/& w/o QGP)

  31. EOS of QCD is such that cs^2 is not constant Shuryak-talkp/e (e) = EoS along fixed nB/s lines (Hung,ES,hep-ph/9709264).: A gas of Relativistic pions => Relativisitc QGP => The softest point <= RHIC QGP pressure is nearly balanced by the vacuum pressure: p=p(QGP)-B

  32. Viscosity: Aswindini, Chaudhuri

  33. NA49: Collapse of V2(protons) at 40 AGeV: 1.Order PT? 40 158

  34. Hydro-Heinz: v2 vs. Eta- corrected

  35. P.K. Sahu et al, arXiv:nucl-th/0206010 Nara

  36. V2 from UrQMD

  37. Brahms vs. Bleicher‘s talk

  38. <v2> of high pt particles:Factors 3-5 from plasma pressure! Huge Plasma pressure! HSD: pt>2 GeV/c Cassing, Gallmeister, Carsten Greiner, HSD

  39. SPS RHIC LHC Tomographic Approach • Consistent estimate with • hydrodynamic analysis • But: • assumes to much action in QGP F.Karsch, Nucl.Phys.A698 (2002) Ivan Vitev,LANL

  40. S.A. Voloshin, Nucl. Phys. A715, 379 (2003). Z. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 202302 (2002). R. Fries et al., nucl-th/0306027. D. Molnar and S.A. Voloshin, PRL 91, 092301(2003). *LEPS: Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 012002-1 (2003). Quark Coalescence =Recombination -> BASS Charmonium follows flow! STAR Preliminary • v2 of f and r0 J. Castillo, S. Salur , P. Sorensen

  41. UrQMD also shows „Recombination“- no Const.Qs? Xianglei Zhu FIAS/STAR from Bleicher‘s talk-spares

  42. Flow (v1,v2) of D+Dbar & J/Y vs. pT , y • Flow of D+Dbar & J/Y followslight hadrons but v2 < 3%

  43. Antiflow of pions & Kaons Xianglei Zhu, M.Bleicher

  44. Jetquenching in medium discovered@ RHIC but: Open Questions.. • How much of jet quenching due to JET->Hadron coll? • Measure leading particle kind & p-tot - • Different X-sections – different quenching... • Jets thru equilibrized plasma-> Machshock in Plasma! • What is the sound velocity of the medium ? • Use jet-induced Mach-cones -> c_s of plasma !

  45. expansion of smallcolor transparency configuration- 50% hadronic quenching !- 50% QGP needed Cassing,Gallmester Carsten Greiner Rho + Proton suppression 50% of p_T - Suppression due to hadron Rescattering ! Plasma suppression

  46. Correlated Jets: Transport model predictionHow much of Jet quenching is due to (pre-) hadronic FSI ? • p-p jet angular correlations o.k. • near-side jet angular correlation o.k. for central Au+Au • 50% too little suppression of away-side jet by hadrons ! • 50% QGP needed ! HSD (pre-)hadronic FSI Plasma suppression STAR • W. Cassing, K. Gallmeister, • Carsten Greiner, • hep-ph/0403208, QM’04 Proceedings

  47. New hydro phenomenon:“conical” Mach Shock flow H.Stöcker, W. Greiner Schopper 1975 Machshocks in Nuclei H.Stöcker, nucl-th/04: Jet in QG-Plasma=Machshock, Wakes PROOF OF THERMALIZED PLASMA! -> Cs -> Vflow compression of dense plasma Phase transition Casalderey-SolanaShuryak Teaney, hep-ph/04…..

  48. Jets interact in the plasma, causing wakesand shock waves relativ to jet-axis Hadronic rescattering responsible for energyloss? Emission angle alpha relativ to jet axis: Cos (alpha) = Cs / V (jet) Cs~ 0.3 in hadron matter Cs = 0.57 for m = 0 Thermalized QG plasma

  49. Collapse of Baryon Flow= 1.Order Phase Trans. H.Stöcker, Hofmann, Scheid, W.Greiner 1974/76 Bear Mountain 1974 2-4 AGeV/c Carbon on Silver Nuclear EoS Lee-Wick (m=0) state

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