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GCSE French Revision WJEC SCHOOL: Verbs. Instructions: Read the French word and try to guess what it means. Click once to see if you were correct. Click again to see the next word. Keep a score and see if you can improve on next time or compare with your friends.
GCSE French RevisionWJECSCHOOL: Verbs Instructions: Read the French word and try to guess what it means. Click once to see if you were correct. Click again to see the next word. Keep a score and see if you can improve on next time or compare with your friends. *Verbs are indicated by an asterix.
aider* To help
allumer* To light/switch on
apprendre* To learn
C’est à dire* That’s to say…
charger* To load / charge
chercher* To look for
choisir* To choose
commencer* To begin
comprendre* To understand
conseiller* To advise
corriger* To correct
demander* To ask (for)
détester* To detest / hate
devoir* To have to
dire* To say NB: This verb is irregular
distribuer* To hand out / deliver
douter* To doubt
durer* To last
échouer* To fail
écouter* To listen
écrire* To write
effacer* To rub out
enseigner* To teach
entendre* To hear
épeler* To spell
éteindre* To put off/ switch off
Être d’accord* To agree NB: This verb is irregular
Être reçu à* To pass (an exam) NB: This verb is irregular
étudier* To study
S’excuser* To apologise
Excusez-moi Excuse me
expliquer* To explain
finir* To finish
interroger* To question
lire* To read NB: this verb is irregular
oublier* To forget
parler* To speak
passer* To spend time (NB – NOT to pass a test)
penser* To think
permettre* To allow
poser* To put (down)
pouvoir* To be able to NB: This is an irregular verb.
préférer* To prefer NB: Be careful with accents
prononcer* To pronounce
prover* To prove
quitter* To quit
raconter* To tell/recount
redoubler* To resit a year
avoir raison* To be right NB: This verb is irregular