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Poetry. “A poem may have as many different meanings as there are different minds.” ~~Walter de la Mare~~ . Word Music. http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/poetry/preview.weml. Let’s hear some poetry. ~~Mother Goose~~. Let’s hear some poetry.
Poetry “A poem may have as many different meanings as there are different minds.” ~~Walter de la Mare~~ Word Music http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/poetry/preview.weml
Let’s hear some poetry... ~~Mother Goose~~
Let’s hear some poetry... ~~A.A. Milne (also wrote Winnie the Pooh)~~
Let’s hear some poetry... http://www.jackprelutsky.com/flash/index.html http://www.seussville.com/#/videopage http://shelsilverstein.com/html/books.asp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5GcNnwHrI0&feature=autoplay&list=PL709F94E3A74A8529&lf=plpp_video&playnext=1
Let’s hear some poetry... • Muppets performing poetry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGoZNjNgcP0 • Robert Frost reading: • “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfOxdZfo0gs • “The Road Not Taken” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie2Mspukx14&feature=related • Langston Hughes reading “Dream Keepers” and “Dreams” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpjFS3CQkKE • Maya Angelou, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH7A7ZKluns&feature=related
Poetry can be… serious or silly old or new rhyming or non-rhyming for adults or for kids or for both song lyrics imaginative reflective about love Let’s discover what poetry can be for YOU!
Poetic Devices Top 10 Poetic Deviceshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NgwgOgUKJM NEEDS TO BE PREVIEWED FIRST Simile and Metaphor http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/similesandmetaphors/preview.weml
Poetic Devices Alliteration: repeating initial consonant sounds (Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.) Assonance: repeating vowel sounds Consonance: repeating consonant sounds inside words Imagery: making you think with any of your five senses (smell, taste, sound, touch, sight) Metaphor: comparing two unlike things without using “like” or “as” Meter: a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Onomatopoeia: words that are sounds (buzz, tweet, pop, dribble) Personification: giving human qualities or characteristics to animals or objects. (My shoes are killing me.) Repetition: using words, phrases, lines, or stanzas more than once Rhyme: words that have similar sounds at the ends (bat, cat, mat, splat, habitat) Simile: comparing two unlike things using "like” or “as" Stanza: a grouping of two or more lines of a poem Symbol: something that means more than its literal, dictionary meaning (dove = peace) Adapted from http://www.kyrene.org/schools/brisas/sunda/poets/poetry2.htm and http://storytrail.com/poetry/poeticdevices.htm
Types of Poetry • Acrostic • Alphabet • Ballad • Cinquain • Couplet • Haiku • Limerick • Lyric • Nonsense Verse • Ode • Sonnet Click on a type of poetry to learn more!
Reading Poetry with your Book Club • Every day: • As a group, choose one poem to share at the end of Reading Workshop and tell why you chose it. • Was it your favorite? • Did it make you think? • Did your group see different meanings in it? • Was it an example of “word music?” • Did it show a poetic device? • Was it an example of a particular type of poem? • Final project: • In pairs, choose one poem and record yourself reading it using Audacity. Then, find photos online to illustrate your poem OR draw your own and photograph them. Finally, create a Photostory or iMovie of your poem, using audio, text of the poem, and photos.
Poetry Resources http://www.speakaboos.com/ (Select “Nursery Rhymes”) http://shelsilverstein.com/ http://www.jackprelutsky.com/ http://www.seussville.com/ http://laits.utexas.edu/shakespearekids/winedale/ Types of Poetry: http://www.kathimitchell.com/poemtypes.html Huge collection in the BCS Media Center!!! Check out a book.