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What is Advisory?

What is Advisory?. A Preview of Advisory for Parents. Definition of Advisory.

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What is Advisory?

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  1. What is Advisory? A Preview of Advisory for Parents

  2. Definition of Advisory • Advisory is designed to promote students’ positive personal relationships with teachers and peers, improve the climate for learning, and support students through academic and non-academic experiences.

  3. Introductions • I am your child’s Advisor and my name is David Young • The best way to reach me is using the email. My email address is dayoung7@gmail.com • My planning period is 7th Period.

  4. Finding Information • The information about the Advisory program is located on the FHS webpage. • To see the Mission, Vision Statement, and Core Values, click on About Us. • To reach our Advisory Homepage from the FHS page, click on Parent Resources, then click on Advisory Homepage.

  5. Advisory Homepage • The goals of advisory are listed on the Homepage. • The Calendar highlights all the days on which we meet with our Advisory groups. • If you want to see what will be happening during that meeting, just click on that date and open the documents listed there. • Advisory Information contains the Handbook and the Student and Parent Resources.

  6. Four Parent Contacts • We will want to contact you at least 4 times during the school year. • Contacts can be meetings, phone calls, or emails. • Please let us know the best way to contact you.

  7. Please Assist Us • We want to get to know your student as a person – not just as a student. • You are our best source for this. • Please fill out and return the parent survey that we sent home on August 19th if you have not already done this.

  8. Reminders and Questions • Remember that I am your primary contact if your child is having difficulty at school. • I am your student’s advocate, mentor, and go-to person at school. • Do you have any questions about the Advisory Program here at FHS? • Now we have a few slides on the changes here at FHS

  9. Remediation – only on Tues and Thurs 4-6 PM • Literacy Remediation (2-week sessions) • Session 1: Aug 29 – Sept 9 (A – H) • Session 2: Sept 12 – Sept 23 (J – Z) • Geom./Alg. 1 Remediation (2-week sessions) • Session 3: Sept 26 – Oct 7 (A – Po) • Session 4: Oct 10 – Oct 21 • Biology Remediation • Session 5: wk of Oct 24 (A–Cl) --wk of Nov 2 (Co-Go) • Session 6: wk of Nov7 (Gr-Lam) --wk of Nov16(Lan-Per) • Session 7: wk of Nov 28 (Pet–Sm) --wk of Dec (So-Z)

  10. Night SchoolTues and Thurs 4-6 PM • The purpose is to provide students the opportunity to recover credits and remain on track for graduation. • Credit Recovery • Independent Study/Acceleration • Students in 10th through 12th grades may participate. • The cost to students will be $150 per 0.5 credit • Scholarships are available.

  11. Attendance ContractsSaturdays 8:30 - 12 • The purpose is to allow students to recover NCs (No Credit). • The dates Saturday School will be available are: • Sept 10, 24 – Feb 25 • Oct 15, 29 – Mar 10 • Dec 3, 10, 17 – April 28 • Jan 21 – May 5, 12, 19

  12. Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Usage • May use these during class changes and at lunch. • May not use them other times without faculty permission. • Infractions: • 1st: Confiscate phone, student retrieves phone. • 2nd: Same as 1st plus 3 days detention • 3rd: Confiscate phone, parent retrieves phone, 1 day of ISS • Note:Any refusal to give up phone at any time will result in 3 days ISS.

  13. Questions and Concerns . . . See Administrative team: Principal – Steve.Jacoby@fayar.net Assistant Principals: • Bobby.Smith@fayar.net = 10th grade class • Byron.Zeagler@fayar.net = 11th grade class • David.Young@fayar.net = 12th grade class • Denise.Hoy@fayar.net = 10-12th grade class • Evelyn.Marbury@fayar.net = SLC Director • Kenneth.Gheen@fayar.net = ALLPS

  14. New Dress Code at FHS • Do not wear clothing, hats or backpacks that advertise or depict alcohol, drugs, tobacco or tobacco products, violence, hate themes, racial/gender degradation, sexually explicit or suggestive wording or pictures, gang affiliation, gang related tattoos, or gang monikers, or clothing likely to cause a disruption within the school environment.

  15. New Dress Code at FHS • Do not wear tube tops, mesh tops, sheer tops, men’s undershirts without sleeves, halter tops, spaghetti straps, or tops that expose any portion of the midriff, revealing neckline, bra or cleavage. • Such as this:

  16. New Dress Code at FHS • Do not wear sagging pants, pants worn low on the hip so as to reveal underclothing or skin, any clothing with holes above the knees that expose under-garments or skin, skirts or shorts that are shorter than 5-in. inseam, spandex shorts. Leggings must be worn with a long shirt or dress that covers the hip area. • Such as this:

  17. New Dress Code at FHS • Do not wear sleepwear (including slippers, pajamas, etc.) • Hoods worn on the head within the school building. • No bare feet. • Tattoos displaying defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, or symbols of drugs, sex or alcohol must be covered.

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