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Welcome to the START08/Pre-HIPPO Workshop

Welcome to the START08/Pre-HIPPO Workshop. NCAR, Boulder, CO January 8-9, 2008. O 2 + h   O 3 O 3 + h   O( 1 D) O( 1 D) + N 2 O  NO NO  NO 2  HNO 3. Ozone. STE. In-situ Chemistry (NOx). Ozone and Precursors . Strato-sphere. NO. Tropo-sphere. O 3 H 2 OCONO y.

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Welcome to the START08/Pre-HIPPO Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the START08/Pre-HIPPO Workshop NCAR, Boulder, CO January 8-9, 2008

  2. O2 + h O3 O3 + h O(1D) O(1D) + N2O  NO NO  NO2 HNO3 Ozone STE In-situ Chemistry(NOx) Ozone and Precursors Strato-sphere NO Tropo-sphere O3 H2OCONOy O3 H2OCONOy

  3. Averaged Ozone Budget (MOZART) Model Dynamics MA-CCM NCEP ECMWF Transport from strat. 343 918 726 Net photoch. production 509 -60 141 Dry Deposition 857 857 865 Burden 362 366 332

  4. GLOBAL BUDGET OF TROPOSPHERIC OZONE (Tg O3 yr-1) IPCC (2006) average of 12 models O2 hn O3 Ozone lifetime: 24 ± 4 days STRATOSPHERE 8-18 km TROPOSPHERE hn NO2 NO O3 hn, H2O OH HO2 H2O2 Deposition CO, VOC From Daniel Jacob

  5. STE(strat-trop exch) STE L-P 475 Tg/year Murphy and Fahey, 1994 McLinden et al., 2000 Tropospheric Ozone Budget 1600 L (Loss) 1200 800 Ozone flux Tg/yr 400 0 P (Production) -400 -800 UCI UIO KNMI GCTM MATCH IMAGES ECHAM4 MOZART2 MOZART1 HARVARD STOCHEM ECHAM/TM3 LOGAN, 1981 GEOS-CHEM IPCC (2001) and other sources

  6. The Tropopause

  7. Identifying and quantifying exchange processes In situ CO and ozone From DC8 Ozone MOZART-3 Lidar ozone (Pan et al., 2003)

  8. THETA=362K Greenland Iceland

  9. GV Capabilities ** Data shown are for HIAPER (GV Serial Number 677) ** • Maximum Range: 6,055 nm (11,214 km) • Maximum Cruise Altitude: 51,000 ft (15,545 m) • Maximum Scientific Payload: 6,600 lbs (2,994 kg) • Typical Zero Fuel Weight: 53,679 lbs (24,349 kg) • Maximum Mission Fuel: 37,221 lbs (16,883 kg) • Maximum Ramp Weight: 90,900 lbs (41,232 kg) • Maximum Takeoff Weight: 90,500 lbs (41,051 kg)

  10. The Tropopause: Science and Art

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