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    2. “ The average ambush last for 90 seconds.” That is not to say that it will only last that long, what it means is that the outcome will be decided within the first 90 seconds. Fire superiority is the key, whoever can achieve and sustain fire superiority will more than likely win the fire fight.

    3. Fire team and Squad combat formations are groupings of individuals and units for efficient tactical employment. The factors influencing the leader’s decision as to the selection of a particular formation are the mission, terrain, situation, weather, speed and degree of flexibility. Combat formations enable the leader to control the fire and maneuver of their units. Basic Combat Formations

    4. Basic Combat Formations

    5. Basic Combat Formations

    6. Basic Combat Formations

    7. Basic Combat Formations

    8. Upon successful completion of this topic, the trainee will have an understanding of how to plan and conduct a security patrol. Security Patrol

    9. Introduction. Purpose and Organization: Purpose * Prevent enemy from infiltrating the area * Detect, destroy, and/or capture the enemy. * Prevent surprise attacks. Security Patrol

    10. Organization * Organize patrol to make sure each individual, team, or unit is assigned a specific task. * Ensure all patrol members know how to perform assigned task. * Plan for maximum flexibility. Security Patrol

    11. Plan a Security Patrol: Begin preparation of patrol planning using six troop leading steps - BAMCIS. * Study the stated mission. * Prepare and issue the Warning Order - Use Reverse Planning. * Begin an estimate of the Situation. (METT-T and KOCOA) Security Patrol

    12. Arrange For: * Reconnaissance - To observe as far forward as possible. * Coordinate the Patrol’s - Passage of lines. - Supporting Fire. - Logistical Support. - Other Patrol Leaders that are operating in the same or, adjacent areas. Security Patrol

    13. Make: * Reconnaissance to answer questions which arise. * Estimate - Develop course of action. * Selection of route to offer best concealment and avoidance of opposition and obstacles. Security Patrol

    14. Complete the Plan: * Prepare the Patrol Order - Using SMEAC. * Make final coordination - With all supporting and adjacent units. * Prepare map overlay. * Construct a terrain model. - Detailed - Expedient. Security Patrol

    15. Issue the Order: * Ensure all patrol members are present. * Precede the issuance of order with orientation. * Issue the Patrol Order. - Use SMEAC in sequence - Use terrain model. - Issue entire order before asking for questions. - Conclude with time check and announce time of next event. Security Patrol

    16. Supervise: * Inspect patrol members for readiness ( Physical and Mental). * Conduct rehearsal’s and Immediate Action Drills. * Make final adjustments to plans and organization. * Issue final instructions and report to unit commander the the Patrol is prepared for mission. Security Patrol

    17. Issue the Patrol Order: * SMEAC Format. Orientation prior to SMEAC: * Weather * Time * Terrain * CBR considerations * Local population consideration Security Patrol

    18. Situation: * Enemy forces: - SALUTE - Provides a simple method of how and what to report about the enemy. - DRAW-D - Possible actions of the enemy. * Friendly forces: - HAS - Gives unit, location and mission Security Patrol

    19. - Location of any listening / observation posts, and patrols. - Effective time and place of any attachments or detachments * Assumptions. Mission: * Clear and concise statement * Who, What, When, Where, and Why Security Patrol

    20. Execution: * Commanders Intent. * Concept of Operations (How is it going to be accomplished). - Task organization of the Patrol. - Patrol movements (Method of Navigation) - Use of supporting fire. * Individual tasks (Give detailed information of individual duties). Security Patrol

    21. * Coordinating instructions - Time of assembly in assembly area. - Times of inspections and rehearsals. - Time of departure and estimated time of return. - Locations and actions associated with Departure and Re-entry of friendly lines. - Details on Primary and Alternate Routes. Security Patrol

    22. - Details of formations and order of movement. - Rally points and actions at rally points. - Actions in danger areas. - Actions in the event of enemy contact. - Estimated time and location of patrol debriefing and critique. Security Patrol

    23. Administration and Logistics: * Give and changes to uniforms, equipment, rations, water, and ammunition. * Issue instructions for handling wounded and Detainees of war. Security Patrol

    24. Command and Signal: * Identify the chain of command and succession of command. * Determine challenge and password. - Primary and Alternate. - Any change to challenge and password during course of patrol. * Hand and arm signals * Special signals. Security Patrol

    25. * Radio frequencies and call signs. * Position of the Patrol Leader. - Plan location for the best control of patrol, usually forward one-third of formation. - Position of assistant patrol leader for best assist in control during movement. Security Patrol

    26. Conduct Security Patrol: Conduct Passage of Friendly Lines: * Depart Friendly lines. - Patrol moves to the assembly area as directed by the guide. - Patrol moves to initial rally point on friendly side of wire. 1) Make final coordination as directed 2) Communication check. Security Patrol

    27. - Link up with guide, guide directs patrol through barrier - Leader counts members as they pass through the departure point, ensure that they are heading on the correct compass heading. - Tell guide the number of patrol members - During security halt, the patrol adjusts to sights and sounds of the battlefield. Security Patrol

    28. - Patrol moves quickly and silently to the security halt position beyond unit’s barrier. * Reenter friendly lines: - The patrol halts and establishes a reentry rally point. - Contact the forward unit by radio and tell them patrol is ready to reenter. - Establish contact with guide, use far or near recognition signals. Security Patrol

    29. - Signal the patrol forward. - Patrol follows guide through the barrier. - Patrol leader, counts and identifies each patrol member through the reentry point. - Move to the designated area for debriefing. Security Patrol

    30. Patrol Movement: * Determine the patrols formation based on the following considerations. - Visibility, weather, terrain and vegetation. - Chance of contact with enemy. - All around security. * Determine location of teams and individuals in formation. Security Patrol

    31. * Exercise control. - Position self where patrol can be best controlled, Stay alert; pass on signals and orders. - Use arm and hand signals as primary means of communication. - Speak loudly enough to be heard, Speak directly in ear to avoid excessive noise. - When audible signals are used, use sound signals that are natural sounds and easily understood. Security Patrol

    32. - Use infrared equipment for sending or receiving signals, if available. - Use luminous tape to assist in keeping visual contact with personnel. - ACCOUNT FOT ALL PERSONNEL. * Employ Navigation Techniques - Assign one or more members as navigators. - Assign at least two pacers. Security Patrol

    33. - Use average of their counts for distance traveled. - Ensure pacers are separated. * Organize the formation to provide security while on the move. - Employ signs and countersigns within patrol - Ensure patrol does not silhouette when moving along high ground. Security Patrol

    34. - While moving, take advantage of all cover and concealment. - Disperse patrol consistent with control, visibility, cover and concealment. - Maintain visual contact - Night patrol; (1) Emphasize silent movement. (2) Ensure movement is slower. Security Patrol

    35. (3) be consistent with terrain, vegetation and enemy situation. - Maintain an even pace, avoid sudden movement. - Halt patrol occasionally to observe and listen for enemy situation. * Employ movement control measures. - Designate checkpoints and tentative rallying points before leaving friendly lines. Security Patrol

    36. - Designate rallying points en route to objective. (1) Designate point within friendly area as initial rallying point. (2) Tentative en route rallying points. - Designate action to be taken at rally points. - Plan for crossing danger areas before departing friendly lines. Security Patrol

    37. * Ensure each patrol member knows exactly what to do at danger area. * conduct immediate action upon enemy contact. Cross Danger Areas: * Bypass danger area is possible. * Choose most secure crossing point. * Employ appropriate signals * On near side, set up defensive perimeter. Security Patrol

    38. * Position point where the most likely avenue of attack can be observed. - Using rehearsed technique, cross danger area once it’s clear. - Immediately establish perimeter of defense upon reaching the far side. - Provide cover while crossing danger area. - Conduct head count on far side of danger area. Security Patrol

    39. * Take advantage of natural or man made noises to help cove movement. * Continue on with patrol. Security Patrol

    40. Danger Crossing

    41. Danger Crossing

    42. Danger Crossing

    43. Danger Crossing

    44. Danger Crossing

    45. Danger Crossing

    46. Danger Crossing

    47. Danger Crossing

    48. Danger Crossing

    49. Danger Crossing

    50. Direct Immediate Action Drill: * Conduct immediate action drills when unexpected contact is made with enemy forces. * Ensure all patrol members have rehearsed immediate action drills before leaving friendly lines. NOTE: IF TIME IS A FACTOR, PERFORM THE MOST CRITICAL IMMIDIATE ACTION DRILLS THAT PERTAIN TO THE MISSION. Security Patrol

    51. * When patrol sights enemy, determine whether to make or avoid physical contact. * Conduct an immediate halt drill upon sighting the enemy. * Conduct a hasty ambush if situation permits. - Signal for hasty ambush. - Designated member initiates ambush by opening fire or by prearranged signal. Security Patrol

    52. * Conduct Counter Ambush: - Move patrol swiftly into skirmishers formation and assault enemy upon shouts of “Contact front, left, right, or rear” - Offensive situations, continue to engage enemy until destroyed. - Defensive situation, stop assault. Security Patrol

    53. * Break contact as quickly as possible, continue assault or break contact if patrol is fired upon beyond 50 meters. * Determine whether ambush is a near ambush or a far ambush, conduct the appropriate counter ambush drill. Security Patrol

    54. * Attack by aircraft, move patrol quickly into line formation upon shouts of “Aircraft, front, left, right, or rear.” - Ensure formation is well spread out and at right angle to aircraft’s direction. - Direct patrol members into better concealed positions between attacks - Determine if aircraft should be fired upon. Security Patrol

    55. Conduct Patrol Debrief: Information and Reports. * Patrol leader and every member of all patrols must be trained in: - Observation techniques. - Accurately reporting their observations. - Report all pertinent information to Patrol leader. * SALUTE reports should be used to report information, Written or oral. Security Patrol

    56. * Patrol Debrief Checklist. Upon return Patrol Leader and Patrol Members are debriefed as Directed. Patrol Critique. * Hold critique after patrol is fed and rested. * Prepare for future patrols by going over lessons learned. * Inform people on what the patrol accomplished at conclusion of critique. Security Patrol

    57. When planning a patrol the Patrol leader must plan the route based on time of departure and time of return, the mission statement, guidance from the unit commander, and the enemy situation. The following information is provided to assist the Patrol Leader in preparing an overlay showing the routes chosen. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    58. Information: Make a terrain analysis and select the route based on information available. * Select routes that will offer the most cover and concealment for the patrol, avoid danger areas if possible. * Select routes for return to help prevent enemy surprise along previously traveled routes. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    59. * Divide the routes into “legs” with each leg starting at a point which can be recognized on the ground and identified on the map. * Select locations for rallying points during map study for reconnaissance. - Select initial and en route rally points. (1) Pre-designate an initial rally point (IRP) by terrain features and grids. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    60. (2) Establish a procedure for actions at rally points. NOTE: RALLYING POINTS MUST BE EASILY RECOGNIZED AWAY FROM NATURAL LINE OF DRIFT AN DMUST HAVE COVER AND CONCEALMENT. - Establish locations for rally points en route. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    61. - Plan for the selection and designation of additional rally points en-route as the patrol reaches check points. - Plan for the selection of rallying points on both near and far sides of danger area that cannot be bypassed such as trails and streams. Patrol Routes and Overlays


    63. * Estimate enemy capabilities based on enemy situations given. - Plan routes based on patrols ability. - Prepare clear, concise overlay. - Indicate point of departure (POD), check points, indirect fire targets, rally points, and point of return (POR). Patrol Routes and Overlays

    64. * Display a legend and marginal information on overlay. - Enter call sign of patrol, name and unit. - Prepare the target list. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    65. Patrol Routes and Overlays

    66. The following information contains steps of procedure on how to prepare a terrain model of an area of operations and how to brief other patrol members. Information: Select a secure area large enough to accommodate terrain model and patrol members during briefing Terrain Model

    67. * Clear ground to build the model, and conduct the briefing. * Use materials to illustrate pieces of tactical information. * Use data gathered from the evaluation of Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time. - Consider what the unit must accomplish. Terrain Model

    68. - Consider factors that will affect mission accomplishment. (1) Known enemy locations. (2) Activities, strength of the enemy. (3) Environment impact on the unit and enemy forces. (4) Locations, planned actions, mission and routes, supporting fires of adjacent units. Terrain Model

    69. * Orient terrain model to North, and draw a North seeking arrow in the model. - Show direction the patrol is facing (magnetic North). - Show the relation to the general location to be taken. NOTE: FROM THE PRESENT POSITION TO THE AREA THAT IS PLANNED FOR PATROL. Terrain Model

    70. Show all major terrain features and landmarks on the terrain model: * Indicate the terrain over which the patrol will move. * Specify key terrain, Observation, Cover and Concealment, and Avenues of Approach. Terrain Model

    71. - Key Terrain: (1) Identify critical terrain features which occupied by either the enemy or friendly forces, would allow them to control the surrounding areas. (2) Select areas (small clearings, bends in trails, and steep grades) that impede movement, prevent reinforcement, and / or deny access to other areas. Terrain Model

    72. - Observation. (1) Identify favorable fields of fire. - Cover and Concealment. - Obstacles (1) Identify man-made or natural obstacles. (2) Use natural obstacles to impede progress such as cliffs, stream embankments, or steep grades. Terrain Model

    73. (3) Use man-made obstacles such as fallen trees, barbed wire, land mines, booby traps, and cratered roads to supplement natural obstacles. - Avenues (1) identify the most likely avenues of approach. (2) Outline possible primary and alternate routes. (3) Emphasize likely danger areas. Terrain Model

    74. Show all grid lines, routes, on call targets and check points. * Mark all grid lines, routes, on call targets, and check points. * Mark all friendly and enemy positions known. * Provide a legend, indicating which item it represents. Terrain Model

    75. Use the terrain model in conjunction with a map, as necessary to visualize, to confirm, to clarify, and to supplement information provided by the map, aerial photographs and other sources. Terrain Model

    76. Terrain Model

    81. Patrols

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