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Out of The Closet

Out of The Closet. Into the Sunlight. LGBT RESOURCE OCTOBER 2014. Gay Bar in Rotterdam. Rainbow flag, Bruges Market Place. MY CONTACT DETAILS Kevin Sell MBACP, Grad. Dip. Int. Counselling, BSc Therapeutic Counselling.

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Out of The Closet

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  1. Out of The Closet Into the Sunlight LGBT RESOURCEOCTOBER 2014 Gay Bar in Rotterdam Rainbow flag, Bruges Market Place

  2. MY CONTACT DETAILSKevin SellMBACP, Grad. Dip. Int. Counselling, BSc Therapeutic Counselling. This resource was originally a supplement to a PowerPoint presentation about LGBT issues calledOut of the Closetinto the SunlightI also have a PowerPoint called LGB&T Friendly Best Practice, which introduces significant documents related to social and medical care.Please contact me if you would like further details, or to discuss anything you wish regarding LGBT issues. Use the resource as you wish and please share it with people you think may find it useful. This is an on-going project, if you would like to receive updates please let me know. I am not offering counselling, but I may be able to offer useful insights.Where I do not have the knowledge or information, I may be able to refer you to helpful organisations. kevin.sell2@virginmedia.com

  3. How to use the Resource The services offered are divided into sections such as Faith & Spirituality and Teenagers & Young People. Within each section the sites are not in alphabetical order. Simply scroll through each section to find sites of interest. There is a brief description of each site. Some organisations appear in more than one section, as there may be an overlap, such as between Teenagers & Young People and Bullying & Homophobia. Much of the information is provided in the form of internet links. Select the link, right-click the mouse and select Open Hyperlink. The site should open. Alternatively copy the link and paste it into your internet browser. Hit the return key and the site should open. Links may change and if the link should fail, then conduct a search using key words, such as the title of the organisation and the subject. Sites may provide further useful links and sometimes downloadable booklets and articles. A number of U.S. sites are included because of the high quality of content. For example, The American Psychological Association is a particularly valuable resource.

  4. How to use the Resource I do not monitor the services listed, nor offer any guarantees about the quality of services offered. The contents of this resource are intended to be of an informative and educational nature. I have tried to select sites and services that appear to be of good quality. If anyone finds dubious content, either in terms of quality, or material that might be considered either inaccurate or unsuitable, can you please let me know, so that I can review it and remove the content if necessary.

  5. How to use the ResourceContents Include Quick Reference, meta-websitesFascinating and useful sites not categorised belowAbuse (Sexual) & Domestic ViolenceActs of Parliament (Guides)Adoption & Families (Same-Sex Couples) Androgyny Armed Forces & Gay RightsAsexuality topicsBisexual TopicsBullying & Homophobia – see also Teenagers & Young PeopleCampaigning Organisations, including Equal MarriageConversion TherapyEntertainment EqualityFaith & SpiritualityFilm, Cinema & DVD’sHate CrimeHealth (General) – see also Help & AdviceHealth – HIV & AIDSHealth – Mental Health & Professional Associations

  6. How to use the ResourceContents Include Health – Sexual Orientation & Mental Health Health – Therapy & Mental Heath Help & Advice & Campaigning Organisations (Various) History Resources (LGBT) Housing & Communities International & Human RightsLesbian TopicsLiterature & Non-Fiction (LGBT) Literature & Non-Fiction – some suggested readingMagazine (LGBT)News (LGBT)Older LGBT PeoplePolitics & Political PartiesPolyamoryPrides & Events (UK)Professional Organisations (LGBT)Sport & RecreationTeenagers & Young People – see also Bullying & Help/AdviceTrade UnionsTransgender & Related TopicsYouTube – great LGBT speeches and moments

  7. Quick ReferenceBelow are some meta-websites that provide links to further information and other organisations The Archives Hub provides a gateway to many of the UK's richest historical archives. Entering Gender Minorities as a search will take you many LGBT related subjects. http://archiveshub.ac.uk/ Equaldex.com is a collaborative LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) rights website. The site provides users an accurate and comprehensive global view of LGBT rights. http://equaldex.com/ Consortium of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Voluntary and Community OrganisationsProvides a useful directory of LGBT organisationshttp://www.lgbtconsortium.org.uk/directory ScotsGay MagazineLISTINGS of GROUPS and ORGANISATIONS http://www.scotsgay.co.uk/listings/groups.html

  8. Quick ReferenceBelow are some meta-websites that provide links to further information and other organisations List of LGBT Rights organizations around the world provided on Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_rights_organizations The Queer Archive on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theQarchive Channel 4 – Support organisations, sexuality and gender http://www.channel4.com/4viewers/help-support/sexuality-gender

  9. Fascinating and useful sites It’s pronounced METROsexual A site where advocates of social justice can find helpful articles, fun graphics, and other resources designed to be shared in an effort to advance social equity.Lots of LGBT, gender and sexuality information http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/ There is a comprehensive list of LGBTQ+ definitions http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2013/01/a-comprehensive-list-of-lgbtq-term-definitions/ The UC Davis Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center Website! http://lgbcenter.ucdavis.edu/

  10. ABUSE (SEXUAL) & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SurvivorsUKoffers support to men who have been sexually violated http://www.survivorsuk.org/ Help and support for victims of Sexual violence (rape, sexual assault or abuse)Extensive links to support and counselling http://victimservices.justice.gov.uk/sexual-violence Rape And Sexual Abuse Support Centre http://www.rasasc.org/ Helpline available to all in the UK 01483 546400 Freephone0800 0288 022

  11. ABUSE (SEXUAL) & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BROKEN RAINBOW UKis the only National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline http://www.brokenrainbow.org.uk/ 0300 999 5428 help@brokenrainbow.org.uk Galop is a support group for the LGBT community on police related issues such as hate crime and sexual violence. http://www.galop.org.uk/ 020 7704 2040

  12. ABUSE (SEXUAL) & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ROAR is a free LGBT spectrum Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service 0207 354 6321 or 0790 851 4748 Domestic Abuse ForumWorking for better services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) victims / survivors of domestic abuse. http://lgbtdaf.org/ Bede House AssociationWe provide an advocacy service for victims of domestic abuse and hate crime. We cover the five main strands of hate crime, race, religion, sexual oreintation, gender identity and disabilityOperates around Greater London 020 237 9162 natashachopra@bedehouse.org.uk

  13. Acts of Parliament (Guides) The Equality & Human Rights Commission have produced a guide to the Equality Act 2010 http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/EqualityAct/equality_act_employment_easyread.pdf A guide to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 can be obtained from the following http://www.dfpni.gov.uk/civil_partnership_guidance.pdf A pocket guide to hate crime can be obtained from Edinburgh College http://www.ed-coll.ac.uk/uploaded/A%20Pocket%20Guide%20to%20Hate%20Crime%202011.pdf The Citizens Advice Bureau provide information about hate crime http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/discrimination_e/discrimination_hate_crime_e/what_are_hate_incidents_and_hate_crime.htm

  14. Acts of Parliament (Guides) Government & Equalities Office Information A guide to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (updated April 2007) can be obtained from http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/tribunals/gender-recognition-panel/overseas-application-process/explanatory-leaflet-guide-for-users.pdf The Equality and Human Rights Commission resources on sexual orientation http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/about-us/vision-and-mission/our-business-plan/sexual-orientation-equality/ The Equality and Human Rights Commission provide various publications including: Beyond tolerance: making sexual orientation a public matter http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/key-projects/beyond-tolerance-sexual-orientation-project/ /

  15. ADOPTION & FAMILIES (SAME-SEX COUPLES) PINK PARENTS – Issues relating to gay adoption http://www.pinkparents.org.uk/same-sex-adoption-in-the-uk.html Gay Adoption UK provides useful links and resources http://www.gayadoptionuk.com/ The British Association for Adoption and Fostering provides information about same-sex adoption http://www.baaf.org.uk/info/lgbt When Sally Met Sally provides a section on parenting http://www.whensallymetsally.co.uk/

  16. ADOPTION & FAMILIES (SAME-SEX COUPLES)SEE HELP & ADVICE FOR FUTHER INFORMATION ABOUT FAMILIES http://www.gayfamilyweb.co.uk/ GayFamilyWeb - For all of your Fertility & Alternative Family Needs http://www.pink-parenting.com/ LGBT parenting magazine http://www.familyequality.org/ A US Websitededicated to ensuring all families are respected, loved, and celebrated - especially families with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

  17. ADOPTION & FAMILIES (SAME-SEX COUPLES) Proud 2 B Parentsprovides services, including advice, information & advocacy, to LGBT parents and their children.Operates in the North West01612260162 Moss Side Children Centre, 30 Selworthy Road, M16 7UH, Manchester proud2bparents@hotmail.co.uk Two Mummies A UK-based website dedicated to families with two mums.http://www.twomummies.com/

  18. ANDROGYNYSEE ALSOTRANSGENDER, INTERSEX & RELATED TOPICS Practical Androgyny - Ambiguous Gender Presentation Resources and Information http://practicalandrogyny.com/ Genderfork is a supportive community for the expression of identities across the gender spectrum. There are links to several gender related blogs.http://genderfork.com/

  19. ANDROGYNYSEE ALSOTRANSGENDER, INTERSEX & RELATED TOPICS The aim of Genderqueer and Non-Binary Identities is to provide awareness, information, and resources for genderqueer, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people and their allies. ~ Marilyn Roxiehttp://genderqueerid.com/ Nonbinary gender visibility, education and advocacy network http://nonbinary.org/ Andrej Pejic- “quite beautiful and incredible,” “like, a modern woman boy of today” -Jean Paul Gaultier http://andrejpejicofficial.com/

  20. ARMED FORCES & GAY RIGHTS Proud 2 Serve is the British Armed Forces LGBT e-networkhttp://www.proud2serve.net/ THE LEGAL TREATMENT OF HOMOSEXUALS IN THE ARMED FORCES OF EUROPE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PUBLIC INTEREST LAW SUBMISSION http://www2.law.ox.ac.uk/opbp/GaysinMilitaryFinal%20Submission.pdf About.com Civil Liberties have links to various US articles about lesbians and gay men in the military http://civilliberty.about.com/od/gendersexuality/ig/Lesbian-and-Gay-Rights-101/Gays-in-the-Military.htm

  21. Asexuality Topics The Asexual Agendais a community centre promoting greater understanding: a place for readers to discuss with each other, and a portal to other asexual blogs. http://asexualagenda.wordpress.com/ There is an archive of asexual material http://www.asexualityarchive.com/

  22. BISEXUAL TOPICS The Bisexual Index offers a variety of resources to Bisexuals and people who are Bi-curious http://bisexualindex.org.uk/ Bi UK the UK national organisation for bisexual research and activism http://www.biuk.org/ Bi Social Network for entertainment, news, opinion, advocacy and community http://bisocialnetwork.com/

  23. BISEXUAL TOPICS BiMedia – Bisexual News & Opinionhttp://bimedia.org/ BiCon – The UK national get-together for bisexuals, allies and friendshttp://www.bicon.org.uk/ BiPhoria is a social & support group for bisexual people in and around Manchester - and those who think they may be bi.http://www.biphoria.org.uk/index.html BCN: Britain’s biggest selling bisexual magazine http://bicommunitynews.co.uk/

  24. BISEXUAL TOPICS The Bisexual Resource Center is the oldest national bi organization in the U.S. that advocates for bisexual visibility and raises awareness about bisexuality http://www.biresource.net/

  25. BULLYING & HOMOPHBIA RESOURCESFurther associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE ‘CHIPS’ Challenging Homophobia In Primary SchoolsEducate and Celebrate offers CHIPS, created by Andrew Moffat, to all primary schools across the UK to achieve the ultimate goal of making all schools LGBT friendly. The resource contains 20 lessons with accompanying books, which meets new Ofsted criteria for primary schoolshttp://www.ellybarnes.com/primary/ Educate and Celebrate How to make your school LGBT friendly http://www.ellybarnes.com/Elly Barnes offers a variety of resources to help teachers challenge homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

  26. BULLYING & HOMOPHBIA RESOURCESFurther associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE Rainbow Teaching offers support to teachers and school staff, with advice on how to ensure a daily culture of inclusion, so that school can be a safe and welcoming place for LGBT+ students. http://rainbowteaching.co.uk/

  27. BULLYING & HOMOPHBIA RESOURCESFurther associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE The It Gets Better Project's mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them. http://www.itgetsbetter.org/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/itgetsbetterproject Twitter:@itgetsbetter tumblr:itgetsbetterproject.tumblr.comemail: info@itgetsbetter.org

  28. BULLYING & HOMOPHBIA RESOURCESFurther associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE Stonewall have launched a 60 second long film, titled No Bystanders, supported by Stonewall co-founder Sir Ian McKellen, which starkly shows how prejudice and bullying escalates if left unchallenged. http://nobystanders.org.uk/?dm_i=FBX,2A86Z,3NGGHN,8BMWJ,1 International Day against Homophobia & Transphobia http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/

  29. BULLYING & HOMOPHBIA RESOURCESFurther associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE Simon Rodgers campaigns for LGBT equality, gender equality, and for the elimination of homophobia and homophobic bullying. http://simonrodgers.org/ BeatBullying is an international bullying prevention charity working and campaigning to make bullying unacceptable, on the ground in the UK and across Europe. http://www.beatbullying.org/

  30. BULLYING RESOURCES Further associated resources may be found in other sections such as TEENAGERS and HELP & ADVICE Stonewall produces a range of information, programmes and resources http://www.stonewall.org.uk/at_school/education_for_all/default.asp NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers) produces a booklet about homophobic bullyinghttp://www.nasuwt.org.uk/consum/groups/public/@equalityandtraining/documents/nas_download/nasuwt_009350.pdf

  31. BULLYING RESOURCES Acas has produced a guide on Sexual Orientation and the Workplacehttp://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/8/6/Sexual_Orientation_and_the_workplace(OCTOBER2010)-accessible-version-July-2011.pdf Ben Cohen, the former England Rugby Union Player, created a Foundation to combat homophobia and bullying.http://www.standupfoundation.com/ Schools Out campaigns on all LGBT issues within educationhttp://www.schools-out.org.uk/

  32. BULLYING RESOURCES Bullying Intervention Group http://www.bullyinginterventiongroup.co.uk/ Bullying UK – part of Family Lives http://www.bullying.co.uk/ Teachers TV: Gay Teachers http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Teachers-TV-Gay-Teachers-6045849/ If you want to know why people bully, Youthoria(Cambridgeshire Youth Support Service) explain some of the possibilities http://www.youthoria.org/home/life/relationships/relationships-bullying/1239707670.182/

  33. BULLYING RESOURCES Ditch the Label A team of adults and teens working with schools, colleges, youths and parents from across the UK to help reduce the prominence and harmful effect of bullying within the UK’s education system. http://www.ditchthelabel.org/ http://www.theredcard.org/resources/ homophobia Show Racism the Red Card provides an educational resource: two films and an accompanying education pack.

  34. BULLYING RESOURCES DIVERSITY ROLE MODELSWhose mission is to eliminate homophobic and transphobic bullying.http://www.diversityrolemodels.org/Inclusion For All is a small charitable organisation that was founded by openly gay schoool leader Shaun Dellenty in order to support schools in tackling gender stereotyping, homophobic bullying and the pejorative use of homophobic language.0207 252 3676 shaun@shaundellenty.com

  35. BULLYING RESOURCES Internet posts on bullying and homophobia http://headguruteacher.com/2014/02/22/tackling-homophobia-in-schools/ http://headguruteacher.com/2014/04/06/tackling-homophobia-re-gcse-not-just-a-matter-of-conscience/

  36. CAMPAIGNING ORGANISATIONSINCLUDING THOSE FOR EQUAL MARRIAGE OutRage! is a broad based group of queers committed to radical, non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to ASSERT the dignity and human rights of queers .... http://outrage.org.uk/ Equal Love believes that civil marriages and civil partnerships should be open to everyone without discrimination http://equallove.org.uk/

  37. CAMPAIGNING ORGANISATIONSINCLUDING THOSE FOR EQUAL MARRIAGE Out4Marriage - Love is the same, straight or gay - is on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Out4Marriage The Equality Network aims to bring about equality and improve the human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. http://www.equality-network.org/

  38. CAMPAIGNING ORGANISATIONSINCLUDING THOSE FOR EQUAL MARRIAGE Truth Wins Out (TWO) is a non-profit U.S. organization that works to demolish the very foundation of anti-gay prejudice. http://www.truthwinsout.org/ Founded in 2006, the Movement Advancement Project is an independent U.S. think tank that provides rigorous research, insight and analysis that help speed equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. http://www.lgbtmap.org/

  39. CONVERSION THERAPYSee also HEALTH – THERAPY Beyond Ex-Gay is a website for survivors of attempts to change one’s sexual orientation http://www.beyondexgay.com/ They provide links to other sites http://www.beyondexgay.com/resources/links.html Scientific research indicates that reparative therapy and other attempts to change sexual orientation are generally ineffective. The following site explains. http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_changing.html

  40. CONVERSION THERAPYSee also HEALTH – THERAPY A U.S. paper by Karolyn Ann Hicks as to whether ‘reparative therapy’ can legally constitute child abuse. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=29&ved=0CHYQFjAIOBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wcl.american.edu%2Fjournal%2Flawrev%2F49%2Fhicks.pdf&ei=N94pU6m1OJOqhAf8loGYCg&usg=AFQjCNHd2pkCVdl7CI1IJ5WBdAB5fo8XtQ

  41. ENTERTAINMENT Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus http://www.brightongmc.org/ Brighton & Hove's Actually Gay Men's Chorus http://www.actuallygmc.org/ Brighton & Hove's Actually Gay Women's Chorus http://www.actuallygwc.org/ Rainbow Chorus – Brighton and Hove's only LGBT choir http://www.rainbowchorus.org.uk/

  42. ENTERTAINMENT Gay Abandon - West Yorkshires gay and lesbian choirhttp://gayabandon.org.uk/ Edinburgh Gay Men's Chorus http://egmc.co.uk/ London Gay Men's Chorus, Europe's largest gay men's choir http://www.lgmc.org.uk/ Out Aloud – Sheffield LGBT Choir http://www.outaloud.org.uk/ The Pink Singers – London’s LGBT Community Choir http://www.pinksingers.co.uk/

  43. ENTERTAINMENT The London Gay Big Band was founded in the summer of 2011 and is a full-size, 20 piece, jazz orchestra made up of talented musicians and vocalistshttp://www.londongaybigband.com/ Positive Voices - a choir for people who are living with or affected by HIV. http://www.positivevoiceschoir.co.uk/ London Gay Symphonic Winds are an LGBT wind orchestra of around 40 woodwind, brass and percussion players http://www.lgsw.org.uk/

  44. ENTERTAINMENT Outbox LGB Theatre Company is an all gay theatre companyhttp://www.outboxlgb.com/ A guide to LGBT Theatre http://www.lgbttheatre.com/ VOICEOUT – Empowering the creative voice of the LGBTQ+ community through physical theatre http://www.voiceouttheatre.org/

  45. ENTERTAINMENT A guide to Canal Street Manchester http://www.canal-st.co.uk/ For Brighton, see Magazines

  46. EQUALITYSEE ALSO INTERNATIONAL & HUMAN RIGHTS The Equality and Human Rights Commissionhave a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality ...http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/ The Equality Advisory Service advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales. https://www.equalityadvisoryservice.com/ ADVICE LINE: 0808 800 0082

  47. Faith and Spirituality http://www.lgcm.org.uk/ The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement http://changingattitude.org.uk/ A rainbow network within the Anglican Communionwww.sohomasses.com A community that welcomes LGBT Catholics http://questgaycatholic.org.uk/ A group for LGBT Catholicshttp://queeringthechurch.com/ A great site dedicated to ‘reality based theology’ by a man who says he is ‘Catholic, gay, partnered; a father and a grandfather.’

  48. Faith and Spirituality Gay mystic blog spot A Christian/Catholic orientated blog that also offers links to other Gay Christian and Gay Spirituality sites. http://gaymystic.blogspot.co.uk/ Enlightened Cathololicism A place for Catholics who could be defined as rebels or heretics, but certainly don't find their Catholic identity in the standard definitions. http://enlightenedcatholicism-colkoch.blogspot.co.uk/Creative Advance A blog spot devoted to progressive theology http://creativeadvance.blogspot.co.uk/

  49. Faith and Spirituality http://www.liberaljudaism.org/ Liberal Judaism http://qlgf.org.uk/ Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship http://www.imaan.org.uk/ A support group for LGBT Muslims http://www.sarbat.net/ A support group for LGBT Sikhs

  50. Faith and Spirituality http://www.jglg.org.uk/ Jewish Gay & Lesbian Group http://www.unitarian.org.uk/index.shtml The Unitarians and Free Christians http://www.urc.org.uk/resources.html The United Reformed Church produce some documents about LGBT issues GALHA promotes Humanism and LGBT equality http://www.galha.org/ http://www.sibyls.co.uk/ THE SIBYLS Christian Spirituality Group for Transgender People

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