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Quality Indicators And Healthcare. A First Step To The Evaluation Of A Hospital’s Performance. Introdução à Medicina 2008/2009. Authors. Ana Cristina Pereira Ana Teresa Carapenha Ana Rita Oliveira André Vinha Catarina Vieira Eduardo Freitas João Rebelo Mariana Oliveira
Quality Indicators AndHealthcare A FirstStep To TheEvaluationOf A Hospital’s Performance Introdução à Medicina 2008/2009 Authors Ana Cristina Pereira Ana Teresa Carapenha Ana Rita Oliveira André Vinha Catarina Vieira Eduardo Freitas João Rebelo Mariana Oliveira Marli Cruz Nuno Ribeiro Paulo Guedes Victoriano Costa
QualityOfHealthcare Indicators Performance measuring The indicators are the source of information to evaluate the performance of a hospital. KIRKMAN, Jamie John, Bouamra, Omar , 2008. Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
QualityOfHealthcare Indicators Usefulinformation Posterior performance measurements Eddy, David M., 1998 Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ResearchQuestionandMainAim How did quality and performance indicators evolve through the years in a central hospital? Our main objective is to calculate these indicators concerning different variables and to have a perspective of the performance of the hospital in case. Used data: episodes in a central hospital, between 1999 and 2008. Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
SpecificAims Outpatientepisodes Mortality Evaluatethecarequality Analyzethequalityofthedata Quantifythehospital’sactivity Postponedsurgeries Outpatientsurgery Principal diagnosis Surgicalcomplications Childbirthofcaesarianoperation Lengthofstay Lengthofstay Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
Methods SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) Provider of predictive analytics software and solutions. (*) SPSS Indicators’ calculation Global values Others According to DRGs According to gender According to age group (*) SPSS: The Predictive Analytics Company: http://www.spss.com/corpinfo/?source=homepage&hpzone=nav_bar Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
Methods DRGs “A system for classifying patient care by relating common characteristics such as diagnosis, treatment, and age to an expected consumption of hospital resources and length of stay.” (*) ICD-9-CM “ICD-9-CM is the official system of assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States.” (**) INE “The entity responsible for ensuring the production and dissemination of official statistical information.” (***) (*) MeSh definition (**) Classifications of Diseases and Functioning & Disability: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/otheract/icd9/abticd9.htm (***) Statistics Portugal: http://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_cont_inst&ine_smenu.boui=13918434&INST=53864&xlang=en Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults (****) CC: complications and commorbilities. (HCUP -3 Nationwide Inpatient Sample for 1994: Diagnosis-Related Groups: http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/natstats/94drga.htm#146) Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Statistics Portugal: http://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_cont_inst&ine_smenu.boui=13918434&INST=53864&xlang=en Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
ObtainedResults Introdução à Medicina - Turma 10
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