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Social Exchange Theory

Social Exchange Theory. By Alexia Brewer, Alexa Aiken, Victoria Vali , and Jamie Fielding. What type of theory is it?. Psychological Because it is a psychological theory, social exchange theorists look at the individual and their roles in the family or society

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Social Exchange Theory

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  1. Social Exchange Theory By Alexia Brewer, Alexa Aiken, Victoria Vali, and Jamie Fielding

  2. What type of theory is it? • Psychological • Because it is a psychological theory, social exchange theorists look at the individual and their roles in the family or society • They investigate how people interpret their experiences and how they respond • They use survey methods to determine the values of priories of individuals

  3. What does it attempt to explain? • Social factors • Influence individuals interactions • Within reciprocal relationships

  4. Main Areas of Focus • Marriage partners • Relationships • Benefits and cost of relationships

  5. Basic Concepts of Principles • Although individuals are constrained by role expectations, they act within each role to max, benefits and minimum cost to themselves • Interpret their experiences of self and others to determine benefits and cost • Benefits and cost of a relationship are not facts, but are perceptions formed by each individual

  6. The History of the Family • Children fulfill their role by working for family or taking care of elderly parents • In relationships both husband and wife have roles to fulfill • At one point, husbands would work to provide financially and the wife would fulfill her role by taking care of the family and home

  7. Child Abuse In cases of child abuse, there is an imbalance in the relationship in which there is more cost then benefit which leads to a negative relationship within family or society

  8. Human Sexuality • Through the theories perspective, if someone in the family was to be homosexual then it would create an imbalance between costs and benefits

  9. The Role of Women in the Family • Every daughter and wife is seen as needing to take a certain role as caregiver for a perfectly balanced relationship

  10. Adolescent Behavior • Very imbalanced • Many teens may not be filling the roles required for a balanced relationship • Rebellion

  11. Legalizing Marijuana • Become more socially acceptable, so maybe people won’t be as curious to try • Better control of it • Tax it=better economy

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