Світловодська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №5Конспект уроку англійської мови в 4-А класіз теми ”Учень і його оточення. Магазини. Покупки.“підготувала вчитель англійської мовиПилигач Олена ВячеславівнаМета : Розвивати мовленнєві навички учнів ( аудіювання, читання, говоріння і письмо)Поширювати кругозір учнівВиховувати свідомого громадянина, який допомагає батькам Розвивати навички роботи в групахОбладнання : малюнки, тексти для читання та аудіювання, магнітофон, картки, іграшки.
Хід уроку:І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферуа)” Are you sleeping…?” ( Поділ дітей на групи : під час пісні діти закривають очі, вчитель роздає різнокольорові картки, відкривши очі, діти займають місця відповідно до кольору групи)б) Повідомлення теми і мети.
ІІ. Основна частинаРозвиток навичок аудіюванняPre-listening task“Telephone” (The pupils make a circle. The teacher says the title of the text into the ear of the first pupil. Then the pupils say this title one by one into their ears. The last pupil says the title loudly. The teacher puts the correct title on the blackboard)
“Vickie Goes Shopping”While-listening task“ Clap your hands”( The pupils are given the task to clap hands when they listen to the names of the shops) ( the baker’s, the butcher’s, the chemist’s, the greengrocer’s) • Text for Listening “Vickie Goes Shopping” • My elder sister likes to go shopping. She usually does it on Saturdays. Vickie goes to the baker’s first. She buys bread and sweet cakes. Then she goes to the butcher’s. There she buys some sausages. Sometimes she goes to the chemist’s. She buys toothpaste and shampoo. Very often Vickie visits the greengrocer’s. She buys some apples and bananas, because we like fruit very much.
Post-listening task“ Draw a picture” ( The pupils are given the task to draw all the things which were bought by the girl in the text) (bread, cakes, sausages, toothpaste, shampoo, apples ,bananas)
Розвитокнавичок читання.Pre-reading task “ Vocabulary”Household chores – something you do at home.Forget-забуватиWhile-reading task “Fill in Gaps” (The pupils are given text for reading. They have to read it attentively. While reading they are to fill in the gaps of the cards which are given them too.)( family, always, her, shopping, shops, baker’s, bread, butcher’s, greengrocer’s, oranges, granny, dad, dinner) Post-reading task “ Right Order” (The pupils are given the task to write out the names of the shops which are visited in the correct order) • Text for Reading “My Family” • I have a big family. We have household chores. My mum always cooks breakfast, dinner and supper for us. I usually help her. I go shopping. I take a note and visit shops. First I go to the baker’s. There I buy some bread and five rolls. Then I go to the butcher’s. I buy some meat and sausages. At last I visit greengrocer’s to buy vegetables and fruit. I don’t forget to buy oranges for my little brother, apples for my granny, and some cucumbers, because my dad likes them very much. Then I come back home and help mum to cook dinner. • Right Order • The butcher’s, the baker’s, the greengrocer’s • The greengrocer’s, the baker’s, the butcher’s • The baker’s, the butcher’s, the greengrocer’s *
3 . Розвиток навичок усного мовлення Game “ My Shop”Thepupilsaregiventhe task to make a short story using the given materialThis is the… (baker’s, toy’s, furniture, newsagent’s, greengrocer’s, chemist’s) We work from… to… (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)We are open from… till…(7a.m., 6a.m., 8a.m., 5p.m., 7p.m., 8p.m.)We sell…
Greengrocer’s( an apple, an orange, a lemon, a banana, a potato, a tomato, a carrot, a cucumber, an onion, cabbage)
Toy’s ( a doll, a ball, a car, a bike, a plane, a train, a top)
Newsagent’s( newspaper, magazine, book, pen, pencil, ruler, copybook)
Furniture ( a chair, an armchair, a sofa, a bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard, a table, a chest of drawers, a mirror) Заключна частина.а) підведення підсумків б) оцінкив) домашнє завдання ( a shortstory “My favourite Shop”)