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Looking for a fast and effective treatment that can help remove the fine lines and wrinkles on your face? Try getting a silhouette soft thread lift in Singapore! Read this to know how this treatment can make help you achieve a younger-looking skin. <br><br>#ThreadLiftSingapore<br><br>https://www.sw1clinic.com/face-clinic/firm-and-lift/infinity-instalift/
1.Bio-Absorbable Threads The silhouette soft thread lift is perfectly safe because it uses 100% bio-absorbable threads to smoothen and lift the skin. This means that the threads will be naturally absorbed in the body and eventually, the body’s metabolic systems will eliminate them. 2. Immediate Lifting Effects The treatment will make the tissues elevated and compressed thus creating a contoured and plump appearance. You can immediately see visible results right after the treatment has been done.
3. Skin Rejuvenating Silhouette soft thread lift does not only enhance the facial features, but it can also make the skin glow. This is because it uses polylactic acid that stimulates the production of collagen on the skin. 4. Less Downtime You can consider this aesthetic treatment in Singapore as a “lunchtime facelift” because it has minimal downtime. Although mild swelling, redness, and bruising might appear after the treatment, these after-effects will easily wear off.
5. Minimally Invasive During the treatment, the aesthetic doctor will only inject anesthesia on the affected areas and use a fine needle to insert the “Silhouette Soft” threads. 6. Fast Procedure The procedure can be done in as fast as 30 minutes. This means that after the treatment, you can still continue working in the office.