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European Higher Education for the World – Studies and Promotion (1) Studies on Brain Gain (2) Experience s of E rasmus Mundus Action 4 project s No 2004-3183 and 2007-2308 Dr Katarzyna Hadaś Adam Mickiewicz University. Content.
European Higher Education for the World – • Studies and Promotion (1) • Studies on Brain Gain (2) Experiences ofErasmus Mundus Action 4 projects No 2004-3183 and 2007-2308 Dr Katarzyna Hadaś Adam Mickiewicz University Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Content • Outputs , impact and how we try to achieve good results • Dissemination and sustainability • Key points to make a project successsfull ( incl. overcoming difficulties ) IV. General remarks from project management experience Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Consortium: 1. Adam Mickiewicz University – Poland 2. Leibniz Universität Hannover - Germany 3. University of Zaragoza - Spain Budgets: 104 230 129753 Third countries partner Universities University of Indiana in Pennsylvania – USA Peking University – China University of Buenos Aires – Argentina National University of Mongolia - Mongolia National Kyrgyz University- Kyrgyzstan Projects details Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Outputs , impact and how we try to achieve good results EHEW I –S&P Project outcomes – Studies Project outcomes – Promotion EHEW II - BG Projectgoals - Project idea and first outputs Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Outcomes/ Products Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Project outcomes - Studies 12 publications – 200 copies of each for EU and non-EU institutions • Research in I Stage (Book I): Research in EU (PL, DE,ES) and non-EU countries (US, China, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina) Non-EU students’ experience (who studied in Europe) and their willingness to study in EU HEIs and attractiveness of Europe as educational destination (not studied) 1200 non-EU students Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Project outcomes – Studies 2 • Research in II stage– on Mundus students (Book II) • MUNDUS STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCE • MUNDUS COURSES ASSESSMENT IN STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION 250 MUNDUS non-EU students Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Project outcomes – Studies 3 European Higher Education for the World – Studies on Students’ Mobility • analyses of experiences reported by students who have benefited from having lived and studied in European universities • discusses the attractiveness of European higher education for the young people living in non-EU countries.Studying in the European Union – chance and challenge for international students • presents an in-depth look into individual experience and(subjective) perception of quality of EMMC and satisfaction from studying in Europe (250 non-EU students of 27 EMMCs) . Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
During the analysis of students’ opinions the following areas requiring improvements were identifiedwith recommendations for changes: Pre-departure preparation Welcome programme and integration activities Accommodation Selection procedures and composition of students Promotion and availability of information Scholarship issues Curriculum content Local language learning and language of instruction Administrative staff service Academic staff qualifications and availability Pedagogical quality of teaching Access to resources Management of the course Organisation of teaching process Consortium quality and homogeneity Help in finding a job and supporting future career Project outcomes – Studies 4Practical recommendations for better operation of EMMCs Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Project outcomes – Promotion CD promoting European Higher Education and Mundus program – 500 copies for students in selected third countries – Presentations at conferences - Promotion of the idea of non-EU students’ mobility towards EU universities and Erasmus Mundus program – 2000 individuals Distribution of Book II and Brochure – information and promotion by authentic students’ voice Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Information and promotion of EMMCs by authentic students’ voice Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
NEW PROJECT 1Documentary film researching and promoting brain gain through Mundus Programme 1. CALL FOR ESSAYS FROM ERASMUS MUNDUS ALUMNI • “Returning to My Home Country. My Post-Erasmus Mundus Story” • Objective of the project. To profile a number of EM Alumni who have returned to their home countries as a means of showing a wide European and global audience real life examples of success stories against global brain drain. Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
NEW PROJECT 2 • PRODUCTION OF A DOCUMENTARY FILM presenting 7 Mundus alumni’s life and professional carrier after coming back home with Erasmus Mundus Master degree. The film will promote them, the culture of their nations/countries and the idea of brain gain through Mundus Programme, • PUBLICATION OF A BOOK presenting about 20 Mundus alumni’s return stories with commentary, selected authors will present their stories at international conferences. Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
The Magnificent Seven 1 Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
The Magnificent Seven 2 Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
II.Dissemination and Sustainability 1 Dissemination levels • Partners institutions - awareness of activities, outcomes and benefits. The more that decision makers and colleagues in your own organisation feel part of what you are doing the more likely they are to support. • The relevant national and international bodies - their advice, acknowledgement and guidance is invaluable. • The end user group- makes potential beneficiaries aware of a product that might be of help to them in future. Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
II.Dissemination and Sustainability 2 Dissemination power … 1. Websites: http://www.mundus.amu.edu.pl/ 2. Conferences and seminars 3. Synergies with dissemination activities of other projects, actions Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
II. Dissemination and Sustainability 3 Sustainability and long-term exploitation of project research results and products I. The extensive research material elaborated within the project can be used after project lifetime in a twofold way: • as assessment material for the evaluation of the Programme implementation by DG E&C, (EACEA), other interested bodies. • a source of information for newly selected EMMCs coordinators on students’ feedback, pointing valuable suggestions and recommendations. II. Products of the project can serve as promotional material for students from all over the world, encouraging them to apply for Mundus scholarships. -Sstudents from six continentsexpressed their opinions and assessed – in the majority positively – studying in Europe. Exposing this certainly will encourage their peers looking for high quality education and perspectives in developed countries to ask themselves “Why not use this unique opportunity as they did?, Why not learn from their experience and face the same challenge and great opportunity?” and finally “Why not study in Europe?!” Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
II. Dissemination and Sustainability 3a Sustainability and long-term exploitation of project research results and products III. Our first project brought implications for farther studies and analysis on the impact of the Mundus Programme - the project will have its continuation in Action 4 “European Higher Education for the World 2 – Studies on international students’ mobility and brain gain”. We intend to: - continue promotion by means of students’ feedback. - support and give a picture of the notion that the EM Programme contributes to the provision of skilled specialists so needed in disfavoured regions outside the EU - improve the image of European initiatives targeted to attracting students from all over the world, which are at times associated in social perception with brain drain and human capital loss for developing countries. Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
III. Key points to make a project succesful ( incl. overcoming difficulties ) • ORGANISATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION • DIVERGENCE FROM INITIAL APPLICATION • PROBLEMS AND OVERCOMING THEM Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
1. ORGANISATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION Ways of internal monitoring and evaluation of project activities: • day-to-day regular monitoring and evaluation procedures in the responsibility of the project co-ordinator, • several, periodical meeting meetings devoted to monitoring and evaluation procedures at each partner institution, gathering their national teams staff for: • reporting on progress and discussing project activities and product in compliance with objectives, workplan, timetable and budget • assignation of responsible persons for activities according to the contract and its amendments • reporting of tasks performed to project team members • Four international meetings of project team, devoted to evaluating and planning project actions held in occasion of seminars organized in Poznań (twice), Hannover and Zaragoza External consulting and evaluation Consulting the research reports with experts was used to evaluate the content and discuss improvements. Feedback from audience present at promotion events (seminars and conferences) were used to make every new presentations more clear and useful. The website content and design was discussed and consulted outside the project team. Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
2. PROBLEMS AND OVERCOMING THEM Divergence from initial application 1. Changes of workplan 2. Change of place of research and promotion 3. Changes in the budget Problems and overcoming them • Cooperation - during the project realisation we learned that co-operation between partners from different cultural and disciplinary backgrounds although not straightforward or unproblematic is very challenging and enriching, • Research – we have experienced some problems in interviewing and surveying students, although we assured students that our questionnaire is anonymous and will be used only for scientific purpose • Promotion - The first phase of Mundus Programme proved that promotion of European higher education requires, rather than activities under separate projects, to undertake more comprehensive measures, launched at the EU level and powerful campaigns (like Global Promotion Project). Due to limited capacities our promotional activities were limited in terms of impact Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
IV. GENERAL REMARKS FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE 1 Mind…. • extremely limited financial and personnel resources., A MOTIVATED TEAM • considerable pressure of time, PERMANENT MONITORING OF PROGRESS OF WORK • closely follow the original plan, EVALUATION OF STAGES AND DELIVERABLES. • considerable amount of paperwork, ADMINISTRATIVE WORKLOAD • financial risk Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
IV. GENERAL REMARKS FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE 2 Building and maintaining effective partnership “A project is only as good as its weakest partner” • work with known partners • no ‘token’ partners • Partners should share the same vision with coordinator • take enough time to build partnerships, clear roles, duties and obligations • allow for differences in culture approaches and working practices • identify partners with special needs, take actions when partners are underperforming, deadlines • payment conditions – based on results • partners from developing countries • Problems with meeting national /EU/international rules • lack of experience • lack of resources Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
IV. GENERAL REMARKS FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE 3 More advices: • Establish and maintain good relations with program responsible officer • Look for synergies with other projects and actions • Get to know personally coordinators of Action 1 • Continue your project … Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
IV. GENERAL REMARKS FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE 4 Successful application – continuation of the project • propose crucial topics emerging from previous activities • check full compliance, follow guidelines in detail • read background documents, expert manual • analyze rejected/successful proposal • educate experts – data, numbers justifying excellence of team and relevance of actions, questions and answers using key notions • mention EC documents in rationale (EU mobility policy docs, EC delegations resources) Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005
Thank you for attention! Contact: Dr. Katarzyna HadaśInternational Office, Adam Mickiewicz University1 Wieniawskiego str. 61-712 Poznań, Polandtel. +48 61 829 4051fax +48 61 829 4052 kaha@amu.edu.pl Asia Regional Workshop Sector Approaches in Health, Philippines, April 2005