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Stewardship Prayer. Almighty and ever-faithful Lord, Gratefully acknowledging Your mercy and humbly admitting our need, we pledge our trust in You and each other.
Stewardship Prayer Almighty and ever-faithful Lord, Gratefully acknowledging Your mercy and humbly admitting our need, we pledge our trust in You and each other. Filled with desire, we respond to Your call for discipleship by shaping our lives in imitation of Christ. We profess that the call requires us to be stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, we receive Your gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible manner, share them in practice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. We pledge to our ongoing formation as stewards and our responsibility to call others to that same endeavor. Almighty and ever-faithful God, it is our fervent hope and prayer that You who have begun this good work in us will bring it to fulfillment in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
God owns it all –we are called to share Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life
Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life What shall we give back to God from all the gifts we have received? “Do I truly ‘own’ the values of gratitude, accountability, generous sharing and the willingness to give back to the Lord with increase?” + Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy 3
St Michael Parish Our Mission… Place God First in All Things Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ Grow in Holiness through Prayer, Sacraments and Service 4
St Michael Parish Values Faith – committed, love Witnessing and Evangelizing – sharing faith, teaching, learning, conversion, transformation Community – welcoming, accepting, rooted Love – Respectful, caring, forgiving, reconciling Stewardship – time, talent and treasure, serving 5
Stewardship is Discipleship Like other assets, our time is freely given by God Our talents and special abilities come from God We have been entrusted with the stewardship of many treasures including our bodies, our minds and our opportunities 6
Our Time, Our Talent, Our Treasure Nurture Deliberate Quality Receive 7
Our Time, Our Talent, Our Treasure Exercise Serve Glorify Called Giving 8
Our Time, Our Talent, Our Treasure God is the giver of all things Awareness Glorifies Giving Devotion 9
Stewardship is faithfully using all that God gives us for His Glory – being a Partner in the Mission 10
Partner in the Mission attends and participates personal spiritual growth discern and commit • financially supports
Our Journey to Becoming a Stewardship Parish In 1986, adopted Sacrificial Giving In 1994, Funded Westside Chapel Phase II primarily through Sacrificial Giving – the Treasure side of Stewardship In 1999, began responding annually to the call of Stewardship with time, talent and treasure In 2000 new Mission and Values Statements and Capital Facilities Task Force In 2006, Faith Raising Campaign In 2009, introduced Living Your Strengths and Growing an Engaged Church In 2010-Present, ME25 surveys 12
Our Stewardship Parish • St. Michael Parish’s Goals for Stewardship of Treasure : • Tithe 10% of our income to needs outside the parish • Fund 100% of our infrastructure and ministries including the ministry of St. Michael School 13
How We Are Doing Local We Tithe 13.3% State Parish Ministries & Infrastructure National International Pastor Discretion Funds Received from Stewardship of Treasure 14
“A commitment to stewardship changes the way we live. It is a practical but also very profound awareness that, by ourselves, we are not the source of our own lives, of the freedoms we possess, or even of the material goods that we work for. Our most precious possessions have all been given to us as gifts to be nourished, cared for in responsible ways and freely shared with others.” Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy 15
Our Commitment • We willgrow daily in our faith through prayer, sacraments and service • We willappoint Parish Leaders from parishioners who are active Partners in the Mission • We willfoster our children’s formation in Stewardship as a Way of Life • We willgather in prayer as a community and in small faith sharing groups • We willoffer Living Your Strengths workshops as an opportunity to identify, understand, accept, embrace and use our God-given talents 16
Our Commitment • We willassure that 80% of our parishioners will have participated in Financial Peace University by 2015 • We willcontinue to tithe at least 10% of our parish income to needs outside the parish community • We willfund 100% of our ministries and infrastructure through our members’ Stewardship of Treasure • We willfund St. Michael School tuition through Stewardship of Treasure 17
Stewardship as a Way of Life through our Time, Talent and Treasure "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me Go, therefore, and make disciples"(Matthew 28:18-19a)