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WELCOME TO. UC/KW. TRAINING. CFC TRAINING AGENDA. Introduction. History. Administration. Agency Selection. Audit. Methods of Solicitation. Campaign Materials. Questions/Concerns. Campaign Film. Critique. HISTORY OF THE COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC).

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  2. CFC TRAINING AGENDA Introduction History Administration Agency Selection Audit Methods of Solicitation Campaign Materials Questions/Concerns Campaign Film Critique

  3. HISTORY OF THE COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC) • Established in 1961 by President Kennedy to solve some on-going problems • Responsibility of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) • For all federal employees world wide • Congressional hearings and intervention to change the structure about every two to three years • LFCC responsible for local campaign

  4. CFC FACTS • Includes all Federal Employees world wide • Largest single charitable campaign in the world • Over $249 million last year • Primarily a payroll deduction campaign (85.2% givers) (95.0% dollars) • Primarily a designation campaign (98.7%) • Arizona CFC over $1,498,000 last year • Over 38% Local

  5. THE LOCAL FEDERAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE (LFCC) • A voluntary organization sanctioned by congress made up of volunteers • Responsibility of the largest federal employer in an area to insure there is an LFCC and a CFC for that area • Selects the Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO)

  6. THE PRINCIPAL COMBINED FUND ORGANIZATON (PCFO) • One of several national or local federations • Your PCFO is United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona

  7. AGENCY SELECTION • International/National (OPM) • Local Federations/Non-Affiliated (LFCC)

  8. LOCAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS • 501 (c)(3) Health & Human Services Agency • Local office open 15 Hrs/Wk • Dedicated phone line • Board of Directors • Annual IRS Form 990 • Annual Audit > $100K • Annual Report • Admin/Fund Raising 25% or less • Complete Application


  10. AUDIT REVIEW • Pledge Statistics • Distribution of Receipts - National - International - Local • Designations By Agency - National & Unaffiliated - International & Unaffiliated - Local & Unaffiliated - Only agencies Receiving Designations Listed 1810 Total Agencies 1251 Received Designations 559 Received Nothing • Campaign Expenses – 9.6% • Website www.cfcaz.org


  12. 2003 Arizona CFC

  13. CAMPAIGN STATISTICS 2003 ARIZONA CFC • Total $1,498,725 • Cash 5.0% - Hard to Give - Instant Debit - Non Revocable - Minimum $5.00 • Payroll Deduction 95.0% - Easy to Give - Pledge Now Pay Later - Revocable - On Pay Statement - Minimum $2.00 / Month - $24.00 $1.00 / Pay Period - $26.00

  14. 1st Time Gift Hardest • Encourage Payroll Deduction • Minimum Amount OK • Gets Person Started • Gains Confidence in System • Increases Amount Yearly • Designated Dollars $ - Only to Agency designated • Undesignated Dollars $ - To all designated Agencies in same portion as designations

  15. Recognition Levels Pacesetter $150 Flag Pen Double Pacesetter $300 Lunch Tote Leadership $600 Eagle Statuette • CFC Tracker - Account Number - Your Agency - 2003 Campaign - 2002 Campaign


  17. PCFO Staff Contacts Phone: 520-903-9000 FAX: 520-903-9002 Bob Palmer- Ext 235 Bpalmer@unitedwaytucson.org Lynn Galfield- Ext 255 Cfcaz@unitedwaytucson.org

  18. STEPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN • Know Program • Plan Campaign • Develop Strategy • Campaign Time Table • CC/Agency Head Support • Assign Solicitation • Solicit Employees • 100% Contact • #1 Reason Didn’t Give “No One Asked” • Follow Up

  19. WORKPLACE CAMPAIGNS • VS. • DIRECT GIVING • More money goes to services rather than raising costs • Provides steady, year-round income for charities • Larger gifts are possible through payroll deduction • Charities who participate in CFC are held accountable • Individual recognition and thanks for the donors • Federal image and community pride

  20. EDUCATE & PUBLICIZE • Posters • Campaign Video • Agency Speaker • Agency Tour • Kick Off

  21. SOLICITATION METHODS • Group Solicitation • One-On-One Solicitation • Reasons to Give • Objections • Thank You



  24. Payroll Deduction Pledge Cards Must Have: • CFC Account Number- Acct number MUST be on every pledge card • Full Name (Printed) • Social Security Number • Paygrade and Rank • Amount Box Checked • Math Correct • Payroll Deduct Authorization –Signed (IN PEN) and Dated

  25. Designated Gift Pledge Cards Must Have: • 4-Digit Agency Number(s) Listed (from current campaign brochure) • Designation Sum (equal or less than total contribution) • General Designation Option – use IIII as agency number to have your gift shared by all International Agencies Any agency, which receives no designations, will not receive any of the undesignated dollars or any of the general designation option funds.

  26. Cash/Check Donation (Minimum $5.00) Pledge Cards Must Have: • CFC Account Number • Full Name (Printed) • Rank • Cash Box and Amount listed equals contribution

  27. BROCHURE • CFC Info • Federation/Agency Listings • 4-Digit Code • Name • 25 Word Statement • Telephone Number • Web Address • Admin/Fundraising % • Only Agencies in Brochure • Alphabetical Index • Web Site www.cfcaz.org • Search

  28. PAYROLL OFFICE INFORMATION (The payroll office number is assigned by OPM and is usually the same as the Agency’s Locator Code (ALC) assigned by the Department of Treasury.) Office 8-Digit #__________________ Office Name____________________ Office Address__________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Office Phone #__________________

  29. Return a copy of this form to Lynn after your campaign to obtain incentive gifts.

  30. PACESETTER DOUBLE PACESETTER LEADERSHIP LIST • Include in Keyworker envelopes • Keep a copy for yourself GIFT RECEIPT LIST • Give to person • Thank You!


  32. Training Evaluation Please complete and return

  33. For your time and attention

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