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Zespół Szkół Gimnazjum Nr 6 Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 13 in Zawiercie. Table of contents. Where are we? The Location of Kromołów Around our School Students Teachers Extra classes European class Computer class Choir Sport class International projects Equipment of school
Zespół Szkół Gimnazjum Nr 6 Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 13in Zawiercie
Table of contents • Whereare we? • TheLocation of Kromołów • AroundourSchool • Students • Teachers • Extra classes • Europeanclass • Computer class • Choir • Sport class • International projects • Equipment of school • Schoolcourts and playground • Academies • „TheSalad Day” • TheRegional Day • Women’s Day and Boy’s Day! • St. Valentines Day • Bibliography
Whereare we? Ourschoolisin Zawiercie, intheoldest of Zawiercie districts – Kromołów, located on 9 Filaretów Street. The city isinthenorth part of theSilesianVoivodship
TheLocation of Kromołów The Warta River hasitssourcein Kromołów, on The Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Thereis a lot of limestonehere.
Aroundourschool Ourschoolisyellow and orange. Thereis a narrowpatharoundit. We oftenuseit, for exampleduringwarm-ups on our PE lessons, orduringthebreaks. Theareaiscoveredwithgrass, therearealso a lot of trees and bushes.
Students Thereareabout five hundredstudents and about forty teachersinourschool. Therearefourkindergardengroups, sixprimaryschoolclasses and threegimazjumclassesinourschool.
Teachers We’vegotaboutthreeteachers of everysubject: POLISH mgr Magdalena Dymekmgr Monika Chłostamgr Justyna Zadęcka HISTORYmgr Jolanta Moryńmgr Monika Chłosta SOCIAL STUDIESmgr Monika Chłosta PEDAGOGmgr Agata Woźniak RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONmgr Joanna Kurekks. mgr Rafał Ćwikliński ENGLISHmgr Justyna Kukułkamgr Bartosz Latko SCIENCEmgr Aleksandra Figielmgr Radosław Cierpiński GERMANmgr Justyna Zadęcka EDUCATION FOR SAFETYmgr Andrzej Krzysztofczyk
Teachers BIOLOGYmgr Aleksandra Figiel CHEMISTRYmgr Barbara Labocha GEOGRAPHYmgr Radosław Cierpiński INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYmgr Aneta Dudekmgr Beata Kowalczyk Mgr Andrzej Wilk MATEMATHICSmgr Halina Ciszowskamgr Aneta Dudekmgr Mariola Piotrowska TECHNOLOGYmgr Andrzej Wilk PHYSICSmgr Halina Ciszowska PHYSICAL EDUCATIONmgr Elżbieta Bencmgr Andrzej Bubel ARTmgr Wiesław Foryś FAMILY LIFE EDUCATIONmgr Aleksandra Figiel
Extra classes We have a lot of extra classes: • Europeanclub • Computer club • Choir • Sport classes
Europeanclass We work on laptops and improveourEnglishskills. Thereareabout 10 laptops and an interactiveboard.
Computer class Therearetwo computer classroomsinourschool. We improveourknowledge and skills. We alsolearnsomeinterestingfacts. The time we spendinour computer classroomsisfantastic!
Choir Mr Foryś takescare of thechoir. Studentsaged 10-16 improvetheirvocalskills. Theschoolchoirsingssongsatalltheschoolcelebrations!
Sport class Therearevolleyballclasses for studentswhoareinterestedin sport. Mr Bubel takescare of girls and MrsBenctakescare of boys.
International projects Ourschooltook part insome international projects: • WithEngland • WithSpain • With France
Equipment of theschool Therearefourinteractiveboards, abouttwentycomputers and ten laptops, some musical instruments(guitars, keyboards, percussion), a storage for bicycles, a playground and threecourts.
Schoolcourts and playground We have one smallconcretecourt, two big courts, fourbaskets for basketball, and a beachvolleyballcourt. Theplaygroundis a place whichchildrenlove. All studentslikespending time there.
Academies On specialdays (e.g. theIndependence Day, atthebeginning and attheend of eachschoolyear, on Teacher’s Day, on Regional Day) we haveschoolacademies. Thestudentsmay show theiractingskills.
„Salad Day” „Salad Day” hasbeenorganisedinourschool for severalyears. Itispossiblethanks to thecooperation of parents, students, ourschoolnurse, Mrs Ewa Czarnojańczyk and Mrs Agata Woźniak. Everybodycantastevarioussaladsbrought by students.
Regional Day On Regional Day we have an academyduringwhichscenesfromdifferentcabarets as well as textsin foreign languagesarepresented. Theysometimes help usunderstandotherpeople’slanguages.
Women’s Day and Boy’s Day! Therearetwomorespecialdaysinourschool: Women’s Day (celebrated on 8th March) and Boy’s Day (on 30th September). All women and men inourschoolgetpresents and bestwishes.
St. Valentine’s Day StValentine’s Day iscelebrated on 14th February. Thecards and presentssent by studentsthroughtheschool’s „Valentine Post” aregiven to rightpeople on thespecialdayinourgym.
Bibliography www.gim13zawiercie.pl www.google.pl www.wikipedia.pl
Theend By: Agata Panasiuk and Karina Borek