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jQuery "Write less, do more". What is it, why use it, how to use it. jQuery – "Write Less, Do More". jQuery is a JavaScript library, collection of functions that extends JavaScript's capabilities
jQuery"Write less, do more" What is it, why use it, how to use it
jQuery– "Write Less, Do More" • jQuery is a JavaScript library, collection of functions that extends JavaScript's capabilities • What would take 20 lines or more of JavaScript can be achieved in just two or three lines of jQuery • The same code runs in all browsers—there's no need to write special code for Internet Explorer • Uses HTML elements and CSS selectors, leveraging knowledge that most web designers already have
Simple Hide-Show Content before user clicks Item One after user clicks Item One
jQuery code <script> $(function() { $('h2 + p').hide(); $('h2').click(function(e) { varpara = $(this).next('p'); para.toggle(); if (para.css('display') == 'none') { $(this).css('background-image', 'url(images/arrow-r.png)'); } else { $(this).css('background-image', 'url(images/arrow-down.png)'); } }) .css('cursor', 'pointer');}); </script> Notice the use of the jQuery symbol, $ You can also "call" for jQuery by its name instead of using $
JavaScript code <script> function init() { var headings = document.getElementsByTagName('h2'), dom= headings[0].addEventListener, len= headings.length,i, para; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { para = getNextSibling(headings[i]); para.style.display = 'none'; if (dom) { headings[i].addEventListener('click', toggle, false); headings[i].addEventListener('mouseover', showHand, false); } else { headings[i].attachEvent('onclick', toggle); } } function getNextSibling(elem) { vartemp = elem.nextSibling; while (temp.nodeType !=1 && temp.nextSibling != null) { temp = temp.nextSibling; } return temp; } function toggle(event) { varevt, tgt, para; evt = event ? event : window.event; tgt = evt.target || evt.srcElement; para = getNextSibling(tgt); if (para.style.display == 'none') { para.style.display= 'block'; tgt.style.backgroundImage= 'url(images/arrow-down.png)'; } else { para.style.display= 'none'; tgt.style.backgroundImage= 'url(images/arrow-r.png)'; } } function showHand(event) { varevt, tgt; evt= event ? event : window.event; tgt= evt.target || evt.srcElement; tgt.style.cursor= 'pointer'; } } window.onload = init; </script>
Why less code with jQuery? • jQueryihas built in widgets like tabs, menus, accordions • jQuery simplifies targeting of elements • Does not traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) • Instead it uses HTML and CSS to target content
What do you need to know? • HTML tags and how they are hierarchically arranged, i.e. nesting of tags that creates parent child relationships • CSS selectors: tag, descendant, class, id • CSS rules, for example • background-color • position with top, bottom, right, left • display – inline, inline-block, block, none • color • margin • "little " bit of programming experience; the more the better
Step 1: Include jQuery core library <!-- from CDN--> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <!-- from your domain --> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script> • Script tag placed in Page Head • Can be linked to Content Delivery Network, may be faster for end user if already cached • File can be downloaded from www.jquery.com to your domain and linked from that location 1.9.1 may not be the most current version;you can also use the minified version of the file
Step2: Create a jQuery document ready function <script type="text/javascript"> $('document').ready(function() { alert("The page just loaded!"); //tell user with popup }); //end of ready function </script> • Placed in Page Head • Runs when page loads Shorthand Version <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { alert("The page just loaded!"); }); //end of ready function </script> Alternative to alert: console.log('Page loaded'); In Chrome open the console pane usingWin ctrl+shift+j or Mac cmd+opt+j
Step3: Try out a jQuery Selector & Method SCRIPT BASIC HTML <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('p').css("border", "3px solid red"); }); //end of ready function </script> <body> <ul id="list1"> <li class="a">item 1</li> <li class="a">item 2</li> <li class="b">item 3</li> <li class="b">item 4</li> </ul> <p class="a">This is paragraph 1</p> <p>This is paragraph 2</p> <p class="b">This is paragraph 3</p> <p>This is paragraph 4</p> </body> STYLES <style> .a (color: navy;} .b {color: maroon;} </style>
Use console to quick-test code • You can type jQuery code directly into the browser console • Just type filter selectors and browser will return an array of all elements it found matching that filter • Chrome: Opening the console • Viewmenu > Developer> JavaScript Console • Win ctrl+shift+j or Mac cmd+opt+j • Firefox: Opening Firebug to access console • View menu > Firebug (or press F12) • Developer Tools > Open Firebug
jQuery selector • Used to select/target content elements • Syntax $('selector') • Selector can be any combination of html elements and css selectors
jQuery selector examples $('document') $('h2') $('ul li a') $('h2+p') adjacent siblings $('#wrapper') $('.myclass') $('p.b') paragraphs w class b $('li:first-child') $('p:first') $('p:last') $('#lcol p, #rcol p') $('tr:even') $('tr:odd') $('form:checked') form elemsw checked attribute $('input:text') input elems w text attribute a[href$='.pdf']href attribute's value ends with .pdf
jQuery method • Action carried out on selected/targeted content elements • Syntax $('selector').methodname(parameters); • Parameters • Vary for each method • May need to be enclosed in quotes and/or curly braces
Useful jQuery methods • next([selector]) • prev([selector]) • attr(attributeName) • attr(attributeName, value) • css(propertyName) • css(propertyName, value) • addClass(className) • removeClass([className]) • toggleClass(className) • html(content) • before(content) • after(content) • append(content) • hide([duration]) • show([duration]) • toggle([duration]) • fadeIn • fadeOut • FadeTo • slideUp([duration]) • slideDown([duration]) • slideToggle([duration]) • animate(properties, options)
jQuery method examples, 1 $("h2").css("color", "blue"); $("p:first").css("border", "3px solid red"); $('div').css({fontSize: '13px', background: '#f60'}); $("li a[href$='.pdf']").after("<imgsrc='images/pdf_icon.gif'>"); $("a").attr("target", "_blank"); $("a").removeAttr("href"); $("p:last").text("this is the last paragraph"); $("table#theListtr:even").addClass("stripe1"); $("img").attr({ src: "images/Spring.jpg", alt: "spring" });
jQuery method examples-animate $('nav').animate({'height':'0px'},500); $("div").animate({left:'250px'},2000); $('img.prev').animate({'opacity':0},1000); $('#div').animate({width:'100px',opacity:'0.8'},"slow");
Chaining jQuery methods • One of the biggest time-saving features of jQuery is the ability to chain methods. • You can apply multiple methods to the same selected element(s) using dot notation. $('body').append('<p>This paragraph was added dynamically.</p>') .addClass('reverse'); $("#p1").css("color","red").slideUp(2000).slideDown(2000); $("#menu").fadeIn("fast").addClass("active").css("marginRight", "10px");
Important points about Chaining • It makes your code short and easy to manage. • It gives better performance – because jQuery has to find the element only once to perform multiple actions. • The chain starts from left to right; so left most will be called first and so on. BTW, chaining also works for events which we will cover next.
jQuery events • Action resulting from user or browser interaction with selected/targeted content elements • Syntax $('selector').eventname(function(){ //what the event handler is to do });
Useful jQuery events • ready(handler) • unload(handler) • error(handler) • click(handler) • toggle(handlerEven, handlerOdd) • dblclick(handler) • mouseenter(handler) • mouseover(handler) • mouseout(handler) • hover(handlerIn, handlerOut)
jQuery event example – hover $("#image_listimg").hover( function() { alert("The mouse pointer has moved into an img element"); }, function() { alert("The mouse pointer has moved out of an imgelement"); } ); // end hover
jQuery event examples – click $("#showbtn").click(function() { $("#theDiv").show("normal"); }); $("#hidebtn").click(function() { $("#theDiv").hide("normal"); }); $("#togglebtn").click(function() { $("#theDiv").toggle("slow"); });
The this selection keyword • When working inside of a jQuery function you may want to select the element in which was referenced inside of the original selector. • In this code example the this keyword refers to the element selected in the current handler. $('div').click(function(event){ $(this); //here this refers to the div that was clicked });