1. XBRL Organisation, XBRL Use Cases and Projectsin Germany XBRL Germany / XBRL Deutschland e.V.www.XBRL.de / info@xbrl.de
October 2009
2. XBRL-de, Facts & Figures
XBRL-de, the German XBRL jurisdiction started working in summer 2000 and was formally established in July 2001
Has about 35 members
Is facilitated by a legal entity being an association of the members ("eingetragener Verein")
The association is a neutral body and is independent from any specific stakeholder, industry, or interest group
XBRL-de is governed by a board of 7 directors, an advisory board, and two executives
3. XBRL-de, Past/Ongoing Activities
General: The German jurisdiction
Is evangelising XBRL in its market
Has several permanent workgroups catering for taxonomy maintenance and implementation matters
Is supporting the implementation of XBRL projects of their members
Maintains the website www.xbrl.de with information for the public and a separate member's area
Cooperates with other XBRL organisations in Europe and globally
4. XBRL-de, Past/Ongoing Activities
Past activities: The German jurisdiction
Organised the 4th International XBRL Conference 2002 in Berlin
Was co-organiser of the 15th International XBRL Conference 2007 in Munich
Has organised several local XBRL events in the past to present XBRL to an audience of in total 1000++ individuals
Developed taxonomies covering the German local GAAP
5. XBRL-de, Past/Ongoing Activities
Ongoing & planned activities:
Update of the German GAAP taxonomy due to changes in the relevant legal framework (BilMoG)
Extension of the German GAAP taxonomy to cover information needs for tax filing
Adaptation in cooperation wit IASC and European colleagues of the IFRS taxonomy to the German market including
Label translation
National extensions
XBRL user workshops scheduled for spring 2010
6. XBRL-de, Most Substantial Use Cases
Background, Framework: XBRL Taxonomies to be considered mainly
IFRS: Listed companies have to report their consolidated financials using IFRS, others may do so this concerns up to 1000 entities
German GAAP: Has to be applied by every German company when producing non-consolidated figures, e.g. for tax filing this concerns far more than 1 million entities
US-GAAP: Applied by some global players a rather low number
7. XBRL-de, Most Substantial Use Cases
XBRL based filing with the German Public Register (Bundesanzeiger)
German Companies with limited liability have to disclose their financial statements electronically via Bundesanzeigers internet portal
XBRL even not being mandatory is the most preferred format (lowest charges for the filer)
XBRL is applied by 400,000+ companies a year
Bundesanzeiger produces a standardised view (that can be downloaded for free) and prepares putting data in XBRL format on the market
8. XBRL-de, Most Substantial Use Cases
XBRL based filing with the German Tax Agencies ongoing project
German commercial entities will have to file their financial statements using XBRL with the tax agencies beginning 2011
This concerns multiple millions of entities, so that in principle every company will become XBRL-ised
German tax authorities and XBRL-de got to an agreement of cooperation in order to work out necessary additions to the German GAAP taxonomy and to prepare infrastructure, framework and education
9. Questions?
For further information on XBRL please refer to the web sites