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FUTSAL AND FITNESS. An overall measure of physical attributes including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, body composition and flexibility. DEFINITION. COGNATION.
An overall measure of physical attributes including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, body composition and flexibility DEFINITION
COGNATION Simply this – many committed, hard-working players struggle to achieve their ambitions because they’re unable to identify which aspects of fitness they may be lacking in. That means they can’t adjust their training and conditioning to address these weaknesses.
Even though Futsal is considered a "non-contact sport", players take as much abuse as some "contact sports". To stay competitive players must be able to sustain a high level of performance in an ever-increasing physical game. NON COTACT SPORT
Futsal involves repeated of high intensity reaction and sprints. Muscle fibers are primarily responsible for these explosive movements. At the same time the anaerobic (short term) energy system provides most of the power supply. EXPLOSIVE MOVEMENTS
GROSS AND FINE MOTOR SKILLS FOR FUTSAL Special needs Futsal u 10 player often lack gross and fine motor skills Gross motor skills refer to the use of the legs and arms Functional skills can be taught in combination with gross motor skills such as running and movement with coordination
HOW IT WORKS ? Nowadays competitive Futsal operates at such a high level that you can’t turn in a medal-winning team simply by competing regularly, and supplementing this through training that relies on doing more of the basic activity. Gaining with Multiple sports Runners need to do more than just run Cyclists need to do more than simply ride their bikes for longer distances Swimmers need to train outside of the pool…
DIFFRENT TYPE OF CODITIONING PROGRAMME On average countries with high level of Futsal have different kinds of priodization for conditioning programs.
NINE KEY ELEMENTS OF FITNESS The 9 Key Elements of Fitness breaks down the concept of ‘fitness’ into each one of its parts, devoting a full chapter to describing and explaining each element as follows: 1. Strength 2. Speed 3. Agility 4. Balance 5. Flexibility 6. Local Muscle Endurance 7. Cardiovascular Endurance 8. Strength Endurance 9. Co-ordination
1. STRENGHT The extent to which muscles can exert force by contracting against resistance (holding or restraining an object or person)
HOW TO DO IT ? STRENGHT 1. BASIC RECORD TEST 2. PERSENTAGE OF HEAVINESS 3. REPETITION 4. RECOVERY HEART RATE 5. SETS 6. Explosive and fast especially for Futsal not light weights and too many repetition as power lifting
There is no doubt that a strength program has an important role in injury prevention. STRENGHT The first thing to check is the muscular balance of the players. Any imbalance can contribute directly or indirectly to an injury. A difference between opposing muscle groups (the quadriceps and hamstrings), between two sides of the body, or between the upper and lower halves of the body should all be addressed.
A Futsal strength program should include exercises that train all major muscle groups with special emphasis on those muscles used in specific Futsal movements. STRENGHT Compound, closed-chain movements should be done to strengthen the lower body. This can include Leg Presses, Squats, Dead lifts and Split Squats or Lunges.
The major focus of the strength program should be on the lower body, since it performs most of the body's movements. STRENGHT However, the upper body training cannot be left out of the program. The upper body should be trained using compound movements like Chest presses, Shoulder presses, Lat Rows, Pull Ups, and Pull downs. Additional exercises including, hip flexion, calf raises and shoulder raises can compliment the compound movements.
There are some additional exercises that should be included to train explosive type movements. Therefore, variations of these movements, which are much easier to learn, can be incorporated. Exercises like power cleans push presses, high pulls and push jerks will help to develop explosiveness as well as movement patterns that simulate explosive motions. These exercises can be done using standard actions. STRENGHT
2. POWER The ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements (jumping or sprint starting)
Quick movement where the body is propelled either upward or outward; explosive strength; performance of work accomplished per unit of time. POWER
The ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions 3. AGILITY (zigzag or break movements)
The ability to control the body’s position 4. BALANCE (e.g. Stationary - dribbling position)
The ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being impeded by excess tissue, such fat or muscle 5. FLEXIBILITY (Executing a leg split)
A single muscle’s ability to perform sustained work 6. LOCAL MUSCLE ENDURANCE (e.g. rowing or cycling)
The heart’s ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it 7. CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE (e.g. running long distances)
A muscle’s ability to perform a maximum contraction over a longer period of time 8. STRENGTH ENDURANCE (explosive rebounding through an entire Futsal game)
The ability to integrate components so that effective movements are achieved 9. CO-ORDINATION
FITNESS TEST There are many components of fitness which is important for success. In Futsal, they are close in their relative importance. Having a very good aerobic fitness level is a very important attribute, being very quick and agile is also very important. These following tests reflect this all-round fitness requirement for Futsal:
SHUTTLE RUN (BEEP) AEROBIC The shuttle run (beep) test is usually the most appropriate for testing a Futsal player. Take note: Aerobic fitness is a very important component of fitness for FUTSAL. The test should be performed indoor on the same surface that the game is played on.
ENDURANCE TESTS the Aerobic Energy System 20 meter Shuttle Run Test
description: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test is also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The time between recorded beeps decrease each minute (level). There are several versions of the test, but one commonly used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by 0.5 km/hr each minute. scoring: The players score is the level and number of shuttles reached before they were unable to keep up with the tape recording. This score can be converted to a VO2max equivalent score using. SHUTTLE RUN (BEEP) • equipment required: Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, 20m measuring tape, pre-recorded audio tape, tape recorder, recording sheets.
SHUTTLE RUN (BEEP) • considerations: • As the audio-tapes may stretch over time, the tapes need to be calibrated which involves timing a one-minute interval and making adjustment to the distance between markers. The recording is also available on compact disc, which does not require such a stringent calibration, but should also be checked occasionally. • This test goes by many names, though you need to be careful as the different names also may signify that these are different versions of the test. Therefore you need to be wary when comparing results or comparing to norms.
The sit and reach test can be done for lower back and hamstring flexibility. FILIXIBILITY Flexibility is important in terms of being injury free and being able to move freely around the court.
Sit and Reach Test (simple ,cheap, fast) description : This test involves sitting on the floor with legs out straight ahead. Feet are placed flat against the box. Both knees are held flat against the floor by the tester. The player leans forward slowly as far as possible and holds the greatest stretch for two seconds. Make sure there is no jerky movements, and that the fingertips remain level and the legs flat. scoring: The score is recorded as the distance before (negative) or beyond (positive) the toes. Repeat twice and record the best score. The table below gives you a guide for expected scores (in cm) for adults FILIXIBILITY • equipment required: sit and reach box (or a ruler can be used, held between the feet)
FILIXIBILITY • validity: This tests only measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. • advantages: it is a cheap, easy and quick test to perform.
Maximal strength tests for specific exercises should be conducted. STRENGTH AND POWER Strength and power tests should also be done to determine strength levels and to monitor strength changes in conjunction with training programs
1-RM Tests (Repetition maximum tests) description : One repetition maximum tests (1-RM) is a popular method of measuring isotonic muscle strength. It is a measure of the maximal force a subject can lift with one repetition. The players chooses subsequent weights until they can only repeat one full and correct lift of that weight. equipment required: Free weights (barbells, dumbbells) or other gym equipment. advantages: the required equipment is readily available in most gymnasiums. comments: The test results will be specific to the equipment used and the technique allowed, so is best used for test-retest measures. Also sometimes used is a 3-RM or other numbers. These greater reps would require less weight and may be considered less dangerous. STRENGTH POWER Anaerobic Energy System Tests
Sprint time over 20m, with a split times for the first 5 & 10m should be done if possible. SPEED SPRINT TIME OVER 2OM Acceleration is very important in FUTSAL. Most running is conducted over a short distance.
SPEED Sprint Test description: The purpose of this test is to determine maximum running speed. It involves running a single maximum sprint over a set distance, with time recorded. The test is conducted over different distances, such as 10, 20, 40 and/or 50 meters or yards. It is usual to give the players an adequate warm-up and practice first, and some encouragement to continue running hard past the finish line. equipment required: measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, markers.
SPEED Futsal Sprint Test Time to run 35m (in seconds)
AGILITY The G1agility test measures the ability to change direction 180 degrees. Also 90 degree turn test would be suitable for FUTSAL. The ability to quickly change direction is very important for FUTSAL. In addition to a simple agility test, you could also incorporate a ball into the testing as all movement on court is performed while dribbling the ball.
description: cons are set up 5 and 10 meters from a line. The player runs from the 15 meter cone towards the line (run in distance to build up speed) and through the 5 m cons, turns on the line and runs back through the 5 m markers. The time is recorded from when the players first runs through the 5 meter marker, and stopped when they return through these markers (that is, the time taken to cover the 5 m up and back distance - 10 m total). The best of two trails is recorded. The turning ability on each leg should be tested. The subject should be encouraged to not overstep the line by too much, as this will increase their time. AGILITY G1 TEST equipment required: start/stop timing gates or stopwatch, non-slip running surface, markers
G2 Test description: this test requires the player to run a course in the shortest possible time. A standard G2 course is with four cones placed on the corners of a rectangle 10 by 16 meter, with one more cone placed in the centre. If the cones are labeled 1 to 4 around the rectangle going along the longer side first, and the centre cone is C, the test begins at 1, then to C, 2, 3, C, 4, then back to 1. AGILITY 16 m 10 m equipment required: marker cones, stopwatch, non-slip surface. comments: The total distance run should not be too great so that fatigue does not become a factor. Start/finish
AGILITY G2 TEST 16 10 Start ,finish
With this information it will be easy for coaches to have : Player selection Recognition Priodization General and specific planning