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Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World Review & Reflection Questions Chapter 1

Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World Review & Reflection Questions Chapter 1. 6. We find true happiness by coming to understand, accept, and live out God's plan for us. 6. God is the source of true happiness because God alone is all-good, all-generous. 6.

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Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World Review & Reflection Questions Chapter 1

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  1. Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World Review & Reflection Questions Chapter 1

  2. 6 We find true happiness by coming to understand, accept, and live out God's plan for us.

  3. 6 God is the source of true happiness because God alone is all-good, all-generous.

  4. 6 God made us restless until we rest in God.

  5. 6 Religion is a relationship that connects or binds us to God.

  6. 6 Monotheists believe in one God: polytheists believe there are many gods.

  7. 6 Christianity. Judaism, and Islam all believe in the existence of only one God. (All of them acknowledge Abraham as “our father in faith.”)

  8. 6 Atheists do not believe in God. Agnostics aren't sure whether or not God exists, so they decide not to decide.

  9. Reflection 6

  10. Reflection 6

  11. 10 Our being made in God's image means that we, like the Creator, are endowed with intelligence, the attribute that allows us to come to know God.

  12. 10 Students' answers will vary but should reflect the five precepts of Aquinas and/or the "human heartfelt" proofs for God: our thirst for happiness; beauty and truth; moral goodness; love and intelligence.

  13. 10 Answers will vary but should reflect an understanding that some people don't believe in God due to: the refusal to believe in a divine being who would allow suffering in the world; the sins of believers; laziness or indifference; fear of having to change behaviors.

  14. Discussion 10

  15. Discussion 10

  16. 19 Divine Revelation is God's free gift of self-communication that makes known the mystery of the divine plan.

  17. 19 We need Divine Revelation because while human reason can tell us fhat God is, it cannot, on its own, tell us who God is.

  18. 19 The terms of God's covenant with humankind involve God's unconditional love and faithfulness toward us and our response of faithfulness to God.

  19. 19 Answers will vary but should evidence an understanding of God's gradual self-revelation through covenants, the Law, the prophets, other books of Scripture, and ultimately and definitively in Jesus Christ.

  20. 19 The two elements of the Deposit of Faith are Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture.

  21. 19 St. Peter is the head of the Apostles and the "Rock" upon which Jesus founded his Church.

  22. 19 The Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church, which, under the guidance of the Spirit, serves God's Word by teaching only that which has been "handed on" and explains it so that God's people can live as Christ wills.

  23. Discussion 10

  24. 20 A virtue is a firm and habitual disposition to do good.

  25. 20 The gift of faith enables us to say "yes" to Divine Revelation.

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