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Assessment is…

Assessment is…. A process of gathering relevant information to plan, evaluate, or make decisions (academic assessment, transition assessment, career assessment, vocational assessment). Information can be gathered from multiple people and places over a period of time.

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Assessment is…

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  1. Assessment is… A process of gathering relevant information to plan, evaluate, or make decisions (academic assessment, transition assessment, career assessment, vocational assessment). Information can be gathered from multiple people and places over a period of time.

  2. What is “Transition Assessment”? “Transition assessment is an ongoing process of collecting information on the student’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and future living, learning and working environments. Assessment data serve as the common thread in the transition process and form the basis for defining goals and services to be included in the IEP.” All stakeholders participate in the process of information-gathering and decision-making 2007 Corwin Press. Assess for Success: A Practitioner’s Handbook on Transition Assessment, 2nd ed., by Stillingtion, Neubert, Begun, Lombard, and Leconte

  3. Defining Transition Assessment What it is: • Ongoing and cumulative • Individualized • Based on student’s strengths, needs, interests, & goals • A process that increases student self-awareness • Used to develop appropriate post-secondary goals What is it NOT: • The same for all students • Done “once a year” • Only completed just before the IEP to fill out the forms • Only the responsibility of the special education teacher Adapted from B. Charton (2007). Arkansas Dept. of Ed. Transition Assessment Toolkit

  4. HOW does the team gather information on interests, preferences, and aptitudes? Formal Assessments Information from volunteer placements, training situations, job shadowing, jobs Interviews Surveys Questionnaires Situationalassessments 4

  5. Don’t Forget…. Be sure to make use of the assessment data that is already being collected by Guidance Counselors in your school!

  6. Assessing Interests and Preferences Examples: • Bridges Interest Inventory • Student Transition Surveyor Interview • Kuder General Interest Survey (KGIS) • COIN Career Guidance System of Assessment • Aviator Assessment • Ansell Casey Life Skills Inventory or Personal Preference Indicator (free) • Keys2Work • Learning Styles Inventory • pacareerzone.org (free)

  7. PA Career Zone: www.pacareerzone.org • Free Assessments for Students (next slides) • Quick Assessment • Interest Profiler • Skills Profiler • Work Importance Profiler

  8. PA Career Zone: www.pacareerzone.org FREE!

  9. PA CAREER ZONE: Quick Assessment FREE! (Approximately 5 min.)

  10. Example Results from Quick Assessment

  11. www.pacareerzone.orgInterest Profiler (Approximately 30 min.) FREE!

  12. PA Career Zone- Skills Profiler FREE!

  13. PA Career Zone: Work Importance Profiler FREE! (Approximately 30 min.)

  14. PA Career Zone: Education Planner FREE!

  15. Interests and Preferences- Significant Needs • *Person-Centered Planning (PATH) • Observations (Home/School/Community) • Student Survey or Interview • *Parent Survey/Interview • *Ecological Assessment • Situational Assessment • *Portfolio • *Electronic or web-based assessments • Information from student and family members • Functional Behavioral Assessment • Information from employers • * more information in assessment folder

  16. Person-Centered Planning • Especially helpful for students with significant needs • Bringing people together to discuss the visions and goals of the students: • PATH: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope • MAPS: Making Action Plans • Essential Lifestyle Planning • Enhances quality of assessment and planning activities for both HS transition services and adult services • Fosters working relationships between families and professionals • Helps to educators and agencies to coordinate services • Helps ensure that services support student goals • Helps identify & cultivate natural supports in the community.

  17. Student/Parent Survey, Interview, Observations • Gather information • In writing • Face to face • In the setting

  18. Ecological Assessment Authentic Dynamic Looks at the areas in the environment that the student will use, analyzes the demands by listing the sub-environments, activities, and skills that will need to be learned. Must be completed before Situational Assessment can be completed.

  19. My Electronic Portfolio:“Get to Know Me Better” For students with significant needs including communication needs, a personalized picture portfolio helps to introduce them to teachers, potential employers, etc.

  20. Picture Interest Career Survey (PICS) • Quick way to identify occupational interests by using pictures of people at work. • Test takers are presented with 36 sets of 3 pictures and choose which of the three portrayed occupations seems most interesting. • Based on pictures selected, PICS creates a profile of the individual that leads directly to career information and potential job matches. • Takes less than 15 minutes to complete and score can be, given individually or in groups, • Solid reliability and validity; tested on wide variety of populations http://www.jist.com

  21. COPS- PIC

  22. Personal Data Wizard

  23. Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test—Second Edition (WRIOT—2) • Does not require reading or language understanding -- ideal for use with individuals with disabilities or those who are educationally or culturally disadvantaged. • Contains 238 full-color pictures to help students and adults determine whether they like, dislike, or are undecided about the work situations depicted. • Administer using picture book or CD. • Results are depicted graphically to help guide individuals toward career choices based on their strengths in 17 Occupational, 16 Interest, and 6 Holland Type Scales. • $371 http://www.pearsonassessments.com

  24. Your Employment Selection- YES! Your Employment Selections (YES!) is motion-video, Internet-based job preference program for youth and adults with disabilities. This program allows youth and adult participants with limited or no reading skills to watch videos of jobs, listen as a narrator describes key tasks in each job, and select preferred ones. The program shows motion video for 120 different jobs. When 2-3 preferred jobs are selected, a facilitator (such as a teacher) rates the job seeker on various work dimensions based on the job seeker's skill levels. The result is identification of the best-matched job, strengths and weaknesses, and training priorities.

  25. Secondary Transition and Indicator 13: A Focus on Students with Significant Needs April 29, 2010 Rosemary Nilles , Linda Loar, Kathryn Enos

  26. Choose and Take Action Sopris West Publishers (www.sopriswest.com)

  27. Choose and Take Action: Finding a Job for YOU

  28. “A Life for Me - Cyber Community” FREE!!! Interactive, web-based career exploration “Talking guide” Geared for middle school age students Also contains parent content Register and create password to use www.alife4me.org

  29. Envision Your Career This language-free occupational interest inventory is designed to measure career interest in people who have little or no English skills or limited reading and writing abilities. It consists of 66 live-action images showing people performing typical job duties in actual work environments.Using a score sheet, viewers rate each occupation on a scale of 1 to 5. The scores are then totaled for each occupational type: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.22 minutes. Available in DVD format only.

  30. Age appropriate transition assessment is needed to: • Post-Secondary Education/Training • Employment • Independent Living

  31. Identifying student’s post secondary goals leads to further assessments… • Abilities: talents or acquired skills • Aptitudes: combination of characteristics that helps us know if the student might learn or become proficient in a particular area

  32. Assessing Aptitudes: Domains Assessing aptitudes may include areas such as: • Academic Skills • Organizational skills • Social Skills • Dexterity Skills • Communication Skills • Self Help Skills • Travel Skills • Mobility Skills • Workplace Values • Self Determination and Self Advocacy Skills • Other areas based on individual need

  33. Types and Sources of Information on Aptitudes • Curriculum-Based Assessments • Classroom quizzes comprehension checks, essays, checklists/rubrics • Progress monitoring on goals • Comprehensive Diagnostic Tool (CDT) • 4Sight • Keystone • PSSA • ASVAB • Career and technical education assessments • Work Samples • Portfolios • Information from employers • Situational Assessment • Commercial assessments of specific career-related aptitudes (McCarron-Dial, SAGE, etc.) • Observations (Home/School/Community) 36

  34. Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) NEW! Free, online assessments designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction Assist PA educators in identifying students’ academic strengths and areas of need, providing links to classroom resources Integrated and aligned with the Standards Aligned System (SAS)

  35. PA Keystone Exams NEW! • End-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Literature, English Composition, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, World History, and Civics & Government • Aligned with SAS -- supporting resources include: • Standards-Based Instruction • Voluntary Model Curriculum • Classroom Diagnostic Tools. • Component of PA’s new graduation requirements. • Will help districts guide students toward meeting state standards - aligned with expectations for success in college and the workplace.

  36. Assessing Aptitudes- More Examples Environmental Job Assessment (E-JAM) • Used to assess general work behavior • Physical demands of the job, • Working conditions • Social interactions Situational Assessment • How student is performing on the job

  37. Brigance Transition Skills Inventory Includes in-depth assessments of job-oriented, academic, and functional life skills in the context of employment, post-secondary education, and real-world situations. These assessments cover a broad range of skills: • Pre-employment • Career awareness • Job-seeking • Post-secondary opportunities • Housing • Food and clothing • Health • Travel & transportation • Community resources • Functional writing • Functional reading • Listening & speaking • Math • Money & finance • Technology

  38. PAES Program PAES operates in a simulated work environment. Students become employees; teachers become supervisors. Strict procedures are followed so students get the feel of real work, at the same time learn and explore new career vocational areas.

  39. Assessing Independent Living Skills Comprehensive Informal Inventory of Knowledge and Skills for Transition Ansell-Casey Life Skills Inventory Functional Independence Skills Handbook (FISH) Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children (COACH) Leisure Diagnostic Battery AIR Self-Determination Scale. Arc Self-Determination Scale

  40. Communication Assessments • Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats • Tangible Symbol System • Design to Learn: An Environmental Inventory • All Kids Communicate • Social Networks: A Communication inventory • Home Talk: a Family Assessment of Children who are Deafblind • Behavior Indication Assessment Scale (BIAS) • Inventory of Potential Communicative Acts (IPCA) • All Kids Communicate

  41. Three Basic Questions • Transition assessment should answer three basic questions: • Where is the student presently? • Where is the student going? • How does the student get there?

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