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Camp David accords

By. Ethan Wray. Camp David accords. Background. Middle East has long been the site of many conflicts. Crusades, Iraq Wars, Arab Israeli Conflicts, etc. Negations. Tried to resolve violence in Middle East Hoped to end state of war between Egypt and Israel Signed March 26, 1979.

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Camp David accords

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By. Ethan Wray Camp David accords

  2. Background • Middle East has long been the site of many conflicts. • Crusades, Iraq Wars, Arab Israeli Conflicts, etc

  3. Negations • Tried to resolve violence in Middle East • Hoped to end state of war between Egypt and Israel • Signed March 26, 1979 Sadat, Carter, and Begin

  4. Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat President of Arab Republic of Egypt

  5. Menachem Begin Prime Minister of Israel

  6. Jimmy CarterPresident of the United States

  7. Terms of Agreement • Israeli soldiers and settlers had to leave Sinai Peninsula • Restore control of Sinai to Egypt • Establish autonomous (self governing) regime in Gaza Strip and West Bank • However this was later interpreted differently by all parties

  8. After Math • Many Arab States denounced agreement. • Sinai transfer completed in 1982 • Virtually no progress made in Gaza and West Bank till 1990

  9. Problems • Palestine Arab leaders refused to attend Egypt/Israel peace talks • United States rejected UN resolution 242 because of Zionist movement and Israeli disapproval • Resolution 242 stated PLO would receive Palestine human rights

  10. Conclusion • Middle East temporarily experienced peace • Most people viewed Israel and Egypt with less respect and fear • Saddam Husain's Iraq eventually filled the void for Middle Eastern super power

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