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Chapter 2 Probability, Statistics and Flow Theory. 曾志成 國立宜蘭大學 電機工程學系 tsengcc@niu.edu.tw. Introduction. Several factors influence the performance of wireless systems Density of mobile users Cell size Moving direction and speed of users (Mobility models) Call rate, call duration
Chapter 2Probability, Statistics and Flow Theory 曾志成 國立宜蘭大學 電機工程學系 tsengcc@niu.edu.tw EE of NIU
Introduction • Several factors influence the performance of wireless systems • Density of mobile users • Cell size • Moving direction and speed of users (Mobility models) • Call rate, call duration • Interference, etc. • Probability, statistics theory and traffic patterns, help make these factors tractable EE of NIU
Random Variables (RV) • If S is the sample space of a random experiment, then a RV X is a function that assigns a real number X(s) to each outcomes that belongs to S. • RVs have two types • Discrete RVs:probability mass function, pmf. • Continuous RVs:probability density function, pdf. EE of NIU
Discrete Random Variables (1) • A discrete RV is used to represent a finite or countable infinite number of possible values. • E.g., throw a 6-sided dice and calculate the probability of a particular number appearing. Probability 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 Number 2 5 6 3 4 1 EE of NIU
Discrete Random Variables (2) • For a discrete RV X, the pmfp(k) of X is the probability that the RV X is equal to k and is defined below: p(k)= P(X = k),for k = 0, 1, 2, ... • It must satisfy the following conditions • 0 p(k)1, for every k • p(k) =1, for all k EE of NIU
Continuous Random Variables • The pdffX(x) of a continuous RV X is a nonnegative valued function defined on the whole set of real numbers (-∞, ∞) such that for any subset S (-∞, ∞) where x is simply a variable in the integral. • It must satisfy following conditions • fX(x) 0, for all x; EE of NIU
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) • The CDFof a RV is represented by P(k)(or FX(x)), indicating the probability that the RV X is less than or equal to k (or x). • For discrete RV • For continuous RV EE of NIU
fX(x) CDF Area x Probability Density Function (pdf) • The pdffX(x) of a continuous RV X is the derivative of the CDF FX(x): EE of NIU
Discrete RV --- Expected Value • The expected value or mean value of a discrete RV X • The expected value of the function g(X) of discrete RV Xis the mean of another RV Y that assumes the values of g(X) according to the probability distribution of X EE of NIU
Discrete RV --- nth Moment • The n-th moment • The first moment of X is simply the expected value. EE of NIU
Discrete RV --- nth Central Moment • The nth central moment is the moment about the mean value • The first central moment is equal to 0. EE of NIU
Discrete RV --- Variance • The varianceor the 2nd central moment where s is called the standard deviation EE of NIU
Continuous RV --- Expected Value • Expected value or mean value • The expected value of the function g(X) of a continuous RV Xis the mean of another RV Y that assumes the values of g(X) according to the prob. distribution of X EE of NIU
Continuous RV --- nth Moment, nth Central Moment and Variance • The nth moment • The nth central moment • Variance or the 2nd central moment EE of NIU
Distributions of Discrete RVs (1) • Poisson distribution • A Poisson RV is a measure of the number of events that occur in a certain time interval. • The probability distribution of having k events is k=0,1,2,…, and >0 • E[X]=l • Var(X)=l http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution EE of NIU
Distributions of Discrete RVs (2) • Geometric distribution • A geometric RV indicate the number of trials required to obtain the first success. • The probability distribution of a geometric RV Xis • p is the probability of success • E[X]=1/p • Var(X)=(1-p)/p2 • The only discrete RV with the memoryless property. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_distribution EE of NIU
Distributions of Discrete RVs (3) • Binomial distribution • A binomial RV represents the presence of k, and only k, out of n items and is the number of successes in a series of trials. k=0, 1, 2, …, n, n=0, 1, 2,… • p is a success prob., and • E[X]=np • Var(X)=np(1-p) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution EE of NIU
Distributions of Discrete RVs (4) • When n is large and p is small, the binomial distribution approaches to the Poisson distribution with the parameter given by l = np EE of NIU
Distributions of Continuous RVs (1) • Normal distribution • The pdf of the normal RV X is • The CDF can be obtained by EE of NIU
Distributions of Continuous RVs (2) • In general • X~N(m,s2) is used to represent the RV Xas a normal RVwith the mean and variance m and s2 respectively. • The case when m=0and s= 1 is called the standard normal distribution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution EE of NIU
Distributions of Continuous RVs (3) • Uniform Distribution • The values of a uniform RV are uniformly distributed over an interval. • pdf of a uniform distributed RV X is • CDF of a uniform distributed RV Xis • E[X]=(a+b)/2and Var(X)=(b-a)2/12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_distribution EE of NIU
Distributions of Continuous RVs (4) • Exponential distribution • Generally used to describe the time interval between two consecutive events • pdf is • CDF is • lis the average rate. • E[X]=1/l • Var(X)=1/l2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_distribution EE of NIU
Multiple RVs (1) • In some cases, the result of one random experiment is dictated by the values of several RVs, where these values may also affect each other. • A joint pmf of the discrete RVs X1, X2, …, Xnis and represents the prob. that X1=x1, X2 = x2, …, Xn = xn. EE of NIU
Multiple RVs (2) • joint CDF • joint pdf EE of NIU
Conditional Probability • A conditional prob. is the prob. that X1=x1 given X2=x2, …, Xn=xn • For discrete RVs • For continuous RVs EE of NIU
Bayes’ Theorem • P(Ai│B) (read as:the prob. of B, given Ai)is • P(Ai) and P(B) are the unconditional probabilities of Ai and B. EE of NIU
Stochastically Independence (or Independence) • Two events are independent if one may occur irrespective of the other. • A finite set of events is mutually independentif and only if (iff)every event is independent of any intersection of the other events. • If the RVs X1, X2,…, Xnare mutually independent • Discrete RVs • Continuous RVs EE of NIU
Important Properties (1) • Sum property of the expected value • Expected value of the sum of RVs X1, X2, …, Xn • Product property of the expected value • Expected value of product of independent RVs EE of NIU
Important Properties (2) • Sum property of the variance • Variance of the sum of RVs X1, X2,…, Xnis • Cov[Xi,Xj] is the covariance of RVs Xi and Xj • If Xi and Xj are indep., • Cov[Xi,Xj]=0 for i≠j EE of NIU
Central Limit Theorem • Whenever a random sample(X1, X2,…, Xn) of size n is taken from any distribution with expected value E[Xi] =mand varianceVar(Xi)=s2where i = 1, 2, …, n, then their arithmetic mean (or sample mean) is defined by • The sample mean is approximated to a normal distribution with E[Sn] =mand Var(Sn)=s2/n • The larger the value of the sample size n, the better the approximation to the normal EE of NIU
Poisson Arrival Model • A Poisson processis a sequence of events randomly spaced in time. • For a time interval [0,t],the probability of n arrivals in t units of time is • The rate lof a Poisson process is the average number of events per unit of time (over a long time). • The number of arrivals in any two disjoint intervals are independent. EE of NIU
Interarrival Times of Poisson Process • Interarrival times of a Poisson process • We pick an arbitrary starting point t0 in time. Let T1 be the time until the next arrival. We have P(T1>t)=P0(t)=e-t. • The CDF of T1 is (t)=P(T1≤ t)=1-e-t • The pdf of T1 is (t)=e-t. • Therefore, T1 has an exponential distribution with mean rate . EE of NIU
Exponential Distribution • Similarly, • T2 is the time between first and second arrivals • T3 as the time between the second and third arrivals • T4 as the time between the third and fourth arrivals and so on. • The random variables T1, T2, T3,… are called the interarrival times of the Poisson process. • T1, T2, T3,… are mutually independent and each has the exponential distribution with mean arrival rate . EE of NIU
Memoryless and Merging Properties • Memoryless property • A random variable X is said to be memoryless if • The exponential/geometric distribution is the only continuous/discrete RV with the memoryless property. • Merging property • If we merge n Poisson processes with distributions for the interarrival times where i = 1, 2,…, n into one single process, then the result is a Poisson process for which the interarrival times have the distribution 1-e-t with mean =1+2+…+n. EE of NIU
Basic Queuing Systems • What is queuing theory? • Queuing theory is the study of queues (sometimes called waiting lines). • It can be used to describe real world queues, or more abstract queues, found in many branches of computer science, such as operating systems. • Queuing theory can be divided into 3 sections • Traffic flow • Scheduling • Facility design and employee allocation EE of NIU
Kendall’s Notation (1) • D. G. Kendall in 1951 proposed a standard notation A/B/C/D/E for classifying queuing systems into different types. EE of NIU
Kendall’s Notation (2) • A and B can take any of the following distributions types EE of NIU
Little’s Law • Assuming a queuing environment to be operated in a steady state where all initial transients have vanished, the key parameters characterizing the system are • l─ the mean steady-state customer arrival rate • N ─ the average no. of customers in the system • T ─ the mean time spent by each customer in the system (time spent in the queue plus the service time) • Little’s law: N = lT EE of NIU
Markov Process • A Markov process is one in which the next state of the process depends only on the present state, irrespective of any previous states taken by the process. • The knowledge of the current state and the transition probabilities from this state allows us to predict the next state. • A Markov chain is a discrete state Markov process. EE of NIU
Birth-Death Process (1) • Special type of Markov process • If the population (or jobs) in the queue has n, • birth of another entity (arrival of another job) causes the state to change to n+1. • a death (a job removed from the queue for service) would cause the state to change to n-1. • Any state transitions can be made only to one of the two neighboring states. EE of NIU
0 1 2 n-2 n-1 n n+1 …… … 0 1 2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n n+1 1 2 3 n-1 Birth-Death Process (2) • The state transition diagram of the continuous birth-death process P(n-1) P(n) P(n+1) P(0) P(1) P(2) P(i) is the steady state probability in state i. EE of NIU
Birth-Death Process (3) • In state n, we have • P(i) is the steady state prob. of the state i. • li (i=0, 1, 2, …)is the average arrival rate in the state i. • mi (i=0, 1, 2, …) is the average service rate in the state i. EE of NIU
Birth-Death Process (4) • For state 0, • For state 1, • For state n, EE of NIU
M/M/1/∞ Queuing System (1) • M/M/1/∞ = M/M/1/∞/∞ = M/M/1 • When a customer arrives in this system, it will be served if the server is free, otherwise the customer is queued. • In this system, customers arrive according to a Poisson distribution and compete for the service in a FIFO (first-in-first-out) manner. • Service times are independent identically distributed (iid) random variables, the common distribution being exponential. EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (2) • The M/M/1queuing model • The state transition diagram of the M/M/1queuing system Server Queue System P(i-1) P(i) P(i+1) P(2) P(0) P(1) …… … 0 1 2 i-1 i i+1 EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (3) • The equilibrium state equations are given by • So, r =l/m is the flow intensity andr< 1 EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (4) • The normalized condition is given by • Since, • Therefore, EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (5) • The average number of customers in the system is given by Typo in Eq. (2.64) EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (6) • By using the Little’s Law, the average dwell time (or system time) of customers is EE of NIU
M/M/1 Queuing System (7) • The average queue length EE of NIU