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ego. I. Hostis, hostis m. enemy. Ius, iuris n. law. Mater, matris f. mother. Miles, militis m. soldier. Mors, mortis f. death. Mulier, mulieris f. woman. Nomen, nominis n. name. Omnis, omne. all. Opes, opis. wealth. Ordo, ordinis. order. Pars, partis f.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ego I

  2. Hostis, hostis m. enemy

  3. Ius, iuris n. law

  4. Mater, matris f. mother

  5. Miles, militis m. soldier

  6. Mors, mortis f. death

  7. Mulier, mulieris f. woman

  8. Nomen, nominis n. name

  9. Omnis, omne all

  10. Opes, opis wealth

  11. Ordo, ordinis order

  12. Pars, partis f. part

  13. Pater, patris m. father

  14. Potestas, potestatis f. power

  15. Qualis, quale What kind

  16. Rex, regis m. king

  17. Similis, simile Like, similar

  18. Sol, solis sun

  19. Talis, tale such

  20. Tempus, temporis n. time

  21. Urbs, urbis f. city

  22. Uxor, uxoris f. wife

  23. Virtus, virtutis f. Courage, manhood

  24. Vis, vis f. Force, violence

  25. Vulnus, vulneris n. wound

  26. Domus, domus House, home

  27. Dies, diei f/m day

  28. Fides, fidei f. Faith, loyalty

  29. Res, rei f. Thing, affair, event

  30. hic this

  31. idem The same

  32. ipse -self

  33. is This, that, he, she, it

  34. iste The same, that

  35. nemo No one

  36. nihil nothing

  37. nos Us, we

  38. qui who

  39. quidam certain

  40. quis who

  41. quisque anyone

  42. se -self

  43. tu you

  44. vos You all

  45. ac and

  46. atque And so

  47. an whether

  48. aut or

  49. autem however

  50. cum With, when, because, since, although

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