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Lattice QCD Data Grid Middleware: status report

Lattice QCD Data Grid Middleware: status report. M. Sato, CCS, University of Tsukuba ILDG 6 , May, 12, 2005. Status at ILDG 5. Design of MDC interface in WSDL Using Axis (an apache project) to generate interface A prototype implementation of WS by Axis Demo info page

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Lattice QCD Data Grid Middleware: status report

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  1. Lattice QCD Data Grid Middleware:status report M. Sato, CCS, University of Tsukuba ILDG6, May, 12, 2005

  2. Status at ILDG 5 • Design of MDC interface in WSDL • Using Axis (an apache project) to generate interface • A prototype implementation of WS by Axis • Demo info page http://www.lqa.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/WS

  3. (Suggested) Changes in Interface for MDC • In previous spec, a query returns an array of GFNs of matched XML. • Eric and Chip suggested: • Query returns an array of (matched) XML itself in strings. • removes the overhead to store/retrieve from RC. • Question: • MetaData and Ensemble XML documents should have a GFN (or URI)? • EnsembleQueryResults • doEnsembleQuery(String queryFormat, /* ALL, Xpath, SQL, …*/ • String queryString, /* string for query */ • int startIndex, /* the start index to be returned */ • int maxResults); /* maximum # to be returned */ • class EnsembleQueryResults { • String Status; • String queryFormat; /* same as input */ • String queryString; /* same as input */ • int totalRresults; /* total number of matched ensemble */ • int startIndex; /* same as input */ • int numberOfGFNs; /* # of GFNs returned */ • String GFNs[]; /* the array of GFNs matched */ • String QueryTime; /* query time (optional) */ • } the array of matched XML in string

  4. A Use Case (previous) query (MDC) ensemble query service(MDC) doEnsembleQuery EnsembleQueryResults get the ensemble file using GFN by RC and TRUL GFN (RC) RC ensemble data TURL for ensemble XML and the file itself query (MDC) metadata query service doMetadataQuery MetadataQueryResults GFN (RC) get the metadata file using GFN by RC and TURL RC TRUL for metadata XML and the file itself metadata GFN RC configuration data get the configuration file using GFN and TURL configuration (binary?)

  5. A Use Case query (MDC) ensemble query service(MDC) doEnsembleQuery EnsembleQueryResults ensemble data get the ensemble XML documents matched XML in ensemble XML (which may contain GFN of Ensemble XML) query (MDC) metadata query service doMetadataQuery MetadataQueryResults metadata get the metadata XML documents matched XML in metadata XML (which may contain GFN of configuration data) GFN RC configuration data get the configuration file using GFN and TURL configuration (binary?)

  6. Plan • Convert our current configuration meta data into a new format to prepare a new MDC database. • split ensemble data from configuration metadata, etc,… • Documentation of the definitions of MDC interface (for single MDC) • Revise the implementation of our prototype • MDC interface (reflecting the change) • use other XML database (rather than Xindice?) • Simple temporary RC&SRM • Minimum set of interfaces, by just mapping GFN to URL • All data is on Disk in our site • Deploy SRM for testing

  7. Plan • Multiple MDCs • Directory service of MDCs (project info directory service) • Web browser interface for Multiple MDCs • CA issues • We will use certificates issued by NAREGI (National Grid Proj.) • Workshop Proposal: • 2nd Middleware WG Meeting in Japan • October? in 2005

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