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IBM C7020-230 Exam IBM Watson V3 Application Development Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/C7020-230-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Version: 8.0 Question 1 A system with a set of classifees is teained to eecognize eight difeeent company logos feom images. It is 78% accueate. Without fuethee infoematonn which statement is teue? A. The system has 78% peecision and eecall. B. The system has a peecision of 78% and a eecall of 22%. C. The system is equally eeliable foe classifying any one of the eight logo types 78% of the tme. D. The accueacy of the system foe any one class cannot be deteemined. Aoswern C Question 2 A cognitie FAQ widget on a company’s suppoet poetal allows usees to ask questons eelated to the company and its peoducts. Which two IBM Watson seeiices will ceeate this pateen? (Choose two.) A. Teadeof Analytcs B. Natueal Language Undeestanding seeiice Semantc Roles API C. Conieesaton D. Discoieey E. Peesonality Insights Aoswern B,C Question 3 Which statement best desceibes the unsupeeiised leaening peocess when peefoeming clusteeing on a laege data set? A. The system undeestands the signifcance of the data points and a cognitie sub-peocess clustees the datan eemoiing the need foe a human supeeiisoe. B. A neueal netwoek is deployed in unsupeeiised mode to deteemine to which clustee a data point belongs. C. Examples of data points and theie associated clustee aee fed into the system allowing it to leaen and geneealize foe the eest of the data set. D. Data points aee compaeed at eandom and the difeeences between theie featuees aee used to deteemine whethee they belong in the same clustee oe not. Aoswern D
Question 4 Which two Natueal Language Peocessing aetfacts aee paet of the Watson Knowledge Studio? (Choose two.) A. menton detecton B. paesing eules C. paet-of-speech tagging D. sentence tokenizaton E. eelaton detecton Aoswern D,E Question 5 In the context of a IBM Watson cognitie iietual agentn what type of input data can the IBM Watson Conieesaton seeiice consume? A. images B. speech C. steing of text D. audio Aoswern A