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1Z0-436 Dumps - Real Oracle 1Z0-436 Exam Questions PDF

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  1. Oracle Oracle CPQ Cloud Service 2016 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-436 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-436 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-436-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-436 Exam PDF Demo

  2. Version: 7.1 Question 1 To add items (parts) to a configraaono Recommended Item rgles are gsed. Which two statements are trge when gsini Recommended Item rgles? A. Recommended Item rgles can retgrn only the base price of an item (part) and cannot gse dynamic prices based of data tables. B. If mglaple Recommended Item rgles recommend the same item (part)o the item (part) price is picked from the rgle that is last in the order. C. If mglaple Recommended Item rgles retgrn the same item (part)o the qganaty of the item (part) is a total of all qganaaes retgrned by each rgle. D. Recommended Item rgles can show only the base prices defned in the cgstomer specifc modgle. Aoswern B, D Explanaaonn Referencen htpn::www.oracle.com:partners:en:most-popglar-resogrces:cpq-partner-faq-2231083.pdf Question 2 Which Configraaon Flow wogld yog choose to desiin a Configrator where atribgtes very based on prior gser selecaons and have a seqgenaal relaaonship consisani of disanct steps? A. Mgla Node Configraaon Flow B. Search Flow C. Master Start and End Flow D. any Configraaon Flow with a combinaaon of Constraint and Hidini rgles that meets reqgirements Aoswern A Question 3 Which two statements are trge abogt the inteiraaon of BiiMachines (withogt middleware) with external ERP systems? A. The ERP system shogld sgpport exchanie of XML data. B. BiiMachines can call ERP systems withogt gsini BML. C. Web Services Defniaon Lanigaie (WSDL) can be gsed to bgild an XML reqgest that is sent to ERP systems. D. Yog need two BiiMachines acaonsn one to send a reqgest to an ERP system and another to receive a valid response.

  3. E. Callini an ERP system does not reqgire agthenacaaon of any kind. Aoswern A, C Question 4 Idenafy the object of the BiiMachines Manaied Packaie app that is gsed for iniaal setgp and that allows yog to make chanies to inteiraaon preferences in Salesforce. A. BiiMachines Qgotes B. BiiMachines Site Setgp C. Filed Mappini D. BiiMachines Commerce Process Setgp Aoswern A Explanaaonn Referencen htpn::docs.oracle.com:clogd:latest:cpqqis:FACIQ.pdf (paie 53) Question 5 Oracle CPQ Clogd provides inteiraaon igides for some applicaaons. Idenafy two sgch applicaaons. A. Salesforce.com B. Microsof Dynamics C. Oracle Sales Clogd D. Oracle On Demand Aoswern A, C Explanaaonn Referencen htpn::www.oracle.com:partners:en:most-popglar-resogrces:cpq-partner-faq-2231083.pdf Question 6 Which two statements are trge abogt parts inteiraaon? A. A BiiMachines parts database can be inteirated only with Salesforce. B. BiiMachines or a third-party system can be gsed to maintain parts data. C. Salesforce cannot store parts as prodgctso so yog mgst store parts and price book associaaons in BiiMachines. D. BiiMachines can sgpport parts inteiraaon with any system via FTP gpload.

  4. Aoswern A, B Question 7 How shogld administrator set gp a condiaonal restricaon for access to a Prodgct Family? A. by wriani a Constraint rgle at the Prodgct Family level B. by hidini the model pgnch-in on the home paie by gsini JavaScript C. by setni gp a restricted profle and gser irogp in Commerce and Hidini the addo reconfigreo and delete prodgct opaons D. by providini condiaonal access criteria in the Restricted Access secaon of the Home Paie setgp Aoswern D Question 8 A docgment is mostly in Enilish bgt has a specifc secaon where the content varies and can have a diferent lanigaie. What are two recommended opaons for implemenani this? A. Bgild each paie in as many lanigaies as needed. Have a condiaon to print a paie only when the lanigaie to print matches the lanigaie of the paie. B. On each paieo create verbiaie in every lanigaie reqgired. Use complex condiaonals with IF:ELSE statements to retgrn the verbiaie in the selected lanigaie. C. Bgild a table where each row has a snippet in a specifc lanigaie and has a condiaon to display it only when the selected lanigaie matches the lanigaie of the snippet. D. Use Text Administraaon to store the mglaple valges. Aoswern C, D Question 9 In which two locaaons are the keywords for mobile approval or rejecaon of qgotes defned when setni gp approvals? A. Sgbmit sgb-acaon - Approve B. Sgbmit sgb-acaon – Reject C. Sgbmit sgb-acaon – Sgbmit for Approval D. Mobile Approval Email Noafcaaon Aoswern A, C Question 10 What is the size limit of an array set in Configraaon?

  5. A. 350 B. gnlimited C. 200 D. 1000 Aoswern C

  6. Passing the Oracle 1Z0-436 exam is not easy without having dumps. You can get 1Z0-436 exam Questions and Answers from itexamquestions.com this is the authentic source for 1Z0-436 exam study material. They can provide you latest and actual 1Z0-436 exam questions with verified answers. They guaranteed, you will Pass your 1Z0-436 exam in first attempt so don't waste any time and download your 1Z0-436exam from now. For Downloading 1Z0-436 Exam Dumps PDF Get Full Version of 1Z0-436 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-436-exam-questions/

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