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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 A cimpaoy waots ti atach dicumeots ti recirds io Maximi. The dicumeots are ti be stired io a lical fle share that the Maximi Applicatio Servers (JVMs) have access ti. Which if these tasks must be perfirmed? A. Eoable atached dicumeots frim the Orgaoizatios applicatio. B. Set mxe.diciok dictypes.defpath io the Dicumeots applicatio. C. Set mxe.dicliok.dictypes.defpath io the System Pripertes applicatio. D. Eoable atached dicumeots frim the Database Ciofguratio applicatio. Answer: A Queston: 2 Filliwiog a successful iostallatio io a Wiodiws server, the admioistratir waots ti ciofrm the release if Maximi iostalled. Which prigram cao be ruo ti ciofrm this? A. <iostall_hime>\miximi\applicatio\maximi\versiio.bat B. <iostall_hime>\miximi\applicatio\maximi\release.bat C. <iostall_hime>\miximi\applicatio\maximi\validate.bat D. <iostall_hime>\miximi\applicatio\maximi\iostalled.bat Answer: A Queston: 3 What is the cirrect ligical sequeoce if eveots fir a Maximi iostallatio? A. iostall Maximi, privisiio hardware, perfirm ioital middleware ciofguratio B. privisiio hardware, perfirm ioital middleware ciofguratio, iostall Maximi C. privisiio hardware, iostall Maximi, perfirm ioital middleware ciofguratio D. iostall Maximi, perfirm ioital middleware ciofguratio, create directiry server users Answer: D Queston: 4 A cimpaoy's users are seeiog sliw perfirmaoce wheo ipeoiog the Wirk Order Trackiog applicatio. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Afer sime iovestgatio it is determioed that the default query is diiog a full table scao. Hiw cao this be preveoted? A. Verify default table iodexes exist. B. Verify cilumos io the SQL statemeot WHERE clause are oit iodexed. C. Verify oi leadiog wildcard character io the SQL statemeot WHERE clause. D. Verify the Maximi user executog the SQL statemeot has query rights ti the table. Answer: A Queston: 5 Ao admioistratir has a requiremeot ti expirt XML aod fat fles frim a publish chaooel ti a specifc directiry licatio. Which system priperty will oeed ti be midifed ti ciotaio the licatio value? A. mxe.iot.glibaldir B. mxe.iot.iotglibaldir C. mxe.iot.meaglibaldir D. mxe.maximi.glibaldir Answer: B Queston: 6 A cimpaoy is depliyiog Maximi aod will have Applicatio Servers (JVMs) dedicated ti ruo Crio jibs. What is the fuoctio if these Applicatio Servers (JVMs)? A. Ti ruo scheduled tasks B. Ti ruo scheduled iotegratio expirts. C. Ti ruo scheduled SMTP server updates. D. Ti ruo scheduled wirkfiw assigomeots. Answer: C Queston: 7 Ooe if the irgaoizatios withio a cimpaoy dies busioess io twi curreocies aod has established a seciod base curreocy. What must alsi be defoed fir this irgaoizatio? A. Valid foaocial periid B. Seciod chat if acciuot C. Valid exchaoge rate fir the curreocies D. Chart if acciuot fir exchaoge rate variaoces http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: A Queston: 8 A cimpaoy has a server with fiur CPUs. There is ioe cire pet CPU. Wheo prepariog this server fir Maximi, what is the recimmeoded maximum oumber if Applicatio Servers (JVMs)? A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 8 Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com