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Jesus, Miracles, and Faith. Pastor Zac Nazarian. John’s gospel is predominantly the gospel of _____. John’s gospel is predominantly the gospel of belief .
Jesus, Miracles, and Faith Pastor ZacNazarian
John 20:31But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, andthat by believing you mayhave life in His name.
It is through believing inJesus that peoplebecome children of God.
John 1:12Yet to all who received Him,to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God –
It is through believing inJesus that peoplebecome children of God.
John 3:15“that everyone who believesin Him may have eternal life.
John 3:16For God so loved the worldthat He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believesin Him shall not perishbut have eternal life.”
John 3:16For God so loved the worldthat He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believesin Him shall not perishbut have eternal life.”
John 3:18bbut whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believedin the name of God’sone and only Son.”
Through believing in Jesus people can partake in the resurrection of life.
John 11:25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Hewho believes in Me willlive, even though he dies;”
Through believing in Jesus people can partake in the resurrection of life.
Through believing in Jesus people can possess the indwelling Holy Spirit.
John 7:38“Whoever believes in Me,as the Scripture has said,streams of living waterwill flow from within him.”
John 7:39aBy this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believedin Him were later to receive.
Through believing in Jesus people can possess the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Through believing in Jesus people are delivered from spiritual darkness.
John 12:46“I have come into the worldas a light, so that no onewho believes in Meshould stay in darkness.”
Through believing in Jesus people are delivered from spiritual darkness.
Through believing in Jesus people are empowered for spiritual service.
John 14:12a“I tell you the truth, anyonewho has faith in Me willdo what I have been doing.
John 14:12bHe will do even greater things than these, becauseI am going to the Father.”
Through believing in Jesus people are empowered for spiritual service.
John 6:28Then they asked Him, “Whatmust we do to do theworks God requires?”
John 6:29Jesus answered, “The workof God is this: To believein the One He has sent.”
The tragic reality is thatmost people simply refuseto believe in Jesus Christ.
Matthew 7:13“Enter through the narrowgate. For wide is the gateand broad is the road thatleads to destruction, andmany enter through it.
Matthew 7:14But small is the gate andnarrow the road that leadsto life, and only a few find it.”
The tragic reality is thatmost people simply refuseto believe in Jesus Christ.
John 4:3When the Lord learned of this,He left Judea and wentback once more to Galilee.
Acts 1:8a“But you will receivepower when theHoly Spirit comes on you;
Acts 1:8band you will be My witnessesin Jerusalem, and in allJudea and Samaria, andto the ends of the earth.”
John 4:44(Now Jesus Himself hadpointed out that a prophethas no honor in hisown country).
John 2:18Then the Jews demanded ofHim, “What miraculous signcan You show us to proveYour authority to do all this?”